Thursday, January 01, 2009


November 10, 2008

Hey, Republicans, so you lost a few places in the big house, quit acting like a bunch of rednecks at a Texas ball game. Sometimes it’s not about who won or lost, it’s how you play the game. Good sportsmanship is the best way to play. When you play down and dirty, which the majority of you did, you eventually lose. It might take awhile, but the people will see through you. Our government is not a ball game of one side against the other. You all have a job to do and it is to work together for the good of all the people and the country, not the party. Didn’t your parents teach you to share? You politicians requested to be elected for your job and you promised to work for all the people, not just republicans. It is a shared responsibility, not just for one side.

Goody, goody, I note the “Repugnants” Gingrich, Gramm, Armey and DeLay are putting in their two cents worth on bringing the party back into power with the help of “Bush in a skirt” Palin. That’s all this country needs is another loud mouth governor from a big state with an eye on the top slot.

Shotgun Granny

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