Sunday, January 25, 2009

Let's Not Forget

January 10, 2009

Let’s not forget who and what got our country into this terrible mess we now find ourselves. It was not Barack Obama. He is going to inherit it. As I watch many of the politicians that he will have to work with on both sides of the fence, he will find it hard to be cordial and smile. So many people wanted to be and many aspire to be President, but this is a time that no one should want the job. I believe the people who voted for Barack Obama made a good choice.

His heart and mind is on the right tract. Now if we could switch to a dictatorship for a little while and get rid of the politicians that are going to fight him every step of the way until he has a chance to change for the good, as most of the guys who are supposed to be working for we the citizens will not be of much help to him, if his ideas are different than theirs.

There are not enough good truly honest politicians that he has to work with to help him change the way things have become. If the people in every state keeps an eye on the people they sent to Washington to represent them and notice whether they are trying to help get this country out of the hole we are in, instead of doing their on thing, they can make some changes in 2010.

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