Sunday, January 25, 2009

Corrupt Politicians

Corrupt Politicians:

All politicians ask to be elected and they promise to do good things for all the citizens. They are put there by a few of their wealthy friends and the large corporations. These people are not necessarily in their own state. They do the bidding of their friends and the corporations. They have to have our votes or they wouldn’t get enough votes to get into office. So fools that we are, we believe them. I take that back, I don’t believe them. When you live to be older than dirt, you learn a few things. Politicians lie, cheat, steal and live off the taxpayers. They constantly gripe about poor people living off welfare, which is also taxpayer money, and I had rather help the poor. Politicians steal more than it takes to take care of the poor, plus they get all the extras from lobbyist.

If you want to see how many politicians really want to work for the ordinary citizen, make the following changes:
1. No raises for any politician until we get rid of the deficit, even if it takes 10 years.
2. No payment to any pension plan for the same reason.
3. Cut all healthcare benefits for politicians, until we have a healthcare system for all the people that poor people can afford. Politicians salaries are large enough for them to pay their own health insurance premiums.
4. Any politician that associates or is involved with lobbyist and accepts money from lobbyist (this is bribery and considered a crime) Should have their pensions removed and returned to the treasury.
5. Any politician that has been convicted of fraud and corruption, should not be paid a pension and never be able to vote again.When these five (5) things are done, and they should be made a law, to be voted on by all the citizens, not politicians, you would really see how many want to stay and work for we the citizens, when they can’t feather their nest with money under the table. I say NONE.

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