Thursday, January 08, 2009

Corrupt State Goverment

Corrupt States:

I heard this young man in Chicago on CNN, say Illinois was the most corrupt state in the US. He hasn’t been around very long. He needs to check out some of our other states. No one can beat Texas for being corrupt. At one time it was New York. Actually they all are. Power and greed corrupts most people. In every facet of business and government, where money is easy to come by, you will find people with no integrity or ethics and they do not have an honest bone in their body. Actually, if you really look at Illinois, they catch most of their crooked politicians. Note all the ones in the hoosegow. Of course there are a lot that are not caught. But all in all they do a better job of putting them away than other states. Other states protect their crooked politicians, hoping they can get something out of it on down the line. I think it’s called honor among thieves.

Actually it is a disease. In the beginning we might have had some honest politicians. It really began when many of our citizens who became wealthy and had large businesses wanted to control everything around them. You put all of the wealthy names out, down through the years who wanted control and they went right to the source, the politicians who they got elected, so that they could go to them and get any law that they didn’t like changed. They picked the people for politicians, that they knew had the weakness for avarice (insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth). The citizens have always known this, but we have continued to put up with it and were delighted when many of them overstepped the boundary and were caught. We the citizens have never had the know-how to put a stop to it. You can report it, tell it to the newspapers, other politicians, who you thought you could trust, try to sue, but that gets you no where. Money talks and if you don’t have the money, you can’t talk.

Our Judicial system has been politicalized and shot to hell. The very people that are supposed to be above politics are not. The do nearly what every big shot or affluent politician wants. In every state in the union, you see the Governors, politicians, judges and large legal firms cow-towing to all the large corporations.

In Texas after oil was discovered we have had all the big oil men who became filthy rich. They bought and sold politicians like slaves in the south. Not only in Texas, but, all over the country and still do. Practically all the politicians in Texas owe favors to the large corporations. They are paid under the table and nothing is reported. Employees who might be honest can’t report anything they know is going on that is corrupt, as they will get fired and made fools of. Most who do blow the whistle on them, wind up in court and get no where. The little citizens of Texas get screwed at every turn by the government. Any agency that is controlled by the state is corrupt. It is the same in all states.

Where the mistake was made, was electing them at their request, with their promise that they were going to do good things for the citizens. They are paid a big salary, with all the benefits, healthcare, travel expenses, and large pensions. Once they get into office, they forget their promises to work for us. They work for themselves and get paid under the table by lobbyist who work for large corporations. They take bribes, money and gifts. If they get caught and are convicted and go to jail, we still pay their pensions and healthcare for the rest of their life. I’ll bet they can still vote after they have been in prison. None of our small criminals who go to jail for theft or any other reason gets to ever vote again.

We should make a new rule. Make a real strict ethics law for all politicians, state and federal. Any politician that is even suspected of doing anything wrong, forfeits his healthcare and his pension returned to the treasury. If that doesn’t straighten them up I don’t know what will. After all it is the taxpayers money that is supporting them. We the people have a right to ask for this. This should apply retroactive to all the ones that have already been caught. We also need to have more strong oversight into all facets of the government. I’m older than dirt and we have too many old people in government that have lived off our taxes all their lives. But they gripe like hell because we have really poor people on welfare. Politicians steal more than we pay out in welfare. There should be a 20 year term limit on all politicians. If they haven’t proved to have done a good job in that time, they never will. Anyone who goes to work as a lobbyist, should forfeit their pensions. No lobbyist should be allowed in the halls of congress, period. No more earmarks added to any bills that are passed. We have too much fraud in government and this is one of the reasons our country is going down the drain. Somebody has to stop it now. I hope President-Elect Obama will.

Shotgun Granny

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