Thursday, January 01, 2009

Did not Vote for Obama

November 10, 2008

The question someone asked: What should President Obama do about people that did not vote for him, to win them over or change them to help do what is good for the country and it’s people? I say nothing, just treat all people the same, as President for all the people. The people who are against his Presidency, will never change, even if he does everything just right and accomplishes all the things on his agenda that he wants for all the people and does a great job of it; these people will never admit it, nor will they congratulate him. Even if it is good for them and the country.

People of this type have a different agenda. Republicans, they work strictly for the party and themselves in lieu of all the people. Greed! What’s in it for me and my friends. I’ve watched the way they have voted for years, it’s always thumbs down on anything that helped the poor, middle class and anyone different than themselves. Anything that did pass after much push and shove, they resented, like it came out of their pocket.

The rest are the bigoted racial and religiously prejudiced group of people that have a mindset that has been handed down, generation after generation in their families and friends. I feel sorry for these people. They have had over a century to see all the changes needed, but will never change or join the real world.

Shotgun Granny

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