Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Enemy Within

The Enemy Within:

With all the spying going on in our country why was all the thievery overlooked that has brought our country to its knees? The enemy was within, not in other countries and it wasn’t the terrorist, it was our government.. All our electronic surveillance has gone for naught. But I think the people in charge knew what was going on and protected the people of their own ilk.

All the changes needed and brought to the attention of our politicians were overlooked. No one in charge wanted to regulate what was going on the financial world. They just wanted to continue getting their large salaries from the taxpayers and their friends to keep getting rich. They did, now we have to bail them out with the taxpayers money. Actually they are all a bunch of slimy thieves. Why is it that we have prisons full of people who have stolen less than what these thieves make in an hour??? I’ll bet you a dollar to a doughnut that none of them will ever be prosecuted and spend a day in jail.

All of their bank accounts and properties should be ceased. Every politician and government employee that knew or suspected that this was an on going, and was funneled money under the table should go to prison and all their pensions stopped, with the money returned to the treasury. The very idea that any of these people be given a bonus or a golden parachute is revolting. Remember the Bonus Army after World War one. They were promised one dollar a day for every day in service and one dollar and twenty-five cents for every day over-seas. Our government delayed and delayed, congress didn’t pass it. A group of veterans went to Washington and waited and waited, it didn’t pass. They stayed and waited. Finally the president ordered them removed, so they “great officers, MacArthur, Eisenhower and Patton, took the big guns and ran them off. Killing many of them. They deserved their bonus and much more. One reason I’m not patriotic. These bunch of thieves and politicians need to be sent to prison for the rest of their lives. They are worse than any enemy combatants we now have in prison. (At least they were fighting for something they believed in, be it right or wrong).

This bunch of thieves were American citizens stealing and harming other American citizens. Our Judicial system has been shot to hell. Laws are made, but not for everyone alike. It’s how rich you are and who you know, then you can get out of anything. I have watched this proven time and time again. I quote again what my husband said on March 20, 1994, “The worst enemy that the people of any country has, is its government and leaders”.

Shotgun Granny

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