Sunday, January 25, 2009

Congress Protocol

Volume 1 Issue 35

Congress Protocol:

On January 8, 2009 I watched C-Span as members were called in by Vice-President Cheney and Speaker Pelosi, to have all the states electoral votes read. They were all milling around shaking hands and patting each other on the back. They acted like they were at the local country, chatting, all they needed was a cocktail in their hand. It took forever for everyone to come in and get settled down to go through the motion of reading the numbers by different people for each state and then doing the tally. What a waste of time. Everyone in the whole United States already knew the numbers. I don’t want my taxes paying for crap like this. Those jerks are being paid for PROTOCOL!. They get paid too much for what little they do.

Every time the politicians get together for anything on the floor, it is the same thing. Handshaking, back patting, hugs, milling around chatting, instead of getting down to business. When they do, they wind up making speech’s and/or harangue-arguing for their side, never really making any headway. Then they take votes and if the tally doesn’t suit one side or the other, they want a yea or nay count. If it still doesn’t suite either side, back to more arguments, then back to voting again.

These people know what bills they are going to the floor to vote on and they are supposed to be intelligent enough to know how they want to vote before they get there, without having to listen to each other mouth off and try to change each others mind. I’m sure they get a copy of the bill to read. They should have read it and decided how they want to vote. Just go in and push your electronic yes or no button, then get on with other business. If there are more yes votes, send it on to the President, he might pass it. If there are more no votes, it’s not meant to be. Probably had a lot of earmarks in it anyway. It is time to stop the waste of time and money.

We need to make the following changes in Washington in regard to our politicians.
1. No raises for any politician until we get rid of the deficit, even if it takes 10 years.
2. No payment to any pension plans for the same reason.
3. Cut all healthcare plans for politicians, until we have a healthcare system for all people. Politicians salaries are large enough for them to pay for their on health insurance.
4. Any politician that associates or is involved with lobbyist and accepts money from lobbyist should have their pensions removed and returned to the treasury.
5. Any politician that has been convicted of fraud and corruption and has been sentenced should not be paid a pension and never be able to vote again,
When these 5 things are done, you will see which politicians want to stay and work for the people and not just themselves to line their pockets.

The majority of politicians who are in Washington are there due to wealthy friends and corporations, to do their bidding, not to help the majority of the citizens. They talk a good game and convince everyone that the reason they request to be elected is to help the citizens and better our country. It is a lie. I have watched them for 60 years. In fact the only honest republican I have seen in Washington is Ron Paul. One out of how many in all the years? They have the gift of gab and try to make you think they are doing good things. I have watched how the majority of them vote and if they vote yes on something that might be good for the citizens of their state, you can be damn sure it has a lot of earmarks in it that their wealthy friends and the big corporations want.

On March 20, 1994, my husband, now deceased said, “The worst enemy of any country is it’s government and it’s leaders”. I have found this to be true.

I sincerely hope, and I have felt like the promises President-elect Barack Obama made, that he will do everything in his power to make them come true. I know that he is going into the bottom of the hog pen that has been left to him, along with some of the most corrupt, greedy politicians and corporate leaders that this nation has ever seen. I think he has the courage and integrity to stand above all this. The one that is leaving did not. He and his friends were all involved and carried our country down the sewer.

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