Sunday, January 25, 2009

Democrats and Guns

September 5, 2008

Democrats and Guns:

Where did the Republicans get the idea that we don’t like guns? More propaganda. I have been shooting guns since I was 6 years old. I taught my children to shoot guns. I have one daughter who has been an instructor for National Rifleman’s Association for over 20 years. She taught all the women that wanted to know how to shoot at AT&T before she retired. She taught all my grandchildren how to shoot and handle a gun.

I carried a gun to work everyday in downtown Dallas. I always carry a gun when I travel. I won’t fly, unless it is an emergency and someone else goes with me, because I can’t carry my gun. When you get where you are going you usually have to rent a car, and I want my gun. I have had to show it a few times and would use it, had it been necessary. I learned early in life, self protection is the best way to go. Every parent should teach their children, boys and girls about guns and the proper way and reason for there use, they are not toys.

I know lots of Democrats all over the country and they all believe in having guns. I feel sorry for the people in countries that have gun control. The people have become subjects, not citizens.

I am forwarding this on as this is thought provoking, whether you agree or disagree????

It is an interesting lesson in history. Something to think about…

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938, and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000. Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000. Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

It has now been over 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in:
Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent.
Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent.
Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent.).
In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. (note; while the law abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns).
Whiles figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.

There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australia society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts prove it.

You won’t see this data on the American evening news or hear our president, government or other politicians disseminating this information.

Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property, and yes, gun control affect only the law-abiding citizens.

Take note my fellow Americans…before it’s too late. The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson.

With guns, we are ‘citizens’.
Without them, we are ‘subjects’.

Someone sent this to me, I think everyone should be aware what happens when you have no protection, and your neighbors do not either. Remember your Second Amendment Rights.

About Abortions

September 13, 2008


I always believed that when someone died, especially children that they returned to God, as he was the one who made the miracle of life. Most of us have been taught that and in his own time he would judge each and everyone of us. But that all children would be returned to him, as they had committed no sins.

Children die in the womb and children are aborted for various reasons. They are safe from the trials and tribulations of this earth, and back in God’s hands.

I have seen children born into this world who have not been wanted and many have led a terrible life. I read a doctors report on a girl who was in a mental hospital. She had stated, “I am nobody’s nothing, it’s bad not to be loved, but the worst thing is not to be wanted”. Many unwanted children are put in orphanages and if they are lucky some nice couple will adopt them, I and members of my family and many friends have adopted. I adopted a handicapped child. Deaf, blind, mute and non-ambulatory. I have
Had him 41 years and keep him healthy. He will 44 in December.

Many live their lives in an orphanage until they are of legal age, then ousted. Many have been mistreated, but were lucky enough to survive and learned to live in the in the outside world and made a success of their lives. God helped them find their place in his world. Many survived the orphanages, but did not find a place and lived very sad lives. Some of these became parents, many were great parents, but many who had children were not good parents and treated their children, just like they had been treated in the orphanage, it was the only way they knew. I have heard many people say, “I wish I had died when I was born.”

I think the many that survived and found their place, were the children that were born and their Mothers wanted to keep them, but didn’t get to, as their grandparents wouldn’t let their Mothers keep them, as it supposedly would bring shame to them. Their memory of the feeling of their Mother, while they were in her womb that they were wanted by her, they retained this feeling, that someplace , somewhere in time, there was a place for them in someone’s heart and soul.

Many parents insisted that their daughters have an abortion, rather than bring shame on the family. At least the child was safe, back in God’s hands. These were some of our good Christian people who were more worried about what people would think of them, than worry about taking care of their child and the grandchild and doing the right thing. Many abortions are done, due to rape and incest, at least the babies were safe back with God, even though their Mothers had not been safe from harm.

Many people have children, and when they come into this world they are handicapped, caused by many different things, and considered imperfect. Many are kept, taken care of and loved.
Many are sent to institutions and some of their parents never go back to see them. They live to be old, and they are treated terrible in institutions. Of course most did not know their children would be handicapped, and wanted children, but when they came into this world less than what they wanted, most would not keep them. This kind of person would not be the type of parent I would want. And frankly had they had the knowledge to know if they would be less than perfect and would not accept an imperfect child, they would have been better off aborted. At least they were in God’s hand again.

Many people in every land have handicapped children. Most are locked away in the back room someplace. I read this article the other day by the Associated Press about children locked away for decades in Palestine. A man age 38 and his sister age 42, locked away since childhood in two concrete rooms adjoining the family’s home. They did this in fear that it would ruin the marriage prospects of a healthy child if they were discovered. The case highlights the shame felt by Palestinian families that have children with disabilities, a situation made worse because of poor services and the practice of marriage between cousins. Arab communities often favor marriage between first cousins to keep inheritances within the family. The couple had eight children, five with disabilities who died in childhood, the two who they locked away like animals and another son, who has married. Those children would have been better off returned to God. But they lived all these years, so I guess God kept an eye on them. Maybe for the reason to expose the cruel hearts of their parents.

This is the reason that I believe in abortion for people who make that choice. As they know whether they are capable of handling the responsibility. There are not many people around who would assume their responsibility. I once heard a man say about adoption,
“I don’t want to raise somebody else’s mistakes.

I don’t see or hear about all these people who are against abortion down at the institutions adopting or helping take care of the children that did not get to return to God’s loving hands. All I hear from the majority is griping about the government having to maintain these institutions and orphanages and helping poor people less fortunate than they are take care of their children. Christians, not in my book, but my book doesn’t matter. I’m just glad that God made me different than they are.

I ordered this from 60 minutes after I saw it. The last two paragraphs are my own, as I adopted a handicapped child 40 years ago, he is now 42. He is deaf, blind, mute and non-ambulatory and I keep him at home and he is well.


Karen Alves was just 10 when she lost her baby brother, Mark Dal Molin, in 1961.

As the oldest of four, she says her fondest childhood memories are of doting on her little brother. “One of the things we looked forward to, when we came home from school, was to play with Mark”, she says. But life would be a struggle for the Dal Molins because Mark was born with cerebral palsy, a condition that cripples the body, but not necessarily the mind.

“In the ‘50s, cerebral palsied children were considered to be developmentally disabled, mentally retarded,” says Alves to correspondent Vicki Mabrey. “I never believed he was mentally retarded. When you looked into his eyes, he communicated through his eyes. …He’d laugh and giggle and kick, and just screech when he saw us.” But by 3, Mark could neither walk nor talk, which meant that his mother, Rosemarie, had to care for him. “We know he recognized everybody,” says Rosemarie. “He would laugh or he would cry if he was unhappy.”

The children’s father, Bill Dal Molin, felt that Rosemarie was neglecting their three daughters, because of Mark. “His mother was very, very much attentive to him, and the girls, I felt, were like troops to her,” says Bill. “She was very hard on them, the girls.”

Doctors advised the Dal Molins to commit their son, so Bill told Rosemarie they had to send Mark to an institution. It was November 1958. “I just remember one day coming home from school and the house was very quiet,” says Karen, who never got to say goodbye to her brother. “I don’t remember much after that. It profoundly affected me.”

Rosemarie had committed 3-year-old Mark to Sonoma State Hospital, the largest Institution for children in California. At the time, the hospital housed 3,500 children with diverse needs, from babies born with minor defects, like a cleft palate or a clubfoot, to children with epilepsy and Down Syndrome. While the severely disabled languished in overcrowded rooms, the able-bodied were put to work in the institution’s dairies and orchards.

Rosemarie did something more that other parents who committed their children to Sonoma State did not; she visited her son every Wednesday. “It was just a small thing that I can still do is to go see him,” says Rosemarie. “Because most of these children, they never see parents again.” But those visits came to an abrupt end on Memorial Day, 1961, when Mark was 6.

“I picked up the phone and I heard a voice say, ‘Is Mrs. Dal Molin in?’ and I just knew,” says Karen. “They didn’t even say where they were calling from. But I just, this dread came into my heart, and I got my mom and I left. I ran. I hid. Nobody told me. I knew he was dead. From that day on, Karen and her sisters, Chris and Gail, say they never spoke Mark’s name again. They buried their grief, grew up and had families of their own. But after 40 years, they still struggle with the decision to institutionalize their brother. “It pretty much blew the family apart,” says Gail. “I believe that Dad did what he felt was best for the family. In my heart, I know that is true. But the impact of it on each one of us and the family was devastating.

In 1994, haunted by thoughts of her baby brother, Karen Alves secretly decided to devote all her spare time to answering the question that had burdened her for decades: how exactly did Mark die?

“I just needed to know. And no matter what it was, I had to know. So I went to the recorder’s office,” says Karen.

There was no death certificate. One of the clerks came over to the front desk, leaned over, and said, ‘When did he die?’ And I said, “1961”. ‘Well, when did he go into Sonoma State? I said, ‘1958.’ She said, “You better look into it, because strange things happened there.’

Things got stranger still when Karen noticed an article in the local paper saying 16,000 people, including children, had been used in radiation experiments. Just out of curiosity, I started to read it, and I just—I go, ‘Oh, my God. This could be it.’

Then-President Clinton had just ordered thousands of secret documents on government-sponsored human radiation experiments declassified and made available on the Internet.

I just put in “Sonoma State” and 25 documents came up. She found a study, funded by the federal government, involving 1100 Sonoma State cerebral palsy patients from l955 to 1960. One document showed that her brother, Mark, had been part of the study, assigned specimen number 8732. Karen wasn’t able to find out what tests, if any, Mark was subjected to, but some of the patients in the Sonoma State study were put through painful procedures like the pneumoencephalogram, in which air is injected into the brain before a series of x-rays.

Imagine puncturing someone’s spinal cord, drawing fluid out, and then putting a foreign substance in there: gas. When they trap air in your body, you’re in pain, excruciating pain, for days.

They were the raw material of medical research, “says Susan Lederer, who teaches medical history at Yale University, was a member of the 1994 presidential panel that investigated the radiation experiments. She says she was shocked by what Karen discovered, because researchers have been using disabled children in experiments for over a century.

Children in orphanages, children in homes for the mentally retarded. These are all “good populations” from the sense of medical research because you have an easily accessible group of people living in controlled circumstances, and you can monitor them, says Lederer. Lederer read the study that was conducted at Sonoma State Hospital, and says the children underwent painful experimentation, for which they received no direct benefit, no direct benefit whatsoever. So this research was not to try to cure them? It seems clear that these experiments were intended to enlarge knowledge about cerebral palsy. It did not produce a breakthrough, although Susan Lederer says studies using mentally retarded children were critical in the creation of vaccines for polio and hepatitis. Using captive populations meant big money for medical researchers. It would even be an advantage in applying for grant money, because, again, you don’t have to go to the problem of recruiting subjects.

In the case of Sonoma State, records show that when the study began, cerebral palsy admissions there jumped by 300 percent. Susan Lederer states that one of ways that medical directors of such institutions sort of connected themselves to the world of medical research was simply to provide their patients as commodities. I mean, the—you know, We can provide this many guinea pigs for you…..

Sonoma State is now known as Sonoma Developmental Center. During her 12-year- search, Karen Alves repeatedly wrote to the current administrator looking for information about Mark. She was told there were, “no records on radiation studies at Sonoma,” and that there was “no record that you brother was involved in radiation research.” And I’d say, “just go to the human radiation Web site and put in Sonoma State Hospital in your search and documents come up,” You’ve got to have something there. No. They deny it, DENY IT. If I called her right now, she’d deny it.

Administrator Theresa Murphy has worked at Sonoma State for 30 years. She said she didn’t have any information about the medical experimentation that was taking place at the institution. When asked if patients at state hospitals were used in medical research, Murphy says, “I’ve read that there has been things like using rattlesnake venom for epilepsy. But you know, there’s just nothing in our archives about the research you are talking about.” When asked if these studies were being done, if there are patients from here being sent for radiation studies, is that a stain on the hospital record? I think that in the history of people with developmental disabilities, and there have been some dark times. I truly believe that, “says Murphy. “And it wouldn’t surprise me that there were things we would—consider questionable today.”

It took two years and a court order for Karen to get Sonoma State to turn over Mark’s medical records. Though not complete, records did show that Mark Dal Molin suffered unusually high fevers the last six months of his life before dying of a seizure. He ran extremely high fevers that none of us here right now would live through, says Karen. “Swollen eyes, seizures, those things can fit in with radiation poisoning.” Mark’s records contained another shock. Karen found not one, but two autopsy reports, one for his body and another for his brain. Karen says that Mark’s brain was removed after he died. They took my brother’s brain without consent, and the doctor, in his obituary it said that he had one of the largest brain collections. If there was any way for me to find that, I would like to put him back together.

60 Minutes learned that between 1955 and 1960, the brain of every cerebral palsy child who died at Sonoma State was removed and studied. Rosemarie Dal Molin, Mark’s mother said she never gave them permission to take Mark’s brain for research purposes. “I came from Europe after the war, where all these horrendous things happened,” says Rosemarie,” I never dreamed that in this country they would do experimenting on children, Handicapped children.”

Unless their family claimed them, the children ended up in a community grave with the ashes of 500 other people, or buried in an empty field without a headstone to mark their passing. Theresa Murphy showed 60 Minutes the final resting place of 1400 Sonoma State patients. “The folks that remain here are undisturbed and available for family visitation.”

But Mark Dal Molin’s family was able, at least, to spare him that fate. They had
him cremated and placed his ashes in a private mausoleum.
This breaks my heart. And this is one reason I would never send a child to an institution. I lived not to far from this place and had friends that lived within a mile of it and never knew that things like this was going on. I keep my son at home.

And we talk about what Hitler did to the handicapped people of Germany. Our government is no different. When the people of this country eventually find out all the things hidden from us by our government we will be appalled. And our leaders have the audacity to set themselves up as Christians and a beacon of light for the rest of the world to live by. Good God Almighty, do something soon.

Corrupt Politicians

Corrupt Politicians:

All politicians ask to be elected and they promise to do good things for all the citizens. They are put there by a few of their wealthy friends and the large corporations. These people are not necessarily in their own state. They do the bidding of their friends and the corporations. They have to have our votes or they wouldn’t get enough votes to get into office. So fools that we are, we believe them. I take that back, I don’t believe them. When you live to be older than dirt, you learn a few things. Politicians lie, cheat, steal and live off the taxpayers. They constantly gripe about poor people living off welfare, which is also taxpayer money, and I had rather help the poor. Politicians steal more than it takes to take care of the poor, plus they get all the extras from lobbyist.

If you want to see how many politicians really want to work for the ordinary citizen, make the following changes:
1. No raises for any politician until we get rid of the deficit, even if it takes 10 years.
2. No payment to any pension plan for the same reason.
3. Cut all healthcare benefits for politicians, until we have a healthcare system for all the people that poor people can afford. Politicians salaries are large enough for them to pay their own health insurance premiums.
4. Any politician that associates or is involved with lobbyist and accepts money from lobbyist (this is bribery and considered a crime) Should have their pensions removed and returned to the treasury.
5. Any politician that has been convicted of fraud and corruption, should not be paid a pension and never be able to vote again.When these five (5) things are done, and they should be made a law, to be voted on by all the citizens, not politicians, you would really see how many want to stay and work for we the citizens, when they can’t feather their nest with money under the table. I say NONE.

Enemy Combatants

January 14, 2009

I know that we the people of the United States have always felt that we were right and the other countries were always wrong. Over the many years we have gone into countries with our superior condescending attitude and exploited the different countries for their gold, diamonds, copper, silver and oil, with the help of their corrupt leaders. The leaders and our countries large corporations have gotten rich. The many citizens of those countries have remained poor and have been ill-treated. Finally that started to fight back against the people they felt had helped put them in the bad situation they found themselves.

Our country calls them terrorist because they supposedly bombed the Twin Towers. Now we have all these people in Guantanamo prison. We call them enemy combatants, they fought for their country, or were paid to do a job. After all they need to work to make a living. Now can someone please tell me the difference between enemy combatants working for their county and our ex-military-mercenary-fighters (Blackwatch) being paid large salaries to go to Iraq and others countries to fight and kill for the United States. We seem to have a double standard about people’s rights, and who are terrorist. People from other countries think we are terrorist when we go into their countries and do the same thing that they do when they come into the United States.

Inaugration 2009

January 20, 2009

On this eventful day, lets hope that the world will stand still for a time and hope that all the people in the world will reflect on our past and think about the future. What we want for our individual selves, that is best for us and our families, each and every one of us through out the world. Hope for peace and prosperity, without the avarice that so many people are consumed with.

Stop the hate and wars. The same Creator made this world for us to live in peace and love one another. Remember your religion and your love of your God is between you and him, no one else. There is no go between when its time for you to meet your maker. It is a walk you have to do alone. Don’t let wrong minded people ruin your life. Live your life as you know your God would want you too. Do unto others, as you would have others do unto you, is a good way to pass through our time in this world. The ones of us who do not follow this rule, are the ones who lose in the end.

So many peoples have allowed hate, bigotry, prejudice and greed to corrupt themselves and every one and every thing that they touch. Surely they can dig deep down inside and find some truth, kindness and integrity in their soul. Let us hope so.

Let's Not Forget

January 10, 2009

Let’s not forget who and what got our country into this terrible mess we now find ourselves. It was not Barack Obama. He is going to inherit it. As I watch many of the politicians that he will have to work with on both sides of the fence, he will find it hard to be cordial and smile. So many people wanted to be and many aspire to be President, but this is a time that no one should want the job. I believe the people who voted for Barack Obama made a good choice.

His heart and mind is on the right tract. Now if we could switch to a dictatorship for a little while and get rid of the politicians that are going to fight him every step of the way until he has a chance to change for the good, as most of the guys who are supposed to be working for we the citizens will not be of much help to him, if his ideas are different than theirs.

There are not enough good truly honest politicians that he has to work with to help him change the way things have become. If the people in every state keeps an eye on the people they sent to Washington to represent them and notice whether they are trying to help get this country out of the hole we are in, instead of doing their on thing, they can make some changes in 2010.

Congress Protocol

Volume 1 Issue 35

Congress Protocol:

On January 8, 2009 I watched C-Span as members were called in by Vice-President Cheney and Speaker Pelosi, to have all the states electoral votes read. They were all milling around shaking hands and patting each other on the back. They acted like they were at the local country, chatting, all they needed was a cocktail in their hand. It took forever for everyone to come in and get settled down to go through the motion of reading the numbers by different people for each state and then doing the tally. What a waste of time. Everyone in the whole United States already knew the numbers. I don’t want my taxes paying for crap like this. Those jerks are being paid for PROTOCOL!. They get paid too much for what little they do.

Every time the politicians get together for anything on the floor, it is the same thing. Handshaking, back patting, hugs, milling around chatting, instead of getting down to business. When they do, they wind up making speech’s and/or harangue-arguing for their side, never really making any headway. Then they take votes and if the tally doesn’t suit one side or the other, they want a yea or nay count. If it still doesn’t suite either side, back to more arguments, then back to voting again.

These people know what bills they are going to the floor to vote on and they are supposed to be intelligent enough to know how they want to vote before they get there, without having to listen to each other mouth off and try to change each others mind. I’m sure they get a copy of the bill to read. They should have read it and decided how they want to vote. Just go in and push your electronic yes or no button, then get on with other business. If there are more yes votes, send it on to the President, he might pass it. If there are more no votes, it’s not meant to be. Probably had a lot of earmarks in it anyway. It is time to stop the waste of time and money.

We need to make the following changes in Washington in regard to our politicians.
1. No raises for any politician until we get rid of the deficit, even if it takes 10 years.
2. No payment to any pension plans for the same reason.
3. Cut all healthcare plans for politicians, until we have a healthcare system for all people. Politicians salaries are large enough for them to pay for their on health insurance.
4. Any politician that associates or is involved with lobbyist and accepts money from lobbyist should have their pensions removed and returned to the treasury.
5. Any politician that has been convicted of fraud and corruption and has been sentenced should not be paid a pension and never be able to vote again,
When these 5 things are done, you will see which politicians want to stay and work for the people and not just themselves to line their pockets.

The majority of politicians who are in Washington are there due to wealthy friends and corporations, to do their bidding, not to help the majority of the citizens. They talk a good game and convince everyone that the reason they request to be elected is to help the citizens and better our country. It is a lie. I have watched them for 60 years. In fact the only honest republican I have seen in Washington is Ron Paul. One out of how many in all the years? They have the gift of gab and try to make you think they are doing good things. I have watched how the majority of them vote and if they vote yes on something that might be good for the citizens of their state, you can be damn sure it has a lot of earmarks in it that their wealthy friends and the big corporations want.

On March 20, 1994, my husband, now deceased said, “The worst enemy of any country is it’s government and it’s leaders”. I have found this to be true.

I sincerely hope, and I have felt like the promises President-elect Barack Obama made, that he will do everything in his power to make them come true. I know that he is going into the bottom of the hog pen that has been left to him, along with some of the most corrupt, greedy politicians and corporate leaders that this nation has ever seen. I think he has the courage and integrity to stand above all this. The one that is leaving did not. He and his friends were all involved and carried our country down the sewer.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Congressional Protocol

Congress Protocol:

On January 8, 2009 I watched C-Span as members were called in by Vice-President Cheney and Speaker Pelosi, to have all the states electoral votes read. They were all milling around shaking hands and patting each other on the back. They acted like they were at the local country, chatting, all they needed was a cocktail in their hand. It took forever for everyone to come in and get settled down to go through the motion of reading the numbers by different people for each state and then doing the tally. What a waste of time. Everyone in the whole United States already knew the numbers. I don’t want my taxes paying for crap like this. Those jerks are being paid for PROTOCOL!. They get paid too much for what little they do.

Every time the politicians get together for anything on the floor, it is the same thing. Handshaking, back patting, hugs, milling around chatting, instead of getting down to business. When they do, they wind up making speech’s and/or harangue-arguing for their side, never really making any headway. Then they take votes and if the tally doesn’t suit one side or the other, they want a yea or nay count. If it still doesn’t suite either side, back to more arguments, then back to voting again.

These people know what bills they are going to the floor to vote on and they are supposed to be intelligent enough to know how they want to vote before they get there, without having to listen to each other mouth off and try to change each others mind. I’m sure they get a copy of the bill to read. They should have read it and decided how they want to vote. Just go in and push your electronic yes or no button, then get on with other business. If there are more yes votes, send it on to the President, he might pass it. If there are more no votes, it’s not meant to be. Probably had a lot of earmarks in it anyway. It is time to stop the waste of time and money.

We need to make the following changes in Washington in regard to our politicians.
1. No raises for any politician until we get rid of the deficit, even if it takes 10 years.
2. No payment to any pension plans for the same reason.
3. Cut all healthcare plans for politicians, until we have a healthcare system for all people. Politicians salaries are large enough for them to pay for their on health insurance.
4. Any politician that associates or is involved with lobbyist and accepts money from lobbyist should have their pensions removed and returned to the treasury.
5. Any politician that has been convicted of fraud and corruption and has been sentenced should not be paid a pension and never be able to vote again,
When these 5 things are done, you will see which politicians want to stay and work for the people and not just themselves to line their pockets.

The majority of politicians who are in Washington are there due to wealthy friends and corporations, to do their bidding, not to help the majority of the citizens. They talk a good game and convince everyone that the reason they request to be elected is to help the citizens and better our country. It is a lie. I have watched them for 60 years. In fact the only honest republican I have seen in Washington is Ron Paul. One out of how many in all the years? They have the gift of gab and try to make you think they are doing good things. I have watched how the majority of them vote and if they vote yes on something that might be good for the citizens of their state, you can be damn sure it has a lot of earmarks in it that their wealthy friends and the big corporations want.

On March 20, 1994, my husband, now deceased said, “The worst enemy of any country is it’s government and it’s leaders”. I have found this to be true.

I sincerely hope, and I have felt like the promises President-elect Barack Obama made, that he will do everything in his power to make them come true. I know that he is going into the bottom of the hog pen that has been left to him, along with some of the most corrupt, greedy politicians and corporate leaders that this nation has ever seen. I think he has the courage and integrity to stand above all this. The one that is leaving did not. He and his friends were all involved and carried our country down the sewer.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Corrupt State Goverment

Corrupt States:

I heard this young man in Chicago on CNN, say Illinois was the most corrupt state in the US. He hasn’t been around very long. He needs to check out some of our other states. No one can beat Texas for being corrupt. At one time it was New York. Actually they all are. Power and greed corrupts most people. In every facet of business and government, where money is easy to come by, you will find people with no integrity or ethics and they do not have an honest bone in their body. Actually, if you really look at Illinois, they catch most of their crooked politicians. Note all the ones in the hoosegow. Of course there are a lot that are not caught. But all in all they do a better job of putting them away than other states. Other states protect their crooked politicians, hoping they can get something out of it on down the line. I think it’s called honor among thieves.

Actually it is a disease. In the beginning we might have had some honest politicians. It really began when many of our citizens who became wealthy and had large businesses wanted to control everything around them. You put all of the wealthy names out, down through the years who wanted control and they went right to the source, the politicians who they got elected, so that they could go to them and get any law that they didn’t like changed. They picked the people for politicians, that they knew had the weakness for avarice (insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth). The citizens have always known this, but we have continued to put up with it and were delighted when many of them overstepped the boundary and were caught. We the citizens have never had the know-how to put a stop to it. You can report it, tell it to the newspapers, other politicians, who you thought you could trust, try to sue, but that gets you no where. Money talks and if you don’t have the money, you can’t talk.

Our Judicial system has been politicalized and shot to hell. The very people that are supposed to be above politics are not. The do nearly what every big shot or affluent politician wants. In every state in the union, you see the Governors, politicians, judges and large legal firms cow-towing to all the large corporations.

In Texas after oil was discovered we have had all the big oil men who became filthy rich. They bought and sold politicians like slaves in the south. Not only in Texas, but, all over the country and still do. Practically all the politicians in Texas owe favors to the large corporations. They are paid under the table and nothing is reported. Employees who might be honest can’t report anything they know is going on that is corrupt, as they will get fired and made fools of. Most who do blow the whistle on them, wind up in court and get no where. The little citizens of Texas get screwed at every turn by the government. Any agency that is controlled by the state is corrupt. It is the same in all states.

Where the mistake was made, was electing them at their request, with their promise that they were going to do good things for the citizens. They are paid a big salary, with all the benefits, healthcare, travel expenses, and large pensions. Once they get into office, they forget their promises to work for us. They work for themselves and get paid under the table by lobbyist who work for large corporations. They take bribes, money and gifts. If they get caught and are convicted and go to jail, we still pay their pensions and healthcare for the rest of their life. I’ll bet they can still vote after they have been in prison. None of our small criminals who go to jail for theft or any other reason gets to ever vote again.

We should make a new rule. Make a real strict ethics law for all politicians, state and federal. Any politician that is even suspected of doing anything wrong, forfeits his healthcare and his pension returned to the treasury. If that doesn’t straighten them up I don’t know what will. After all it is the taxpayers money that is supporting them. We the people have a right to ask for this. This should apply retroactive to all the ones that have already been caught. We also need to have more strong oversight into all facets of the government. I’m older than dirt and we have too many old people in government that have lived off our taxes all their lives. But they gripe like hell because we have really poor people on welfare. Politicians steal more than we pay out in welfare. There should be a 20 year term limit on all politicians. If they haven’t proved to have done a good job in that time, they never will. Anyone who goes to work as a lobbyist, should forfeit their pensions. No lobbyist should be allowed in the halls of congress, period. No more earmarks added to any bills that are passed. We have too much fraud in government and this is one of the reasons our country is going down the drain. Somebody has to stop it now. I hope President-Elect Obama will.

Shotgun Granny

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Did not Vote for Obama

November 10, 2008

The question someone asked: What should President Obama do about people that did not vote for him, to win them over or change them to help do what is good for the country and it’s people? I say nothing, just treat all people the same, as President for all the people. The people who are against his Presidency, will never change, even if he does everything just right and accomplishes all the things on his agenda that he wants for all the people and does a great job of it; these people will never admit it, nor will they congratulate him. Even if it is good for them and the country.

People of this type have a different agenda. Republicans, they work strictly for the party and themselves in lieu of all the people. Greed! What’s in it for me and my friends. I’ve watched the way they have voted for years, it’s always thumbs down on anything that helped the poor, middle class and anyone different than themselves. Anything that did pass after much push and shove, they resented, like it came out of their pocket.

The rest are the bigoted racial and religiously prejudiced group of people that have a mindset that has been handed down, generation after generation in their families and friends. I feel sorry for these people. They have had over a century to see all the changes needed, but will never change or join the real world.

Shotgun Granny


November 10, 2008

Hey, Republicans, so you lost a few places in the big house, quit acting like a bunch of rednecks at a Texas ball game. Sometimes it’s not about who won or lost, it’s how you play the game. Good sportsmanship is the best way to play. When you play down and dirty, which the majority of you did, you eventually lose. It might take awhile, but the people will see through you. Our government is not a ball game of one side against the other. You all have a job to do and it is to work together for the good of all the people and the country, not the party. Didn’t your parents teach you to share? You politicians requested to be elected for your job and you promised to work for all the people, not just republicans. It is a shared responsibility, not just for one side.

Goody, goody, I note the “Repugnants” Gingrich, Gramm, Armey and DeLay are putting in their two cents worth on bringing the party back into power with the help of “Bush in a skirt” Palin. That’s all this country needs is another loud mouth governor from a big state with an eye on the top slot.

Shotgun Granny

The Enemy Within

The Enemy Within:

With all the spying going on in our country why was all the thievery overlooked that has brought our country to its knees? The enemy was within, not in other countries and it wasn’t the terrorist, it was our government.. All our electronic surveillance has gone for naught. But I think the people in charge knew what was going on and protected the people of their own ilk.

All the changes needed and brought to the attention of our politicians were overlooked. No one in charge wanted to regulate what was going on the financial world. They just wanted to continue getting their large salaries from the taxpayers and their friends to keep getting rich. They did, now we have to bail them out with the taxpayers money. Actually they are all a bunch of slimy thieves. Why is it that we have prisons full of people who have stolen less than what these thieves make in an hour??? I’ll bet you a dollar to a doughnut that none of them will ever be prosecuted and spend a day in jail.

All of their bank accounts and properties should be ceased. Every politician and government employee that knew or suspected that this was an on going, and was funneled money under the table should go to prison and all their pensions stopped, with the money returned to the treasury. The very idea that any of these people be given a bonus or a golden parachute is revolting. Remember the Bonus Army after World War one. They were promised one dollar a day for every day in service and one dollar and twenty-five cents for every day over-seas. Our government delayed and delayed, congress didn’t pass it. A group of veterans went to Washington and waited and waited, it didn’t pass. They stayed and waited. Finally the president ordered them removed, so they “great officers, MacArthur, Eisenhower and Patton, took the big guns and ran them off. Killing many of them. They deserved their bonus and much more. One reason I’m not patriotic. These bunch of thieves and politicians need to be sent to prison for the rest of their lives. They are worse than any enemy combatants we now have in prison. (At least they were fighting for something they believed in, be it right or wrong).

This bunch of thieves were American citizens stealing and harming other American citizens. Our Judicial system has been shot to hell. Laws are made, but not for everyone alike. It’s how rich you are and who you know, then you can get out of anything. I have watched this proven time and time again. I quote again what my husband said on March 20, 1994, “The worst enemy that the people of any country has, is its government and leaders”.

Shotgun Granny


November 9, 2007

I read the article in November 5, 2007 in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. About all the homeless veterans in this country.

It reminded me again of why I have no respect for the Government of the United States. Our veterans from all the wars, from 1790 to 2007, have been promised many things and our government have reneged on their word and treated them all so disgracefully. I have had relatives in all these wars. In the Civil war I had two great grandfathers and five great uncles. Three of the great uncles never returned. We never found out where they died. We never knew whether they were buried or they were left to rot and the vultures ate them. They were young men. The ones that did return had to walk and find their way home from wherever the war ended.

We finally got markers showing they were Civil War veterans and buried them in Spirit in the family cemetery next to their Father and Mother. Records, forget about it. This was on just one side of my family.
Either they didn’t keep records or they were burned by the union army. This was Americans fighting Americans. My daughter has searched by internet all the records available. Before that we traveled and searched courthouses and graveyards in many states. We searched through all the census records available. It is so sad that one can’t find what happened to the ones who died, and sadder yet to know what happened to the ones who returned, to realize that your country who turned their backs on you did not appreciate your fighting so bravely for them.

It has been the same in all the wars. In WW1 I had many relatives who went to Europe, some returned and some didn’t. Many of the ones who did return had been gassed and were in poor health all their lives, but they still had to farm or run sawmills to make a living, believe me neither one is an easy way to make a living, at least they could eat by having a garden, hunting and fishing in the swamps.

Many died along with their families when influenza hit, old veterans and young ones. I am now 80 years old and I remember the veterans from WW1 talking about the war. One, a cousin whose farm was next to ours, he died January 3, 1965. He was in the outfit that was headed by Capt. Douglas MacArthur in Europe. He was gassed and nearly didn’t make it home. I am going to quote an article called, “The Bonus Army”.

In 1924, a grateful Congress voted to give a bonus to the World War 1 veterans. $1.25 for each day served overseas, $1.00 for each day served in the States. The catch was that payment would not be made until 1945. However, by 1932 the nation had slipped into dark days of the Depression and the unemployed veterans needed and wanted their money immediately.

In May of that year, some 15,000 veterans, many unemployed and destitute, descended on Washington, D.C. to demand immediate payment of their bonus. They proclaimed themselves the Bonus Expeditionary Force but the public dubbed them the “Bonus Army”.
Raising ramshackle camps at various places around the city, they waited.

The veterans made their largest camp at Anacostia Flats across the river from the Capitol. Approximately 10,000 veterans, women and children lived in the shelters built from materials dragged out of a junk pile nearby – old lumber, packing boxes and scrap tin covered with roofs of thatched straw.

Discipline in the camp was good, despite the fears of many city residents who spread unfounded “Red Scare” rumors. Streets were laid out, latrines dug, and formations held daily. Newcomers were required to register and prove they were bonafide veterans who had been honorably discharged. Their leader, Walter Waters, stated, “We’re in for the duration and we’re not going to starve. We’re going to keep ourselves a simon-pure veterans organization. If the Bonus is paid it will relieve to a large extent the deplorable economic condition.

June 17 was described by a local newspaper as the “tensest day in the capitol since the war.” The Senate was voting on the bill already passed by the House to immediately give the vets their bonus money. By dusk, 10,000 marchers crowded the Capitol grounds expectantly awaiting the outcome. Walter Waters, leader of the Bonus Expeditionary Force, appeared with bad news. The Senate had defeated the bill by a vote of 62 to 18. The crowd reacted with stunned silence. “Sing America and go back to your billets” he commanded, and they did. A silent “Death March” began in front of the Capitol and lasted until July 17, when Congress adjourned.

A month later, on July 28, Attorney General Mitchell ordered the evacuation of the veterans from all government property, entrusted with the job, the Washington police met with resistance, shots were fired and two marchers killed. Learning of the shooting at lunch, President Hoover ordered the army to clear out the veterans. Infantry and cavalry supported by six tanks were dispatched with Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur in command. Major Dwight D. Eisenhower served as is liaison with the Washington police and Major George Patton led the cavalry.

By 4:45 P.M. the troops were massed on Pennsylvania Ave. below the Capitol. Thousands of Civil Service employees spilled out of work and lined the streets to watch. The veterans, assuming the military display was in their honor, cheered. Suddenly Patton’s troopers turned and charged. “Shame, Shame” the spectators cried. Soldiers with fixed bayonets followed, hurling gas into the crowd.

By nightfall the BEF retreated across the Anacostia River where Hoover ordered MacArthur to stop. Ignoring the command, the general led his infantry to the main camp. By early morning the 10,000 inhabitants were routed and the camp in flames. Two babies died and nearby hospitals overwhelmed with casualties. Eisenhower later wrote, “the whole scene was pitiful.” The veterans were ragged, ill-fed, and felt themselves badly abused. To suddenly see the whole encampment going up in flames just added to the pity.

(How to Cite This Article: “The Bonus Army” Eyewitness to History, (2000)

What I have quoted here is not all of the article. I originally read the full story in the Smithsonian several years ago. The people were helped by some of the more wealthy matrons in Washington. Had all of the veterans been able to go to Washington with this group, we would probably had another Civil War. Or if all of the veterans had known about this, there would have been no more patriotism when WW11 came along. Many people did not get newspapers unless they had to go into town or someone wrote them about what was going on in the world. The government sure didn’t let you know. The only time they came around, was for taxes, or try to catch people making whiskey. But they sure let you know what was going on when they needed all our young men to fight wars on their behalf. Same old lies and promises again.

I had a husband who was a pilot in WW11 in Europe and many, many relatives, some came home and some didn’t. I have my three cornered flag, from a cousin who my parents helped raise. His body lies at the
bottom of the South China Sea, 200 miles south of the Formosa Strait. He was taken prisoner of war by the Japanese in the Philippines, May 6, 1942 and held in the Cabanatuan Camp No.1, until October 10, 1944. He was placed on the Arisan Maru, with 1800 other American prisoners being transferred to Japan. The Arisan Maru was torpedoed by the USS Snook on October 24, 1944. Not more than 10 americans survived the sinking. He was 22 years old. He was awarded the Purple Heart and Citation of Honor, all signed by Gen. Douglas MacArthur. And the bastards didn’t even spell his name right, and we tried to get the government to correct it and they wouldn’t. I don’t consider it an honor, even though lots of people consider it an honor.
We buried him in spirit in the Family Cemetery, by our other family veterans. I will never forgive or forget.

WW11 veterans were to some extent treated better than the WW1 veterans, but none have since. I hate war, I do not salute the flag, as it is only a symbol, nor am I patriotic. A quote from Guy de Maupassant, “Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched.” I love all people of every nationality and it is too bad that the government and leaders of all countries are greedy, corrupt warmongers and waste so many human lives. That is not what the Supreme Power God put us on this earth for. He said live in peace. Until all the people in the world who believe this rise up and put a stop to it, it will never cease until the end. We all have to die, but after we have lived our lives, not have it ended in a war for naught.

Shotgun Granny

A Change is Needed

December 5, 2007

It’s time for a change. Remember the beginning?
The Declaration of Independence was the promise; the Constitution was the fulfillment.

“The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power. (Alexander Hamilton, 1775)

From The DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, I quote: “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation”.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and Happiness.

I will stop here: I realize this was written to separate us from England and their unjust laws. But it really should apply for what has been going on in the United States for many years and it has only gotten worse. If people will read the rest of the Declaration, you will note some of the reasons given to separate us from England, can very definitely apply now. This Country still uses some of the Old English Laws, that the King used. Complete and total control, and that has become the agenda of our Government. I for one don’t like it, as I am a Citizen, not a Subject. I will follow just laws, but not the ones I feel are unjust.

Since we have a Government that does not respect the Citizens, as was intended. We have over these many years elected officials that have taken advantage and are dishonest, greedy and corrupt. It is time to go back to the original Constitution, remove and ratify all changes that have been made that do not apply to its Citizens. I had an ancestor who wrote in 1822, “Government was not Government for and by the people, it was a Government of favoritism and control by a few. And he came to realize that power over a man’s substance, in the normal course of human nature amounts to power over his will”. So the original Independence and the original Constitution didn’t last very long.

Many things in the original Constitution I don’t like, the exclusion of the inhabitants of this land the Indians, when all the immigrants came and set up shop. They were here first. But all those supposedly good Christian people didn’t consider them human beings and treated them ungodly. They forgot what the Good Book said, “That all men created equal”.

The many changes made over the years have been made for control and favoritism for a few of the Citizens. The first ten Amendments (Bill of Rights) were ratified, effective December 15, 1791. These amendments should stand today, as it did in 1791. We should go back and deleted all changes within reason.

The one I want changed back to the original amendment is Amendment V., or the part, now know as the Eminent Domain Law. But I would like it to read: Private property cannot be taken for any reason, without explicit permission of the owner and if permission is granted, just compensation by the taker. The law has been changed to benefit the Government and wealthy corporations. The loss has been to the property owners. My law is: If you set foot on my property and try it, I will use my right under Amendment II. Or the old range law,”SADDLE YOUR HORSES, LOAD YOUR WEAPONS AND PROTECT YOUR CASTLE.”

“The worst enemy that the people of any country has is its government and its leaders”. This is a quote from my deceased husband, made March 20, 1994. He was a lawyer and always told me, beware of lawyers, you can’t trust the majority of them. He said,”they will steal the pennies off their dead grandmothers eyes and the gold from her teeth”.

We need to eliminate most lawyers from the government and replace them with learned Professors, without a political affiliation. Just be sure they are honest and have integrity. You can’t find many politicians that have this quality.

The President that we have was not elected by the people, he was assigned by the Supreme Court. It is their fault that he is president. Which shows they are not capable of being a Judge for any reason, as they can be swayed by a political party or bought off like our other dishonest politicians. After he and his cronies got their foot in the door, they knew it would take longer than four years to get total control. For their second term that would be coming up, they knew that the chance of being assigned by the Supreme Court again would be risky. So they had to think of something else to keep everyone off guard for them to stay in the White House until they could get all the power they wanted.

I believe, along with many other people that Bush and Cheney along with their other warmongering friends, and with the help of their Saudi friends, planned 9-11, in order to start all the terrorist fears and get everyone off guard. Our Senate and Congress and many of our citizens believed this horrible ruse. The Senators and Congressmen started signing practically everything put before them in order to protect the people, or so they thought. Actually it was so that Bush, Cheney, friends and all the large corporations could take over and make all the rules and not let the citizens know what was going on behind closed doors…..Classified?

The Bush-Cheney propaganda machine, along with the war hawks, many of them republicans, went to work on keeping everyone scared out of their wits. We never heard the word TERRORIST or Al Qaeda so many times in our life. Reminds me of when we were kids, our parents would say, “if you aren’t good the old buggerman will get you.” They had to get to the middle east to try to take control of all the oil.

He didn’t really try to find Osama bin Laden, since he is from one of the large influential families of Saudi Arabia. Bush and Cheney don’t really want to capture him. It might upset their playhouse in Saudi Arabia. But since the Saudi family and Bush family hated Saddam, they went after him with a vengeance. They lied to the American people and everyone else. Just like they lied to us under Reagan and Bush about the Iran-Contra affair. They still have some of the same corrupt people back in the government that was in all of this. Surely someone remembers all this.

The only terrorist we have in the world are the governments and dictators ruling the countries. The majority of the citizens of these countries are gentle people. They have had rules forced on them and persuaded by the governing bodies, that it was the right thing to do and they believed them. Forced to believe that their religion said it was the right thing to do. Their “Good Book” has been changed over the many years by the rulers and religious fanatics, to say what they wanted it to say. Just as our various religions have changed to what various denominations wanted to say.

I listen and have listened over all these years to our government officials talking about values, morals, frankly none of them have any. There is no honesty and integrity in any of them. I remember my history, way back to year God one. We have had cruel uncaring rulers in every country. The ones that were supposed to be civilized. I have watched and listened to the Presidents of this country, put their hands on the Bible and swear to up hold the laws of this land. Well, they have to some extent, after they change the laws to suit themselves for their own selfish and corrupt reason, but not for the benefit of the majority of the citizens. Part of the citizens of this country have been reduced to third world status.
England, France, Spain, and other countries, along with the United States have for years exploited all the third world countries for their minerals, and other various riches within these countries. They made themselves and corporations from their various countries very rich, but the poor citizens are still left without and treated very badly. Man’s inhumanity to man has never ceased to amaze me.

As for the United States, we the people need to stand up and change things. We need to Impeach the President, Vice-President and fire all his followers. Get rid of all the corrupt politicians and make new rules for running this country.

When I get really upset, I sit down and start writing to vent my spleen. I have done this for years, it really helps to get it off your chest, but doesn’t really change things. I’m an 80 year old woman and too old to start a revolution, but I would help. I still can shoot.

Shotgun Granny

Voting System

October 15, 2008


Anyone who goes to vote, who is registered to vote and they have their voter registration and or other identification with them and they are told they cannot vote. They should have the worlds first revolution in each of their polling places. Everyone who was not allowed to vote should sit down or lay down on the floor and stay there, until the matter is cleared up. No police should be allowed to intervene. Each person who is registered to vote has that right. If the people in charge do not have their records correct, it is not the fault of the person who have registered to vote. It is time for this type of thing to stop.

That’s why we need to change our voting system NOW.

Shotgun Granny