Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler is worried about the Islamic Law of Shariah! Not all Muslims live under the Islamic Law of Shariah, only the radical ones. He is worried about what the law does to women. Hey, if all women worn Burqas we could put the cosmetic business out of business – but that would upset our big corporations, so we can’t have that in America. And he is worried about women being humiliated! What do they call it when the politicians want to ban Planned Parenthood and abortion by choice? They are humiliating women when they mess into their own private personal privacy. Let’s ask the men how many of them take Viagra or how many of them have had Penal implants? Bet they would tell people it was none of their business, right? Well it is none of their business what women do.

This article I read states, they note increasing instances of other states recognizing foreign laws, for example, give a father custody of a child or deny a restraining order for a wife. That jerk seems to have forgotten our history of treatment of women in America. We did the same thing. If a woman dared to leave or divorce a man, the courts always gave the children to the father, or if he wanted to leave the woman, he could also take the children, and all property. I have a whole book of Wills from the State of Alabama. Women had no rights. Property given to a woman by her parent’s, automatically became the property of the husband, even the slaves given to her.

We women finally got the right to vote under Amendment XIX in 1920, didn’t mention the word WOMEN, just on “the account of sex.” The rest of our rights we have had to fight for on our own. Get credit, buy property, etc. and we still do not have the same rights as a man. As a woman I resent the hell out of our countries treatment of women. That old fart Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, said we women do not have any rights under the CONSTITUTION. Well I don’t know how long his ancestors have been in this country, but mine have been (and some were already here) since the boat landed and America was discovered and, have fought in every war this country has had, they earned my rights, liberty and freedom and I intend to keep them, whether Scalia thinks I have rights or not, he is just a man, and God made both man and woman. Men try to make us believe we aren’t important, but without us they would be up a creek. Without us that sperm they want to continue expelling around would wind up on the ground.

I learned long ago as a child, that a woman is the best part of this universe. The only things a woman can’t do that a man can, is stand up and urinate (but she could if she inserted a catheter) or impregnate a woman. New medical miracles – artificial insemination! We don’t need the man, only the sperm and they are always glad to sell it. Sort of a form of prostitution! This for a woman to use if, she wants a child and she doesn’t want to put up with a man around. I have seen very few men that were of any help with the children in a household. They put to much importance on themselves.

If some of our nuts would quit worrying about new people coming to our country, who had lived under different laws, just leave them alone, their women will someday, I hope take their own rights, as we women had to do. In fact I know some that have. They do not wear burqas in public. They have always worn makeup in their homes. Most do not wear burqas inside their home, just in public, as their husbands do not want their faces seen by other men. It seems, to be the man that has a problem, not only in other countries, but in America too. They want to be the head honcho and tell women what they can do and not do. For me the old saying, ‘it will be a cold day in hell or icicles in August’ before I allow that to happen to me.

Pat Carlson, President of the Texas Eagle Forum said, “This is something happening in other states.” When asked if she thinks Shariah is invading the country, she said, “It has got tentacles in our country.” The tentacles of Shariah or terrorist do not bother me, what does bother me is the tentacles from our CAPITALIST REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS that are trying to take over our country and take us back to the 1800’s. Dorrie O’Brien another republican said, “Shariah law is a complete way of life.” Yes, just like the Catholic religion, the Morman religion and some others were in the beginning and the Amish religion still is in this country. The Amish do not bother anyone, nor do we bother them. They live their religion so do the people who live under the Shariah law, it is their belief. The majority of people in the United States claim to be Christian, but few are, as they constantly mouth hate and resentment against other people of different religious beliefs, prejudice against different races. People you can’t be a real Christian and do that.

Remember the terror from the Catholic religion of old in the days of the insurrection??? Things had to be their way or the highway – plus they also killed to prove a point, their religion or none! Frankly I find the United States of America’s politicians trying to prove the same kind of point. Saying, “people from other parts of the world, you can’t live in this country unless you do it our way, believe as we believe, dress as we dress, follow all our laws, even to your own personal private lives inside your own place of abode, even if you work and pay taxes just like SOME of the Americans do, and if you are very wealthy and form a big corporation and make lots of money to pay the politicians with, they don’t care whether you pay taxes or not”. Plus you can do like most of the rich and politicians do, anything your big enough to do and if it outside the law, that’s okay with them, you can buy off our corrupt judicial system, they like money anyway they can get. The only laws they are concerned about are the ones they didn’t make that do not favor them. And none of our politicians follow the Constitution they keep yammering about. All they want is the money and the power.

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