Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Unkind Thoughts

As I watch the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, I had
an unkind thought and let my imagination run. Albert Einstein
once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” I have been watching these last few months at what the Republican politicians, wealthy greedy power hungry corporations, along with many in our judicial system, ‘the ones whom are over educated idiots with no commonsense’ trying to destroy our country from within, by elimination all the poor and middle class working people to make them subjects in lieu of citizens with equal rights. None of the ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ for them its, ‘you will do what we tell you to do and change the laws of the land to make sure you do.’
My thought was: I wish all the Republican politicians and the people from whom they follow and take orders from, since they were bought and paid for were in the middle of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and should they have survived I wonder if any of them would have escaped and returned with a different outlook on life and other people. Would they be kinder more considerate and compassionate? Would they consider other peoples lot in life? Would they try to help people less fortunate than they had been in the past, help to build them and our country up in lieu of tear down and destroy a way of life that had taken centuries to build for their own personal gain? I have watched these people the majority who claim to be Christians, but really aren’t and as I thought I realized, no nothing would change them, they are to far gone to the point of no return to be decent human beings and should not be allowed to live on this earth. And in the long run want be able too, as the good Book tells us the, “Meek shall inherit the earth.”

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