Tuesday, June 14, 2011


As I sit and watch our great country I cannot believe that we the citizens have allowed the politicians to take our rights from us. I know it is not what my ancestors fought and died for. We have allowed the Congress and the Governors of each state to make laws, vote on them pass them into laws without each of them being put on the ballot for all of us to vote on, to accept or not to accept.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. And I mean that literally. The 535 members of congress and the 50 governors have decided they own our country and intend to run things to suit themselves. I know that the citizen’s of each state is not satisfied with the way their state is being run. I also know that the President cannot do a damn thing about it. But we the citizens can. Let’s all pack a sack lunch and head to the Capital of every State – you know, the one known as OUR HOUSE. Governors and politicians have come to the conclusion that they own it and we have no right to interfere with their business, the business they are supposed to be doing for ‘We The People’. They are doing business for themselves and the power hungry companies. Every bill that is being passed in the State of Texas is not for the people, only a favored few.

Yes we really do have voter fraud, but not the type the state republicans are insinuating we have, of people trying to vote when they aren’t eligible to vote. We have people who have legal social security cards, but have no driver’s license, as they do not drive, some never have; they have nothing with their picture on it. Many do not have birth certificates, as they were born at home. People who are now old and moved all over the country as children, some do not even know where or which state they were born in as their parents traveled all over the country during the other depression trying to feed them. Many did not go to school as they helped their parents work in the fields or wherever they could find work, and there is no one left that would know or remember them. These are the people that have been disenfranchised all their life. Some of these people have never voted, but could have, as they were citizens of this country. But instead of our politicians being interested in helping all people and giving them the right to vote, they want to repress all the people that they don’t want to vote, as they might have the inclination to vote for the other party. That is one type of fraud, the other is redistricting. What are they afraid of? Why aren’t people allowed to vote for whom they want to vote for?

They are trying to put people in little cubicles so that they can control whom they vote for. A republican district here a democrat district there, etc. The worst voter fraud at any given time in our country was not caused by people not eligible to vote, but by politicians paying workers at the precinct to stuff the ballot boxes. This has happened on both sides of the fence. It was not by the voters, but by crooked politicians, wanting to keep their well paying jobs, at the expense of the citizens. Any politician that says this isn’t so, is a damn liar, and most of them are.

Not once has it been mentioned that we the people are to vote on this law, we have not been asked either. It is blatantly dishonest to pass laws that affect the citizens of any state without their permission, and not being allowed to vote on it. It is a persons right to be allowed to vote if they are a citizen. They know whether they are a citizen of the United States and you politicians have no right to tell them they aren’t. My deceased parents had no birth certificates, as they were born at home. My Mother never had a driver’s license and I had many older relatives that were the same. My grandfather drove all his life until he died in 1939 and never had to have a driver’s license, never had insurance, nor did he ever have a accident. But
They paid poll taxes and voted. You just had to have your poll tax receipt.

If you owned property, even slaves and paid your poll taxes you could vote, if you chose to. Then they got rid of poll taxes, so all people would be free to vote, it they chose to. Now our politicians are setting up a new type of poll tax. Voter ID and you have to have an address. If you are a homeless veteran and live out under a bridge on the highway, are we going to tell that person he can’t vote? What if he travels from one state to another during the year and has no permanent address, but is a bona fide citizen of the United States are you going to tell this person there is no place for him to vote, unless he follows your rules? He has that right even if it’s not your rules! Many of these men still have an interest in what goes on in our country, but most of them do not like qualifications that have been sent down that they have to live by the rules of politicians. These people have fought for their freedom and yours, but frankly you politicians do not deserve it.

The other type of voter fraud is the voting machines, with no way to trace your vote and the vote totals can be changed, by the flip of a switch and politicians want us to trust them! As I said before it’s time to put a stop to it. We can wait until the next election to get rid of all them, and go back and get rid of all the laws made in the last 40 years, or head to the Capitals now and tell them it is time for them to leave, peaceably or by force. How many hundreds of years has it taken other countries to get rid of the dictators that repressed them? In the long run the citizens of this country will have to hit the road for a change, if we want to live free with our rights intact.
Every nation has men that are ruled by avarice. The United States has always had this type of men, but in the last 25 years it has gotten so bad, that we are at the point of no return. Man’s inhumanity to the poor and middle class people by the politicians that were elected by hook or crook is unbelievable. Let’s do something it couldn’t be any worse than what has already happened

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