Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Government that cheats

So you guys are thinking about cutting Social Security, are
you? We have already had too much stolen from us, and all you left was an IOU! Do you know how many Social Security recipients there are? Okay, but do you know how many children and grandchildren and like myself grown great grandchildren there are. You will not only have the recipients that can still walk, but the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren descend on you with our weapons of mass destruction. It used to be TAR and FEATHERS or the hangman’s rope.

Back to Social Security; it will be democrats, republicans, independents, and even people that no longer care about voting, and many do not as they are tired of the whole political mess. But when you start messing with our savings that we have contributed to all our working lives, as most never made enough to save a dime then, you guys are going to be in a world of hurt. The government has already screwed up many people. A man that works all his life, his wife had been working also for the government, she quits to raise a family.
Her husband dies, she has three (2) kids still in school, she goes back to work for the government. The kids draw Social Security for two (2) years, she nothing. When she retires of course she draws a small government pension and has medical insurance coverage. When she applies for her husbands Social Security, which would be more than her government pension, they say sorry honey, no can do. They keep the whole damn thing, except what the kids got for a couple of years while they were in school. She can draw Medicare, but has to pay threw the nose. Between medical insurance coverage from the government and Medicare, she can handle her medical problems, but each has a co-pay. But she was cheated out of her husbands Social Security, which he had paid for. Why can’t she be able to draw both her husbands Social Security and her government pension, which both had been worked for and paid into? Someone figured out, hey we can’t allow this person to have both we’ll just keep the Social Security for ourselves? Whoever, figured out how to cheat people out of their just dues ought to be hung up by their balls and if it was a woman, hang her up by both of her boobs!

Many men who stayed in the service 20 or more years were promised their pension, medical care and commissary privileges. Many who could work and wanted too to make ends meet, did just that and worked another 20 years, paid
Social Security and Medicare. When they got old enough to draw these things, some decided, hey they can’t have both, so we’ll halve each one. Cheating again. Most retired military had to live close enough to a military base to go to military doctors and the commissary, if not drive more than 100 miles for these privileges. The same thing happens to Teachers, they get a pension, but many had to go back to work at another profession to make ends meet, they work for years and pay Social Security, then aren’t allowed to draw that and their pension. The people who run out government are a bunch of crooks who cheat their own citizens, but never cheat their own comrades!

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