Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Yesterday a young attorney friend e-mailed me and told me she would be headed back to court next week on a case she had been working on for a couple of years. None of us know how it will turn out. But we have hopes for justice. For her all she wants is justice for her clients, as her service is free to them.

I thought of her profound sense of justice and her will to fight against the wrongdoing of the other party that use their power, money and the political system to remove the rights of citizens that have no power, money or political clout to sway the outcome of a disagreement between parties.

Those of us, who believe in justice, expect our judicial system and the courts to back us up, but at times they do not. Our judicial system has never been perfect but over the years has become overly political from the Supreme Court on down. You have heard the expression, “money talks”. It really does, who pays the most money gets to talk their way to the winning goal post for their client, even though the other side proves that their client is right and has been abused by an unfair advantage of power in all forms of devious tricks to win at any cost for gain.

We always hope in the long run that justice will prevail in favor of truth, honesty and ethical use of the justice system. I have seen many times when the court system of judges and lawyers did not do their duty in an ethical manner. In fact our jails are full because of that reason.

In case anyone hasn’t noticed in the last fifty years, none of our republican politicians have had a profound sense of justice and only a few of the democrats. Whatever it takes to win be it right or wrong! Oh, by the way our President Barack Obama has a PROFOUND SENSE OF JUSTICE in case no one has really paid attention to him in the two and one-half years over all the hateful remarks made by strange people who have no sense of what really goes on in our world unless it revolves around them and what they want.

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