Tuesday, June 14, 2011


In regard to men ruling a woman’s life and body:
Let’s take a look at this process. To bring into being, the male of the species is the main factor and the female is secondary recipient. At the time of joining for this little party, ninety-nine percent of the participants aren’t thinking or considering producing another human being, but it happens and when it does happen I have found out in my many years, that unless a couple have been trying for years to conceive, neither one is joyful about this unintended pregnancy. It interferes with their lifestyle. They blame each other, but the man always blames the woman. In talking to many women in sixty years, that is a fact of life. Some men try to pretend it isn’t their child even though they were married. The wife left and went home to her parents. After the child was born she had to force him to come to the hospital and be checked out. She divorced him anyway and he had to pay child support. Good on the courts even though most are dominated by the male judiciary.

If a couple produced a male child, his men friends, patted him on the back with a “way to go fellow” like that proved him to be the big man on the block. Now who actually did all the work –nine months of throwing up, gaining weight and miserable labor pains? The secondary recipient! Guess who gets to take care of this little bundle of joy until he is about sixteen years old? Old number two!

And men want to tell women what they can do with their body! Men enjoy the fun part, life goes on then they get older, the older body doesn’t function like it did when he was young. He blames it on the female, because she has gotten older, so he goes chasing after a younger woman. When he catches one, his body still doesn’t function like he wants it too. Guess what? The male scientist of the world (some that have gotten older also), came up with a new drug Viagra, now several of them, that make him think he is young again and fancy new surgeries that he thinks makes it permanent. Nothing like, an old fool.

Now back to the main factor. He knows that he can impregnate the female, and only he. He uses her for his pleasure, as it does not always work out to be a fun thing for the female, as most of the time he can’t wait to finish what he started and she is left with ‘duh’ what happened. Yep, they both should have used precautions if they were just playing around. Now if we want to make laws, let’s make one that states: If the main factor, a male at this party impregnates a female without her permission, by law he is to be castrated and he must pay for an abortion for her. Be they married or single. It would give them something to think about, losing their toy of a lifetime!

Most, men whether they are married or single only want to play, not be responsible. If women participate in the same fashion, then the good old medical procedure to tie both their tubes should be available. For the male it can be done in the doctors office, I have wiped the sweat off of many a man’s brow while he was having the procedure done. Most women have theirs done in a hospital or clinic. It is a little more complicated. Many women have theirs done after delivery of a child, or the second child. Women that know they do not want children, it should be readily available.

If a female, no matter the age is coerced or forced in any manner into sexual activity and becomes pregnant, the state in which she lives, should have to pay for an abortion, immediately. The male should be castrated and imprisoned. If a male takes advantage of a mentally deficient female and impregnates her. He should be castrated and imprisoned. She should be given an abortion and paid for by the state in which she lives.

Now lets go to our abusive legal system about who makes the laws: No male should make any law pertaining to a females personal private body rights in regard to her having an abortion or not having an abortion. It should be her choice if she is mentally capable. I have seen some in the sad circumstance that they weren’t mentally capable to do this. It was heart-breaking, after being told what was wrong with her and what needed to be done, she said, ‘I can have a little baby of my own to play with’. In the past so many things like this have happened and the parents did not realize the child was pregnant and it was too late for an abortion. I often wonder if all these cases were followed up on. Case histories are interesting. Children have been fathered by; fathers, uncles, grandfathers, brothers, cousins and friends of a family. Guess what all males!

It happens in what one calls the best of families ----Doctors, lawyers, teachers, preachers, etc., not all ignorant people from the backwoods. Now if the laws I wished could be passed, would be passed and in a frame in front of every male and the laws carried out, no if, ands or buts or this crap of proof of evidence. There are 94 different types of evidence that can be thrown around in a courtroom and all that is needed is one Judge with common sense who might have raised daughters.

It should be taught in school and churches what will happen to males if they commit this crime against a female. I am going a little further. Two-percent of the women in our country are not nice people. Had a General friend in the military. He had a circumstance, which really upset him. A young man under his command came in to talk to him. His problem, his mother was pregnant. When he asked about the father, the young man told him he was. He had had a few drinks as he was so upset and told his wife and I about it. After a bit he came back in the room and asked us to please forget about it and not mention it again. I haven’t until now. They both have expired. I often wonder what advice he gave the young man. I do remember him saying it was the biggest shock he had had in going through two wars. Things like this leave you wondering what happened in the long run.

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