Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Response and My Response

The Response? Rick Perry and his political party rally is not about being a Christian and doing the right thing by the citizens of Texas or any other place on this earth. The God and Jesus Christ I know will not be at the rally. All through our Bible that everyone claims to believe in it states that both God and Jesus Christ favor the poor and homeless. They also state that the poor and homeless will be with us for all time.
James: Chapter 2: Verse 5: states; “Hearken my beloved brethen, ‘Hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?

Jesus Christ was homeless. St. Matthew, Chapter 8, Verse 19 states: “And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.” Verse 20 states, “And Jesus saith unto him, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head”. Since Rick Perry is furnished a magnificent $10,000.00 dollar a month to live in by the citizens of Texas, rich and poor alike I don’t think God and Jesus Christ will be there to applaud him. “Mark: Chapter 8: Verse 36: “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

Rick Perry has already lost his soul due to his treatment of the poor citizens of Texas, all races and religions. He has forgotten or maybe he never knew that God created all races and religions of this world. He brought his Son forth for a reason. And he died for our sins. What a terrible loss, as I don’t think it has helped as much as God thought it would. We have a group of republican political religious nuts that have become the devil’s playground and are trying to take over and rule our country. They claim to be Christian’s, but there is not a real Christian among the bunch. They are a bunch of avarice ridden, power hungry, greedy corrupt people, that will never feel or see the light and grace of God and our savior Jesus Christ.

It will not matter how much money the rich and powerful have and raise, it will not get them anywhere but the graveyard in the end. Our Maker and our Savior still prefer the poor and homeless and true believers.


Yesterday a young attorney friend e-mailed me and told me she would be headed back to court next week on a case she had been working on for a couple of years. None of us know how it will turn out. But we have hopes for justice. For her all she wants is justice for her clients, as her service is free to them.

I thought of her profound sense of justice and her will to fight against the wrongdoing of the other party that use their power, money and the political system to remove the rights of citizens that have no power, money or political clout to sway the outcome of a disagreement between parties.

Those of us, who believe in justice, expect our judicial system and the courts to back us up, but at times they do not. Our judicial system has never been perfect but over the years has become overly political from the Supreme Court on down. You have heard the expression, “money talks”. It really does, who pays the most money gets to talk their way to the winning goal post for their client, even though the other side proves that their client is right and has been abused by an unfair advantage of power in all forms of devious tricks to win at any cost for gain.

We always hope in the long run that justice will prevail in favor of truth, honesty and ethical use of the justice system. I have seen many times when the court system of judges and lawyers did not do their duty in an ethical manner. In fact our jails are full because of that reason.

In case anyone hasn’t noticed in the last fifty years, none of our republican politicians have had a profound sense of justice and only a few of the democrats. Whatever it takes to win be it right or wrong! Oh, by the way our President Barack Obama has a PROFOUND SENSE OF JUSTICE in case no one has really paid attention to him in the two and one-half years over all the hateful remarks made by strange people who have no sense of what really goes on in our world unless it revolves around them and what they want.

Justice and Natural Law

In looking up the definition of Natural Justice in Black’s
Law Dictionary, it states; Justice is defined in a moral, as opposed to a legal, sense. Right across I noticed, “Justice-broker” (followed by the word “archaic”).
The definition: A judge who sells judicial decisions.
I thought for a minute on the meaning of the word archaic. It was an old law possibly not used anymore. Frankly I think it has always been used and in this day and age more than ever. Especially by our Supreme Court Judges!

Then I switched over to Natural Law. The definition:
1. A physical law of nature (gravitation is a natural law).
2. A philosophical system of legal and moral principles purportedly deriving from a universalized conception of human nature or divine justice rather than from legislative or judicial action; moral law embodied in principles of right and wrong (many ethical teachings are based on natural law).

So again I question why our legislator’s in Congress and our State Legislator’s are making laws that involve moral principles of natural law that delve into a persons private moral actions and behavior? I think those suckers are trying to take over “The Supreme Power – God.” He is the last and only Judge, not some two-bit politician.


As I sit and watch our great country I cannot believe that we the citizens have allowed the politicians to take our rights from us. I know it is not what my ancestors fought and died for. We have allowed the Congress and the Governors of each state to make laws, vote on them pass them into laws without each of them being put on the ballot for all of us to vote on, to accept or not to accept.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. And I mean that literally. The 535 members of congress and the 50 governors have decided they own our country and intend to run things to suit themselves. I know that the citizen’s of each state is not satisfied with the way their state is being run. I also know that the President cannot do a damn thing about it. But we the citizens can. Let’s all pack a sack lunch and head to the Capital of every State – you know, the one known as OUR HOUSE. Governors and politicians have come to the conclusion that they own it and we have no right to interfere with their business, the business they are supposed to be doing for ‘We The People’. They are doing business for themselves and the power hungry companies. Every bill that is being passed in the State of Texas is not for the people, only a favored few.

Yes we really do have voter fraud, but not the type the state republicans are insinuating we have, of people trying to vote when they aren’t eligible to vote. We have people who have legal social security cards, but have no driver’s license, as they do not drive, some never have; they have nothing with their picture on it. Many do not have birth certificates, as they were born at home. People who are now old and moved all over the country as children, some do not even know where or which state they were born in as their parents traveled all over the country during the other depression trying to feed them. Many did not go to school as they helped their parents work in the fields or wherever they could find work, and there is no one left that would know or remember them. These are the people that have been disenfranchised all their life. Some of these people have never voted, but could have, as they were citizens of this country. But instead of our politicians being interested in helping all people and giving them the right to vote, they want to repress all the people that they don’t want to vote, as they might have the inclination to vote for the other party. That is one type of fraud, the other is redistricting. What are they afraid of? Why aren’t people allowed to vote for whom they want to vote for?

They are trying to put people in little cubicles so that they can control whom they vote for. A republican district here a democrat district there, etc. The worst voter fraud at any given time in our country was not caused by people not eligible to vote, but by politicians paying workers at the precinct to stuff the ballot boxes. This has happened on both sides of the fence. It was not by the voters, but by crooked politicians, wanting to keep their well paying jobs, at the expense of the citizens. Any politician that says this isn’t so, is a damn liar, and most of them are.

Not once has it been mentioned that we the people are to vote on this law, we have not been asked either. It is blatantly dishonest to pass laws that affect the citizens of any state without their permission, and not being allowed to vote on it. It is a persons right to be allowed to vote if they are a citizen. They know whether they are a citizen of the United States and you politicians have no right to tell them they aren’t. My deceased parents had no birth certificates, as they were born at home. My Mother never had a driver’s license and I had many older relatives that were the same. My grandfather drove all his life until he died in 1939 and never had to have a driver’s license, never had insurance, nor did he ever have a accident. But
They paid poll taxes and voted. You just had to have your poll tax receipt.

If you owned property, even slaves and paid your poll taxes you could vote, if you chose to. Then they got rid of poll taxes, so all people would be free to vote, it they chose to. Now our politicians are setting up a new type of poll tax. Voter ID and you have to have an address. If you are a homeless veteran and live out under a bridge on the highway, are we going to tell that person he can’t vote? What if he travels from one state to another during the year and has no permanent address, but is a bona fide citizen of the United States are you going to tell this person there is no place for him to vote, unless he follows your rules? He has that right even if it’s not your rules! Many of these men still have an interest in what goes on in our country, but most of them do not like qualifications that have been sent down that they have to live by the rules of politicians. These people have fought for their freedom and yours, but frankly you politicians do not deserve it.

The other type of voter fraud is the voting machines, with no way to trace your vote and the vote totals can be changed, by the flip of a switch and politicians want us to trust them! As I said before it’s time to put a stop to it. We can wait until the next election to get rid of all them, and go back and get rid of all the laws made in the last 40 years, or head to the Capitals now and tell them it is time for them to leave, peaceably or by force. How many hundreds of years has it taken other countries to get rid of the dictators that repressed them? In the long run the citizens of this country will have to hit the road for a change, if we want to live free with our rights intact.
Every nation has men that are ruled by avarice. The United States has always had this type of men, but in the last 25 years it has gotten so bad, that we are at the point of no return. Man’s inhumanity to the poor and middle class people by the politicians that were elected by hook or crook is unbelievable. Let’s do something it couldn’t be any worse than what has already happened


Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler is worried about the Islamic Law of Shariah! Not all Muslims live under the Islamic Law of Shariah, only the radical ones. He is worried about what the law does to women. Hey, if all women worn Burqas we could put the cosmetic business out of business – but that would upset our big corporations, so we can’t have that in America. And he is worried about women being humiliated! What do they call it when the politicians want to ban Planned Parenthood and abortion by choice? They are humiliating women when they mess into their own private personal privacy. Let’s ask the men how many of them take Viagra or how many of them have had Penal implants? Bet they would tell people it was none of their business, right? Well it is none of their business what women do.

This article I read states, they note increasing instances of other states recognizing foreign laws, for example, give a father custody of a child or deny a restraining order for a wife. That jerk seems to have forgotten our history of treatment of women in America. We did the same thing. If a woman dared to leave or divorce a man, the courts always gave the children to the father, or if he wanted to leave the woman, he could also take the children, and all property. I have a whole book of Wills from the State of Alabama. Women had no rights. Property given to a woman by her parent’s, automatically became the property of the husband, even the slaves given to her.

We women finally got the right to vote under Amendment XIX in 1920, didn’t mention the word WOMEN, just on “the account of sex.” The rest of our rights we have had to fight for on our own. Get credit, buy property, etc. and we still do not have the same rights as a man. As a woman I resent the hell out of our countries treatment of women. That old fart Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, said we women do not have any rights under the CONSTITUTION. Well I don’t know how long his ancestors have been in this country, but mine have been (and some were already here) since the boat landed and America was discovered and, have fought in every war this country has had, they earned my rights, liberty and freedom and I intend to keep them, whether Scalia thinks I have rights or not, he is just a man, and God made both man and woman. Men try to make us believe we aren’t important, but without us they would be up a creek. Without us that sperm they want to continue expelling around would wind up on the ground.

I learned long ago as a child, that a woman is the best part of this universe. The only things a woman can’t do that a man can, is stand up and urinate (but she could if she inserted a catheter) or impregnate a woman. New medical miracles – artificial insemination! We don’t need the man, only the sperm and they are always glad to sell it. Sort of a form of prostitution! This for a woman to use if, she wants a child and she doesn’t want to put up with a man around. I have seen very few men that were of any help with the children in a household. They put to much importance on themselves.

If some of our nuts would quit worrying about new people coming to our country, who had lived under different laws, just leave them alone, their women will someday, I hope take their own rights, as we women had to do. In fact I know some that have. They do not wear burqas in public. They have always worn makeup in their homes. Most do not wear burqas inside their home, just in public, as their husbands do not want their faces seen by other men. It seems, to be the man that has a problem, not only in other countries, but in America too. They want to be the head honcho and tell women what they can do and not do. For me the old saying, ‘it will be a cold day in hell or icicles in August’ before I allow that to happen to me.

Pat Carlson, President of the Texas Eagle Forum said, “This is something happening in other states.” When asked if she thinks Shariah is invading the country, she said, “It has got tentacles in our country.” The tentacles of Shariah or terrorist do not bother me, what does bother me is the tentacles from our CAPITALIST REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS that are trying to take over our country and take us back to the 1800’s. Dorrie O’Brien another republican said, “Shariah law is a complete way of life.” Yes, just like the Catholic religion, the Morman religion and some others were in the beginning and the Amish religion still is in this country. The Amish do not bother anyone, nor do we bother them. They live their religion so do the people who live under the Shariah law, it is their belief. The majority of people in the United States claim to be Christian, but few are, as they constantly mouth hate and resentment against other people of different religious beliefs, prejudice against different races. People you can’t be a real Christian and do that.

Remember the terror from the Catholic religion of old in the days of the insurrection??? Things had to be their way or the highway – plus they also killed to prove a point, their religion or none! Frankly I find the United States of America’s politicians trying to prove the same kind of point. Saying, “people from other parts of the world, you can’t live in this country unless you do it our way, believe as we believe, dress as we dress, follow all our laws, even to your own personal private lives inside your own place of abode, even if you work and pay taxes just like SOME of the Americans do, and if you are very wealthy and form a big corporation and make lots of money to pay the politicians with, they don’t care whether you pay taxes or not”. Plus you can do like most of the rich and politicians do, anything your big enough to do and if it outside the law, that’s okay with them, you can buy off our corrupt judicial system, they like money anyway they can get. The only laws they are concerned about are the ones they didn’t make that do not favor them. And none of our politicians follow the Constitution they keep yammering about. All they want is the money and the power.

My Unkind Thoughts

As I watch the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, I had
an unkind thought and let my imagination run. Albert Einstein
once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” I have been watching these last few months at what the Republican politicians, wealthy greedy power hungry corporations, along with many in our judicial system, ‘the ones whom are over educated idiots with no commonsense’ trying to destroy our country from within, by elimination all the poor and middle class working people to make them subjects in lieu of citizens with equal rights. None of the ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ for them its, ‘you will do what we tell you to do and change the laws of the land to make sure you do.’
My thought was: I wish all the Republican politicians and the people from whom they follow and take orders from, since they were bought and paid for were in the middle of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and should they have survived I wonder if any of them would have escaped and returned with a different outlook on life and other people. Would they be kinder more considerate and compassionate? Would they consider other peoples lot in life? Would they try to help people less fortunate than they had been in the past, help to build them and our country up in lieu of tear down and destroy a way of life that had taken centuries to build for their own personal gain? I have watched these people the majority who claim to be Christians, but really aren’t and as I thought I realized, no nothing would change them, they are to far gone to the point of no return to be decent human beings and should not be allowed to live on this earth. And in the long run want be able too, as the good Book tells us the, “Meek shall inherit the earth.”

Government that cheats

So you guys are thinking about cutting Social Security, are
you? We have already had too much stolen from us, and all you left was an IOU! Do you know how many Social Security recipients there are? Okay, but do you know how many children and grandchildren and like myself grown great grandchildren there are. You will not only have the recipients that can still walk, but the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren descend on you with our weapons of mass destruction. It used to be TAR and FEATHERS or the hangman’s rope.

Back to Social Security; it will be democrats, republicans, independents, and even people that no longer care about voting, and many do not as they are tired of the whole political mess. But when you start messing with our savings that we have contributed to all our working lives, as most never made enough to save a dime then, you guys are going to be in a world of hurt. The government has already screwed up many people. A man that works all his life, his wife had been working also for the government, she quits to raise a family.
Her husband dies, she has three (2) kids still in school, she goes back to work for the government. The kids draw Social Security for two (2) years, she nothing. When she retires of course she draws a small government pension and has medical insurance coverage. When she applies for her husbands Social Security, which would be more than her government pension, they say sorry honey, no can do. They keep the whole damn thing, except what the kids got for a couple of years while they were in school. She can draw Medicare, but has to pay threw the nose. Between medical insurance coverage from the government and Medicare, she can handle her medical problems, but each has a co-pay. But she was cheated out of her husbands Social Security, which he had paid for. Why can’t she be able to draw both her husbands Social Security and her government pension, which both had been worked for and paid into? Someone figured out, hey we can’t allow this person to have both we’ll just keep the Social Security for ourselves? Whoever, figured out how to cheat people out of their just dues ought to be hung up by their balls and if it was a woman, hang her up by both of her boobs!

Many men who stayed in the service 20 or more years were promised their pension, medical care and commissary privileges. Many who could work and wanted too to make ends meet, did just that and worked another 20 years, paid
Social Security and Medicare. When they got old enough to draw these things, some decided, hey they can’t have both, so we’ll halve each one. Cheating again. Most retired military had to live close enough to a military base to go to military doctors and the commissary, if not drive more than 100 miles for these privileges. The same thing happens to Teachers, they get a pension, but many had to go back to work at another profession to make ends meet, they work for years and pay Social Security, then aren’t allowed to draw that and their pension. The people who run out government are a bunch of crooks who cheat their own citizens, but never cheat their own comrades!


In regard to men ruling a woman’s life and body:
Let’s take a look at this process. To bring into being, the male of the species is the main factor and the female is secondary recipient. At the time of joining for this little party, ninety-nine percent of the participants aren’t thinking or considering producing another human being, but it happens and when it does happen I have found out in my many years, that unless a couple have been trying for years to conceive, neither one is joyful about this unintended pregnancy. It interferes with their lifestyle. They blame each other, but the man always blames the woman. In talking to many women in sixty years, that is a fact of life. Some men try to pretend it isn’t their child even though they were married. The wife left and went home to her parents. After the child was born she had to force him to come to the hospital and be checked out. She divorced him anyway and he had to pay child support. Good on the courts even though most are dominated by the male judiciary.

If a couple produced a male child, his men friends, patted him on the back with a “way to go fellow” like that proved him to be the big man on the block. Now who actually did all the work –nine months of throwing up, gaining weight and miserable labor pains? The secondary recipient! Guess who gets to take care of this little bundle of joy until he is about sixteen years old? Old number two!

And men want to tell women what they can do with their body! Men enjoy the fun part, life goes on then they get older, the older body doesn’t function like it did when he was young. He blames it on the female, because she has gotten older, so he goes chasing after a younger woman. When he catches one, his body still doesn’t function like he wants it too. Guess what? The male scientist of the world (some that have gotten older also), came up with a new drug Viagra, now several of them, that make him think he is young again and fancy new surgeries that he thinks makes it permanent. Nothing like, an old fool.

Now back to the main factor. He knows that he can impregnate the female, and only he. He uses her for his pleasure, as it does not always work out to be a fun thing for the female, as most of the time he can’t wait to finish what he started and she is left with ‘duh’ what happened. Yep, they both should have used precautions if they were just playing around. Now if we want to make laws, let’s make one that states: If the main factor, a male at this party impregnates a female without her permission, by law he is to be castrated and he must pay for an abortion for her. Be they married or single. It would give them something to think about, losing their toy of a lifetime!

Most, men whether they are married or single only want to play, not be responsible. If women participate in the same fashion, then the good old medical procedure to tie both their tubes should be available. For the male it can be done in the doctors office, I have wiped the sweat off of many a man’s brow while he was having the procedure done. Most women have theirs done in a hospital or clinic. It is a little more complicated. Many women have theirs done after delivery of a child, or the second child. Women that know they do not want children, it should be readily available.

If a female, no matter the age is coerced or forced in any manner into sexual activity and becomes pregnant, the state in which she lives, should have to pay for an abortion, immediately. The male should be castrated and imprisoned. If a male takes advantage of a mentally deficient female and impregnates her. He should be castrated and imprisoned. She should be given an abortion and paid for by the state in which she lives.

Now lets go to our abusive legal system about who makes the laws: No male should make any law pertaining to a females personal private body rights in regard to her having an abortion or not having an abortion. It should be her choice if she is mentally capable. I have seen some in the sad circumstance that they weren’t mentally capable to do this. It was heart-breaking, after being told what was wrong with her and what needed to be done, she said, ‘I can have a little baby of my own to play with’. In the past so many things like this have happened and the parents did not realize the child was pregnant and it was too late for an abortion. I often wonder if all these cases were followed up on. Case histories are interesting. Children have been fathered by; fathers, uncles, grandfathers, brothers, cousins and friends of a family. Guess what all males!

It happens in what one calls the best of families ----Doctors, lawyers, teachers, preachers, etc., not all ignorant people from the backwoods. Now if the laws I wished could be passed, would be passed and in a frame in front of every male and the laws carried out, no if, ands or buts or this crap of proof of evidence. There are 94 different types of evidence that can be thrown around in a courtroom and all that is needed is one Judge with common sense who might have raised daughters.

It should be taught in school and churches what will happen to males if they commit this crime against a female. I am going a little further. Two-percent of the women in our country are not nice people. Had a General friend in the military. He had a circumstance, which really upset him. A young man under his command came in to talk to him. His problem, his mother was pregnant. When he asked about the father, the young man told him he was. He had had a few drinks as he was so upset and told his wife and I about it. After a bit he came back in the room and asked us to please forget about it and not mention it again. I haven’t until now. They both have expired. I often wonder what advice he gave the young man. I do remember him saying it was the biggest shock he had had in going through two wars. Things like this leave you wondering what happened in the long run.


I love to get the truth about all the things going on in our
country. There are several journalists that one can depend on to give us the truth. Ed Wallace of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Stephen Dick of the Herald Bulletin in Anderson, Indiana.

Wallace wrote; Myth Sold as Truth: Privatization. In the new progressive language, ‘privatization’ is code for ‘profitization’—and the public gets none of the profits. We just pay more to use assets our taxes paid to build.
The public is deluged with Big Myths that it’s almost impossible to deal with all of them - much less disprove the untruths they’re built one. That’s probably the idea. These Big Myth premises, successfully foisted onto a gullible public incapable of critical thinking, serve only to enlarge the wealth of those spreading disinformation.

Privatization of publicly owned assets, sold to us wrapped in the shiny myth that “private companies can always do the job better than inefficient governments” is one of the most effective sales jobs. It is quickly altering the lives and draining the pocketbooks of all Americans. First maybe it’s true that private industry is more efficient at some thins than government if. But it is equally true that these companies are not buying public assets for anything as altruistic as lowering the costs of using these assets for the public good. They have little incentive to provide more efficient services; the reason they buy the assets that we all paid for is a simple investment/profit motive. Once the new owners control the asset, there only mission statement reads, “to maximize investors’ return on their investment.”

Your Taxes at Work-In India: This really struck home a week ago. ABC News did a story about Florida’s privatizing its food stamp operations to J.P. Morgan – which in turn contracted a call center in India to process the claims. Imagine that. Florida gives taxpayers’ money to J.P. Morgan, which to make a greater profit uses that money to hire people in India, putting Floridians out of a job. Then out-of-work Floridians have to call India to get approved for food stamps. Now that is ironic.

The best place to see how privatization really affects average Americans may be in Chicago. Like many cities, Chicago has had a hard time living within its budgetary means, even while collecting one of America’s highest city sales taxes: 10.25 percent. So two years ago Chicago decided to sell the city’s parking meters. According to Associated Content, William Blair is a close associate of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. Selling off the city’s 36,000 parking meters to a private investment group was his idea, but Blair also was instrumental in getting Daley to sell off the city-owned downtown parking garages back in 2006. And for his clever suggestions for taking revenue-producing, publicly owned assets and privatizing them (and for being a member of Daley’s Kitchen Cabinet), Blair has received payments totaling $6.5 million.

Analysis After the Sale; Morgan Stanley eventually took majority ownership of the city’s parking meters for 75 years, in exchange for a one-time payment to Chicago of just under $1.2 billion. According to Chicago Sun Times political columnist Carol Marin, almost imme-diately the cost of using a parking meter inside the Loop jumped to 28 quarters ($7) for a two-hour period. But quickly increasing the cost of parking wasn’t the only pain inflicted by the new owners. Many parking meters couldn’t handle that much loose change in one day, and once full the meters would accept no more change; anyone who parked by one was doing so illegally. Yes, the number of parking tickets jumped so much they had to stop writing them while new meters that would accept credit cards were installed. Even more interesting is that
LAZ Parking – also owned by Morgan Stanley – was responsible for collecting the coins out of the meters and issuing the parking tickets,

The meters were set to demand payment 24 hour a day and seven days a week, ending the free parking that enticed many families to downtown Chicago on Sundays. Chicago’s Inspector General analyzed the deal only after it was done; and on June 1, 2009, his report on the sale said officially that Chicago had gotten the short end of the stick. The report faulted William Blair’s calculations of the 36,000 parking meters’ present and future value: They were worth not a mere $1.2 billion, but more in the neighborhood of $2 billion. Seems Blair wrote the entire report from the investors’ perspective, not from that of the real owners, the people of Chicago. The Inspector General concluded that the entire deal was “dubious.” It should be noted that Daley’s friend Blair wasn’t the only one who profited by suggesting and promoting this deal. The Mayor’s former spokes-woman, Avis Lavelle, emerged from it with a new job – spokeswoman for Morgan Stanley’s parking meter entity. By November the New York Times has shown the deal to numerous financial experts, who unanimously said, “Chicago could have made out much better in the long run had it kept the meters.” Here’s the next effect of that sale. Parking meter rates have quadrupled, and that was just in the first year after the sale went through. The lease still has 74 years to run. Chicago drivers are (and their great-grandkids will be) paying through the nose for the sins of those voters elected to govern the city’s finances wisely. (Frankly between, you, me and the gatepost I think Chicago needs too hire some good honest lawyers, if they can be found to protect the citizens of Chicago. ERC)

You Texans remember the Trans-Texas Corridor that Perry tried to push onto all of us. The people of Indiana had already been conned into selling their major toll road to the Cintra/Macquarie Group and it was privatized. Here is Wallace’s report on that: “A combination of toll increases have marked the Toll Road’s first three and a half years under private operation.” That comment came out of a column published a year ago, reminding readers that tolls would increase by another 8.2 percent last summer. The rationale? The recession lowered the number of drivers using the toll road, so keeping profits constant meant everyone still using it had to pay more.

And when summer came, it brought another surprise for the users of the Indiana Toll Road: A lawsuit against its new owner, ITR Concession, brought by a woman whose accident she blamed on their highway’s poorly maintained condition. The merits of her lawsuit notwithstanding, it’s interesting that ITR Concession tried to get the lawsuit thrown out under the legal concept of government immunity from legal actions. Really. A private, for-profit company buys up a publicly owned highway and then wants the same protection against lawsuits that government enjoys.

My two-cents worth: If all cities, counties and states are making deals like this, no wonder we have so much un-employment. Florida’s food stamp operation: Outsourcing captive consumers calls to India, Chicago changing parking meters to credit cards, so none one is paid to take the money out of the meters. Policemen not needed to issue parking tickets, as the new owner had its on crew. Indiana not keeping up the toll road repairs so that they are safe, therefore not having to pay as many employees. Good old AT&T, their customer service is outsourced: I always get someone in the Philippines that I can’t understand. I pay them in the United States and I want to talk to someone in the US, when I ask them to transfer my call to the US, they say they can’t, how odd.

Principles vs. Profiteering

Quoting from Ed Wallace, a Business Journalist. It is so nice
when you have someone write about the things you already
know about and backs up the things you know are true.

Principles vs. Profiteering:

When Charlie Wilson left his job as head of General Motors in the early 50’s to become our Secretary of Defense in the Eisenhower Cabinet, he had to divest of his stock in GM over conflict of interest rules. It cost Wilson over a million dollars in tax liabilities to accept the President’s offer. But Wilson, like so many other wealthy Americans in those days doing public service after a long and successful business career, paid the price willingly.

Wilson said that America had been so good to him that giving back to the country that gave him everything was the right thing to do, including service to the country as a public servant. The long and impressive list of car men in this country who did the same thing for the betterment of America includes men like Big Bill Knudsen. He too lost millions when he left GM to run our weapons procurement during World War II.

Yet, in the early 70’s - just two decades after Charlie Wilson forfeited millions to do public service at the end of his career – the system changed and no one noticed. Suddenly everyone was doing their so-called public service early in their careers, then jumping ship to private industry and making the big bucks because they were “government connected.” For example, look at the political career of Donald Rumsfeld in the 70’s. After he left government he made a fortune in private industry because of his political connections, then returned to Washington. Open Secrets put his 2004 net worth at between $64 and $210 million. Being White House Chief of Staff in the Ford Administration just didn’t pay that kind of money.

Government as a Business Piggybank:

So, if you wonder why we pay so much for electricity, or why so many toll roads are now being built, or why no one in authority can put sanity back into the commodities markets – leaving us to pay far more for food and energy than market conditions justify – it’s not just the Democrats’ or the Republicans’ fault. And it’s not because we don’t pay enough in taxes to offset our deficits. It is because the political system now is geared toward insiders’ using their influence to take over government’s duties and responsibilities (parking meters, highways or even basic legislation) for their own clients financial gain.

The reason so many publicly owned assets are being sold is not that private industry is more efficient than government. It’s because repeating that Big Myth is a sure fire way to get the public to sign off on deals that any intelligent person can see don’t serve citizens’ long-term economic interest. In fact, typically it only takes months for the taxpayer to realize just how costly these deals will be. Then again, we’re a long way from the days of Ike and businessmen who felt it was their duty to serve our country they loved so much. (Ed Wallace)

As I have said before, I love reading when someone tells the real truth about the down and dirty way politicians behave in our world today. Honor was lost somewhere along the way. They have all sold out for money. I wonder if they think they can take it with them on the last ride out into the hereafter.

A Deficit?

A Deficit?

My friend in Washington sent me an answer to my questions about our
Social Security. Our new congress wants to cut Social Security, pretending it adds to the deficit of our country. There is a deficit all right, to our Social Security. His answer:
“The government still owes the money to the Social Security Trust Fund and is still borrowing more. The Fund currently has a surplus of $2.6 trillion and virtually all that has been borrowed by the Treasury and spent on government functions. The trustees estimate that the fund surplus will grow to $4.3 trillion in the next ten years. That money will undoubtedly be borrowed too. If the Congress and President decide not to pay it back, that would mean the government is defaulting on its most important creditor—American working people. I don’t think they will do that. So they are trying to cut benefits instead.” By the way, did any of you give the government permission to use your Social Security Fund for, their own little slush fund? I didn’t nor did they ask. Actually it is called stealing in our ordinary world of working people. It is a designated fund, not for use in the general fund.

What a bunch of lying conniving con men. Our good old republican politicians keep slinging the propaganda around that Obama and we that draw our ‘entitlement’s that we paid in to are the cause of our total deficit of $14 plus trillion. I know who caused the damn deficit and most of you who are honest do also.

This came from a Republican representative that has been there a long time. Unless you knew as you watched him work for the people, you would not know which party he belonged to he just works for the good of the people. He will be 80 years old March 18 (and ladies he is single). “Members of Congress and other federal employees are covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System, which comprises Social Security payments, a monthly pension based on tenure and pay history, and the Thrift Savings Plan, which is similar to private 402(k) accounts. Members were able to decline to participate in the program until 2003, according to CRS, when Congress prohibited lawmaker’s from opting out. The Members refer to Congress as their “employer,” not we the TAXPAYER. Members each contribute funds to the pension. The Members contribute 1.3 percent of their salaries to the pension program and their EMPLOYER will pay another 17.9 percent of salary costs. Members also pay another 6.2 percent of their earnings to Social Security. Another little goody: Members may contribute up to $16,500 in pre-tax dollars to their TSP accounts in 2011, and they may receive up to 5 percent in matching funds from their EMPLOYER the good old TAXPAYER. Each Member receives 1 percent in matching contributions from CONGRESS/EMPLOYER/TAXPAYER, regardless of whether they contribute.

By the way my friend opted out years ago, but did say too bad, as when he leaves he doesn’t get the great healthcare benefits, but will draw SS and Medicare. But felt the taxpayers are paying his salary and he didn’t think they needed to contribute to the pension. Wonder if the Treasury drew any money from the Members SS Trust Fund? The Congressional pension program is rarely mentioned on Capitol Hill. Lawmakers voted against an automatic, pay raise in the current fiscal year and the House voted last month to cut its office budget 5 percent—how magnanimous of them! “Along with the franking privilege, pensions represent a valuable perk to both political parties that lawmakers don’t want to touch.”