Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who’s Country?

Who’s Country? I Have Mine.

As I sit and watch and read everything about the Tea Party movement flowing through our country, I can’t believe the absolute ignorance of these people. They want their country back? Where are they from? They are not peace loving Americans. They keep mouthing, about freedom, I have my freedom. What happened to theirs? Why did they lose theirs? Was it under the 8 years of the republican regime? We now have a President that cherishes his freedom more than any of them do, and he has that right, as he have lived under the hate they are spewing all over this country all his life. Do they not understand that?

The problems in our world; are caused by fanatical religious groups and fanatical politics. Always has been. In other nations before people immigrated to this country and it has continued on, unabated by people to blind to care what they were doing, only what they wanted at the expense of many. And they haven’t changed. That is why we have the haves and have not.

The Tea Party nuts and radical republicans and other illiterate people want to be the haves. Many do not really comprehend what is going on. They are not fit to have control of this country. Not my country. The country that I lost ancestors in all the wars fought in and for my country. They can’t have it back! Their goal is to make sure President Obama is a one, term president. Don’t they realize that as a beautiful mix of both races, he sees everyone, not just a favored, few. I will tell them one thing, through him is the best chance of freedom anyone will ever have. If they had any common sense they would help him do the job he came to do. He didn’t make our debt in this country. He didn’t start the damn wars many of them and the last president with his warmongering friends, controlled by avarice did. If our country goes under, it will not be President Barack Obama’s fault it will be all the people fighting against him. As humble as any human being could possibly be, he stated “I cannot do it alone, I need all your help”. How many have stepped up to the plate? Only a few, when we had to bail out the people, that Bush wasn’t interested in when he bailed out all the big financial firms, that caused part of our downfall. They all jumped in with a big YEA to that. For anything else it has been like pulling teeth.

When I got my list of all contributions by legislator, and wasn’t to surprised to see the names of the Senators who took money. They actually took money from the groups that wanted the bill supported and from the groups that wanted the bill opposed. The opposing side paid the most money. All the republicans voted no, as you know. The party of NO actually took in $94, 388, 189. Let’s start in Alphabetically order, with the senators who took over a million dollars. Richard Burr, NC $1,226.535 – Saxby Chambliss, GA $1,673,844 – Bob Corker, TN $1,602,249
John Cornyn, TX $1,536,456 – Jim DeMint SC $1,415,360
Jon Kyl, AZ $1,577,121 – Mitch McConnell, KY $1,962,683 – John Thune, SD $1,565,665 !!!!

Democrats took money also, from both sides, not all of them, but they didn’t get in on the big stuff. Some of those contributors are going to be mad as hell, or will they count it off as a charitable contribution? Because; the ones that contribute, and the ones that take, are both guilty of bribery. To do this to the American people makes them the lowest forms of human life. I’m sure the people of each state sent them to work for them, not against them. Every state has poor people that needed healthcare badly. Why do they not want the people of their state to have healthcare like they do?

I haven’t got the list on Representatives yet; it will probably be interesting too. None of them are there to work for the good of our country and we the people, only for themselves and the ones that bought and paid for them. I call them congressional prostitutes.

Un-elected Public Officials

Un-elected Public Officials

I read an article ‘Palin represents new type of un-elected public official’. Well not exactly, we have many of them; some were elected before then were not reelected. Dick Cheney still thinks he is VP, daughter Liz Cheney thinks (or does she) that she is the head spokes person and what she has to say counts, even though most of her blather is untrue, Dick Armey still thinks he is majority leader, Newt Gingrich still thinks he is ‘head honcho’, even Tom Delay keeps sticking his finger in politics. Gramm still thinks he is the world’s greatest mathematical whiz around, actually he just knows how the system works and can cook the books, I think they have become addicted to politics, power, money and the spotlight and cannot give it up.

In 2000 George W. Bush was not elected. He was assigned, the place of President of the United States by the Supreme Court. It has been the assumption of the citizens of this country that the Supreme Court should not be political nor should the military hierarchy. I heard someone in a discussion on C-Span, being asked what they thought of Sarah Palin as a politician. Their answer “George Bush in drag’ I thought it was a very apt description.

Remember the TV program ‘Dragnet’? I remember the part, “just the facts, just the facts”. As I watch, listen, read and investigate, I find that; nearly all of the people exaggerate and embellish what they are saying with outright untruths, actually they flat lie. It is a simple thing to tell the truth and the real ‘facts’ are on record. I sit in a different position than a lot of people, I listen to everything, read everything, pull up all the facts, the real facts. Some I actually remember, in fact as I get older I can remember way back when, better than last week. I now write it down as it happens, soon I will need more table space for tablets.

I watch politicians and people stand up and lie before God and everyone. They also write the same lies. Do they not understand that many of us know when they are lying and if we are not sure and are really interested, we will check and find the truth, for our self.

It is a terrible hurtful thing to have people whom are supposed to be helping and working for the citizens of this country, stand up distort the facts and flat out lie to us, hoping they are believed, and many are, as we have people that do not have the time or interest to find out the truth, and do not put forth the effort. They just believe some things that sound feasible or have become disenchanted with the whole political process.

As I talk to people about voting, I find many who have never voted, nor registered to vote. They do not know anything about the government, how it functions or why, they do not know what their civic duty is as a citizen. The young do not know because they have fouled up our schools, by not teaching history or civics in our schools. I know the history that has been taught in our schools was just a smidgen of the truth, written in order to make our country look good. If you do not know the real truth of our history, all of it, the good and the bad, you cannot make an informed decision.

Plus you need to know the history of the world, to know why we have evolved into the nation we have become. Since time began, we have had good, bad and indifferent citizens of this world. Some had different agenda’s. Those that wanted to live, do good things love one another and have a peaceful life. Others were born with a dark side in their souls, which were filled with avarice. Their ego and self-aggrandizement was their only interest. Their way was; the only way, believe as I believe. They had to rule the roost so to speak. All others were wrong.

Religions were the same way, believe as I believe or you’re a heretic and many were killed. This is from people who were supposed to be teaching the word of God. Which I find strange, as one of the Ten Commandments, stated; “thou shalt not kill”. This is still the law in the Good Book and taught today, but not obeyed. We go to war and kill many innocent people, why? Fanatical Religions and fanatical political leaders; Avarice of the leaders of all nations; frankly the worst have been, Spain, England, France, Russia, Germany and the United States. They have done this by wars and the insidious manipulations of pretending to be a friend and putting military bases in other countries to help protect them from someone else. Our country have been really great at sending military men from the G-2 section, whom all speak the language of a particular country, in civilian clothes, start a coup, and then send our military over to squelch the uprising, viola’, we are then hero’s. We have done this in Central America. This came from a friend whom was involved. He became very disenchanted with the military. Many did, it was no longer an honor to serve under those circumstances. But many gung ho military people loved it and the intrigue.

A Woman’s Choice

I was born a female into this world. My parents had control of me until the age of reasoning. They taught and told me what I could do and not do. From that time on I have always had complete control of my body. It was mine. I have been a wife and a Mother, but on my own terms, no one else’s. My children were God’s gift to me.

As I watch the stupidity going on in regard control of women’s rights about what they can or cannot do with their own body is unbelievable. No Church has the right to make laws about a woman’s body. They should not be lobbying in congress to make these laws and if they do interfere with the making of laws they should lose their tax-exempt status. Any politician and any member of the judicial branches of the government; be they man or woman that make these laws should be impeached.

A man has no right at all to make laws for a woman in regard to what she can and cannot do with her body. I cannot understand why any woman would put up with it. If she chooses to marry and have children, it should be her choice. If she chooses not to have children it should be her choice. The only thing involving the man is a few moments of pleasure and the rest is up to the woman. Most of the time it is not the intention of the man to get his partner pregnant. When they do get pregnant, he usually grips and says it is the woman’s fault that she got pregnant.

Since the beginning of time women have been told that they have no rights. But ladies, you do. You do not have to be subservient to a man. You can be his partner and meet him half way. If you are not willing, say no. If you do not want to, you do not have to. If he does want to, he can’t. You are not there to service him. If it is not a mutual thing it is of no value. If you do not want to have children it is your choice.

Let no man have control over your body other than on your terms.

Friday, April 09, 2010


I wonder about people’s understanding or mental capacity. Socialism is an economic system that is the opposite of capitalism; Communism is the opposite of democracy. We have been living with various forms of socialism for more than 200 years. Socialism is a system in which the Government collects taxes and fees then distributes them back to the people in services, deeds and goods, such as military protection, police and fire protection, public schools. All of these are paid by your; Socialist Government. All people working for government agencies, be they federal, state, county or city, are paid by your Socialist Government with taxes and fees collected by them. Most all of these pay your medical expenses, along with your contribution.

Many are now drawing Social Security and Medicare, much more than we contributed. And believe me many of you whom are hollering SOCIALIST, are enjoying the hell out of it. If you didn’t have it, many would be living in the poorhouse (if they still had them) or under a bridge or in a shelter someplace, unless you figured out someway to live beyond the curve or raised some great children to help you, as I do. On the other hand we have those born with the silver spoon in their mouth and never had to worry about anything. Then we have the group that figured out early, get in politics. That pays really well.

We have Congressman; they figured out a long time ago how to legislate. Figured out what they wanted out of the Socialist Government, put the bill through for full medical benefits, pension retirement, salary with automatic raises, travel expenses, believe you me they all voted yes, not a one of the suckers voted no. Work, maybe: Fifty-two, five day work weeks, with time off for holidays and other time off for any reason they deem necessary to visit their district, show up for some lip flapping about all the great things the are doing for their constituents (that’s the ones that voted for them, or some of them) mostly for their large contributors, or visiting other states to help out their friends and campaign all year long, by money donated from corporations, to vote the way they want them to on bills in Congress. They might actually work a total of one hundred days of an eight-hour a day. Yet this is the bunch that really hollers socialism, but boy do they love it.

Of course, they got paid, the same by, our Socialist Government, when the Radical Republican fascism type was in the White House with its aggressive nationalism, militarism and racist, fundamental religious extreme right-wing views. They want the Socialist type government for themselves, but not for the rest of the citizens of this country. Many of them pretended to be upset when Wall Street and the big banks put the screws to our country, but they do not want it to be fixed. They do not want a watchdog group keeping an eye on them, if they have someone watching over them, they want get a slice of the pie, or as big a slice. Remember, November 2012, if it happens like many people want and we the citizens allow it to happen then we deserve to have our ass kicked clear into the following November.

Hey I am a Democrat, always have been, I was born before the great depression, when people had nothing. When the ‘Great Socialist’ got Social Security going for many of our old people, they could buy sugar and shoes and a few other things. Did any of you ever have to keep one pair of shoes for ten years and when the soles wore out year after year, you patch them with pieces of leather and small tacks, but you better be careful about placement of the tacks. A good Doctor didn’t take your last dime, he would take food instead, as he didn’t have time to grow and raise his own.
You people hollering Socialist make me sick you do not even know what it means. You just listen to a bunch of stupid people that do not need help, nor probably ever did hollering and griping, that they might have to pay more taxes, but it is alright with you for churches not have to pay taxes and many of them are very rich or the wealthiest ten percent not have to pay but a penance, because they had friends in high places. I never minded taxes, as I knew the only pension I would have would be Social Security and Medicare from my Socialist Government. Thank God for it and Franklin Delano Roosevelt for his foresight for many of us. He didn’t need it due to his station in life, but he knew many of the poor people in this country would.

The Republican Political Circus

I have seen a lot of political crap in my lifetime. They say, anything to excite the crowd. Folks, this is serious business. As children we all liked to go to the circus, but even eight hours was enough. This circus started when old John McCain needed something to pickup his downhill run for president and chose Sarah Palin to bounce up onto the stage like the new gal in the local strip joint. She started out as the Soccer Mom from Alaska, plus she was the Governor. She went from one extreme to the other. Loved the spotlight and old John stood behind and let her go wild. I think he thought her smart mouth and everyone cheering would win him the presidency. It reminded me of the wrestling matches, when they first started showing them on television years ago, everybody screaming and yelling ‘kill him’ for one or the other guys, but even that got old and many people out grew it.

Now he is trying to keep his seat in the senate and she jumped up on the stage again. I hope it works as well as it did last time. She and the tea party crowd are a sad sight to look at. I wonder what she is getting paid this time???

Anything to be president, is this what anyone would want, a bunch of loud foul-mouthed guttersnipes following him around the country doing all the talking and he still doesn’t have anything to say, except downgrade someone else. No dignity or decency involved. McCain hasn’t really done an awful lot of anything since he has been in Washington. He makes a lot of statements, them turns around and contradicts himself in a few weeks or months. You can’t live on a career of having been in the navy and in a prison camp all the rest of your life. This country is full of men who went though the same thing and many of our men who didn’t make it.

He might have learned what it took to survive but if his actions of the last, two years is all he learned about the decency of being a human being, he wound up on the lower part of the totem pole. This country has people from every walk of life that think this type of political behavior is downgrading our government. In fact the whole bunch of republicans have become lower than a snakes belly. I note
In Texas 12th Congressional District, the senate and the house can’t even get together. Of course they all voted no on Health
Care and Education Act and I, am sure many poor republicans really appreciated that. We really do have some poor republicans. Senator’s voted yes on FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act, but Rep. Granger voted no. In fact they usually vote no on everything that would be good for 75% of the people.

I really hope that come November many of them get dumped on their ass, as they are not worth much. And I know they hope the same thing for the democrats, in fact there are many of them that need to be dumped also. The one’s that play both ends against the middle. Even though we had to fight both tooth and nail to get the Healthcare bill passed, even though it was not everything we would have wished for, it is a start with something to work on. We should not have compromised with anyone. A little is better than nothing. We have time to proceed ahead on other things.

Should the republicans be able to buy the presidency in 2012 with the help of the supreme court justices (I will no longer capitalize them, other than some individually), The people who are helping really deserve what they will get. They got the debt with Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush II, the small government advocates. Obama got the leftover trash and the blame. But he is a bigger and better man than the one who left it. They will get their just dues. They made a mint, but when they get to the end of their road, they will leave as naked as the day they came.
It is really great to have a president who wants to do good for all people of this country. It was a slow start, with no help from some of the democrats and no help from any republicans, damn their sorry souls. But he will keep trying and many will help him. I ask God to help him, help his people.

There is a higher law than the Constitution

There is a higher law than the Constitution

Today as I watched My President Barack Obama sign into law our long awaited Healthcare for all of the United States of America. I think back over history from 1600 to 1865.
It was a terrible time in our history. From 1865 to 2010 has not been the best of times either. All through these many years I have read and listen to all the phrases: The Land of the Free, Liberty for All, yet during this time we have had all manner of slavery and unjust laws, laws made by human beings and believe you me they made a lot of mistakes. Even when many of our forefathers realized that many of our laws were unjust, not many were changed, without bloodshed.

After the Civil war where Americans fought Americans for what reason I have yet to fathom. I have heard many different things. The main reason to, free the slaves in the south, which really didn’t work for the whole country. The north also had slaves. They all wanted to keep their slaves, so they could sit on their butt, while the slaves did the work and they could prosper without having to pay for their labors.
What is inside the soul of a human being that makes them want to own another human being?

The Constitution didn’t fare to well with Freedom and Liberty for all. All, the old south wanted to secede from the Union. States Rights!!!! They wanted to continue on with their way of life and have slaves and not be under the thumb of the Government. The various Governors of these states didn’t really want to be a part of the United States if they had to follow the law of the land. They still don’t.

To bad we aren’t able to pick people that we put in a power position that has a moral compass; that knows about God’s Law of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Even before President Obama signed this bill into law, different politicians were out trying to break it. Why do they not believe in the Constitution, that all men/women are created equal, that all the citizens of the states they represent have a right to have the same healthcare coverage that we the citizens of the United States furnish them? No they do not, they still want to be a notch higher than the people they are supposed to represent, the very people that pay them to represent them in the best possible manner. They keep promising the people year after year, so they will be reelected, but they never come through with those promises.

But one damn thing for sure those Senators and many of the Representatives do not do without anything. They keep wheedling every dollar out of their constituents and all their wealthy friends and the corporations pay them really well to vote the way they want them to. Got a list today on HR 3590 contributions to both parties. They take from the groups that supported the bill and they take from the groups that oppose the bill. The groups that oppose pay the most. And do they pay well. Seven republican senators were paid over 1M each for a total of $10,718,336. to oppose and they voted NO of course. They also were paid to support the bill. I didn’t put that amount down. I didn’t put down contributions less than 1M. Many of them did not take contributions, so all of them weren’t bought and paid for. My list also tells you how they all voted. Don’t you admire their honesty?
As I watched the voting on the bill and the abominable behavior of the Republican Party, I was ashamed that they were American citizens and had the audacity to call them-selves Christians. The bill needs work and it is not all that the President and many others wanted, but it is a start, we always have to start somewhere. I think the reason the Republicans were fighting so hard, some of their contributors are going to be mad as hell and they might have to give back some of the money. What do they do with money and who keeps up with all this bribery?