Saturday, January 02, 2010



Two spellings, two meanings to this word:
1. A holy war undertaken as a duty by Muslims.
2. Any vigorous, emotional crusade for an idea or principle.

We know about the Jihad or Holy war by the Muslims, but we now have a Jehad (I will use the second spelling of the word) for our Republican “GOP” Obama Jehad, the second meaning of the word applies to the revolting behavior of our republicans in congress and the republican politicians elsewhere in the United States, plus many of our citizens. It really has been a vigorous, emotional crusade for an idea or principle, but I haven’t yet been able to figure out what their idea or principle is.

I heard Stephen Hess, Senior Fellow Emeritus of the Brookings Institute say about our President, “Obama is the first intellectual president we have ever had”, could that be their reason for their Obama Jehad? Since many of them are using so much right-wing religious extremism, could it be a holy war by the Christians against our president? What a bunch of fools.

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