Saturday, January 23, 2010


January 13, 2010

As I watched the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti I thought Dear God what more could happen to the people of Haiti. I often think about man’s inhumanity to man and wonder what possesses them to do the things they do to other human beings. As I think back over the history to Haiti and the mistreatment of all those people by the Spanish, the British and the French and by the United States and I ask myself why.

Last year I read Randall Robinson’s book, An Unbroken Agony. (Haiti, from Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President.) It was one of the foul deeds of President Bush in 2004. Mr. Robinson’s dedication states, “For the indomitable Haitian people, who, from time immemorial, have given so much that is good to humanity, only to receive back from it, scarcely more than the gift of destruction.” Truer words were never spoken. In case people haven’t read this book, you need to get it and read it. It reminds you again of the history of Haiti.

I listen to the news and heard the Rev. Pat Robertson’s remarks (you know he is the one who talks to God) and I believe he is mentally unbalanced. He should be sentenced to spending his last days reading the true history of Haiti, everyday on his TV program. Of course, real true history; any history of any country is never printed anymore. It isn’t even taught in any schools. The only thing taught is something to make our country look good. The true history of the United States is not taught in our schools. To find the truth you have to wonder why and start searching. Until you learn the truth of the history of this world, we will never be able to change it to a better world for all people.

Most people are to busy watching sports, American Idol, game shows, playing political one-upmanship, watching television ministers (which most do not have anything to do with being a Christian) most of these things have to do with avarice. The people involved are not really interested in what goes on in the world, just what they can get out of the big game they are playing.

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