Saturday, January 23, 2010



I am madder than hell and it is time for a REVOLUTION in this United States of America. It is time to change our system of government. How? That is the question I want answered.

In 2000 I knew that the Republican Party and our corporate world ran the Supreme Court Justice. Today I again proved myself right, when they turned the campaign finance laws back over to them. Slowly but surely the poor and middle class are being rendered powerless in the United States by the rich and powerful, as they are in all other countries by power hungry leaders.

We finally elected a president who really cared about all the people of this country. We wanted change and he has tried to bring us change, but the rich and powerful of this country have done nothing but try to bring him down, as they want things to remain as is to their advantage. The Republican Party, have fought like a bunch of mad dogs since they lost the election. There is not a decent bone in their bodies and they will bring the country down just to get rid of him. The thing that galls me the most is not one single one of them has guts to admit that the regime of the last 8 years was the fault of their leader and them. Hey! Lets blame it on the guy in charge now. They forget it was Bush and his bunch who, bought off the banks and AIG, before Obama became President.

You can tell how big a person is, by what it takes to discourage him. President Barack Obama is a big man, as he is hanging in there. It probably didn’t take long for him to figure out that the people who had made a mess out of the last 8 years were going to work tooth and toenail to try and bring him to his knees.

I laugh to myself, as they all claim to be Christians, but evidently none of them have read the Good Book, Psalm 37 (read the whole chapter, but verse 11 speaks volumes “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”).
Had any of these people who are fighting to take over this country really read this whole chapter and really were Christian believers of God, they would be quaking in their boots, because it definitely teaches you what will happen when they get to the end of their life (I always say when my warranty expires) and find that there is nothing for them, no salvation, no afterlife or peace. I might be among them, but not because of riches and power, but the many other sins I have committed.

We have lots of jokes about the rich man thinking that he can take his riches with him when he dies. All you good people who believe the rich and powerful and read your Bible, many places you will find where they have no real power that lasts, while on this earth they take from the poor and powerless for their gains. Don’t be one of those who sell your soul for money, if you do, that’s when you lose your real power. Proverbs, Chapter 28 and 29, Luke, Chapter 12 and Psalm, Chapter 62 is a good place to look for answers and understanding to the meaning of, “a rich man that layeth up treasure for him, is not rich toward God”.

In our world we have so many things that are false, false pastors, false prophets, false teachers, politicians, all without honor, with a dark side to their soul that is filled with avarice and no real humanitarian qualities in their heart. No feeling for the poor and mistreated people of this world that belong to God. Our justice system has become a political mockery. Many churches and their leaders have become a mockery to the Christian faith. Their interest is bigger churches and more money to pay for them. Many of the TV Ministries life styles is absolutely shameful, when you consider where the money comes from, to give that life style to them. I don’t call it Christianity, I call it man made religion and its one purpose is to feed the greed of all these egomaniacs who, say they are spreading the word of God.

Our politicians (on both sides of the table) swear an oath to work for the betterment of we the people, who they ask to elect them and we do, but when they get to Washington or the capitol of each state, they forget their promises and its “screw” you guys, I got mine. They play footsy with all of the lobbyist to help themselves, their wealthy friends and big corporations (whoever pays them the most under the table), in all actuality they become paid prostitutes, but claim they are working for their constituents!!!! As long as they can keep lying, smiling, patting them on the back and telling them all the things they are doing for their good, people keep electing them, but when things go wrong, it’s the other parties fault and the poor dumb constituents believe them. I don’t really know if they believe them, or do not want to admit that they were wrong in their assessment of their candidate.

In my over than 60 years of voting I always voted for the right guy, of course most of the time they didn’t win the election. In 2008, naturally I wanted a woman to win, before my warranty expired, but she didn’t make it to the finish line. But I was fine with the President I helped elect. I think he is absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to this country. Even though it is a thankless job and one that you can’t do by yourself, as he so elegantly stated, “I can’t do it alone, I need all your help”. To bad we do not have many able and working hands, that want to work to help our country get back on its feet after the rape of our country by the republican regime and all their wealthy friends and warmongers. They left a stinking cesspool of our financial structure, but I would be willing to bet that not a one of them lost a thin dime.

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