Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Question of Values

January 13, 2010

A Question of Values

I read a carton this morning, two ladies coming out of someone’s home, “I can’t believe we interviewed a dog and his barking made more sense than the politicians”. I really agreed with it. I agree with our President, but not very many of the politicians.

When things go wrong, people immediately start the blame game, and guess where it falls, on the President, as he is front and foremost on everyone’s screen. The memory of people is not very long. We who are getting older, go into another room to get something and forget what we went after, that’s why I started writing down stuff all day long. Buying boxes of legal pads gets expensive). For, some unknown reason the citizens of this country seem to forget why we are in this damnable mess. I for one can tell you, it is definitely not the fault of Barack Obama. He was still a senator when the big bail out went though, though he was one of many who voted for it, as he believed, as many others did, if we didn’t do this it was going to sink our financial ship. We as the citizens of this country need to start admitting the truth about our downfall and put the blame where it belongs. I don’t believe you can blame him for the things like the stimulus package and the auto industry, he thought it would help and it will, but it takes time to work itself out. We were actually in worse shape than anyone realized or thought could ever happen to this country.

Hey, he is in charge and stated the buck stops with him. Not really, he is the President but with no real authority. He has put forth ideas for change that are good for our country, but unless it is something that he can mandate, our lousy politicians from both sides will not vote in the affirmative, even it is good for the citizens, unless it is exactly what they want, and of course they get their cut, a big bunch of pork for the wealthy and corporations that sent them to Washington.

If politicians worked as hard for the real good of the citizens of this country as they do at boosting their ego and power, plus lining their pockets it would be great. Has everyone noted over the many years of political prostitution how many have become extremely wealthy? Though we do pay them much more than they are worth, they didn’t get rich from their salary. The majority are bought and paid for and that is called prostitution. Why do we arrest and put in jail the other kind of prostitutes and not the politicians? Our lousy justice system, the majority are also bought and paid for, from the bottom to the top! A true justice system should not involve politics. Everything has become strictly political. I note the Chamber of Commerce has become a political prostitute, in lieu of the original reason for being.

The new ruling by the Supreme Court takes away the real reason and right to vote for and elect an honest, ethical and just person to represent them. Besides the men and women that do have these characteristics, do not want become prostitutes by doing the biding of the strictly avarice ridden power brokers. When we finally have a President who is honest and intelligent and wants the best for the citizens and this country, they will not work with him and the few that will. It is a sad sight to behold. Why are we continuing to elect the politicians that once they get elected do not give a tinker’s damn about the real people of this country???

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