Saturday, January 23, 2010

Voters Rights

January 22, 2010

Voter’s Rights for the Citizens of the United States

Yesterday five of the Republican Supreme Court
Justices, tried to make the people of this country powerless. But each of you should remember one you have, that they can’t take away from you yet, the power of your vote. Just ask yourself one thing when you go to the poll to vote, which party has done the most for the poor and middle class citizens of this country? In my 60 odd years of voting I have found nothing that the Republican Party did for us. Remember there are more of us, than there are of the rich and powerful, money is a tool that they use to manipulate the masses.

Let us not be fooled by the organized propaganda of the paid prostitutes of the wealthy and corporations. We have more to fear from their insidious manipulations than we do from all the terrorist of this world. While they continue their fear-mongering, they are quietly undermining everything we have worked so hard for in this country, for their own personal gain and power. We cannot live under a fearful nation, like many other countries do. Let us put a stop to it now.

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