Monday, September 07, 2009

Unfinished Work

In the wee hours when I heard that Senator Edward Kennedy had died, I had the same sinking feeling I had in 1945, when we heard that President Franklin Roosevelt had died. His, work unfinished. We were in the throes of World War 11.

I was with a friend down near Galveston, who had just had a new baby both our husbands were in Europe. We both felt fear that our husbands would never get to come home. So many of us had depended President Roosevelt, that with him things would turn out all right.

We whom had lived through the depression, listening to him on the old battery radio, helping guide many of us through all the bad times, with promises of better times to come. Things were getting better then the war came. He guided us through most of that. He accomplished a lot in those years, but he didn’t get to finish all his dreams for we the people. He did get Social Security through, but not healthcare. Many other Democrats have tried to no avail. It is a shame that so many people fight against healthcare, especially the ones whom we furnish their coverage. All the Kennedy’s fought for healthcare. Clinton fought for healthcare, no deal from the other side of the aisle. Edward Kennedy has always fought for the poor and middle class in every aspect of our lives, as has all his family. They didn’t have too, but it was something imbedded deep inside of them to give to the less fortunate than themselves. He has fought tirelessly for healthcare, education, Civil rights for all people. Now he has had to leave with his work unfinished.

President Obama must carry on, as he has the same dreams for the citizens of this country. All of us must help him. We can do it without the people who really are not for we the people. I do not consider them citizens of this country. They are a group of people who live off the taxpayers and consumers. I for one feel that we must work to better our country for all of us, not just a few privileged ones. There really are more of us than there is of them; and if they will not help, then we must not allow them to hinder the fight for the common good of all men. If revolution is necessary, then so be it. Let’s get busy before my warranty expires and I can still walk and carry my weapon.

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