Monday, September 07, 2009

Passing The Buck

Passing The Buck:

On this date, I was watching C-Span, America & the Courts, their date August 12, 2009. U.S. Court of Appeals-Ninth Circuit. Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, Senior Judge Preston Hug and Judge Stephen Reinhardt.

Brought before the court was a motion to see if the court can order the VA to change the law that deals with disability claims on post-traumatic stress disorder and brain injury. Seems these claims are delayed, delayed and then delayed time and time again, (sometimes for years). Gordon Erspamer, Attorney for Veterans of Common Sense vs. Shinseki. Due to backlog in veterans medical benefits claims. Charles Scarborough, Justice Dept. Attorney for VA Sec. Shineski.

The Judges didn’t seem to understand why, what or the reason for attorney’s to bring this before their court, nor did they have an answer or advice to the young men, (even I understood the reason). It is the mandatory duty for the VA to furnish healthcare, in a timely fashion to our veterans. Why should injured veterans have to sue the United States Veterans Administration for benefits, after fighting in these damnable wars? Stop fighting the wars and take care of our injured men.

As I listened to these elderly Judges, I thought to myself, they had never been in the service nor had they had any children in service who had been injured, if so, they would have known what this attorney was fighting for, “their rights”. Judge Kozinki even asked Gordon Erspamer what he wanted, “a medal”? Told him to come back with more information, etc., and he had plenty of information. They were as useless as “tits on a boar hog”. They have been on the bench to long and do not know what justice is, or have become harden and without compassion in regard to the plight of human kind. They are a waste of taxpayer time and money, as are many more in our Justice Department. I have said many times, “we need an overhaul”. It seems as these three old guys did not want to be bothered with such mundane trivia or could not admit they did not know what or how to help our VETERANS. Same as always, “PASSING THE BUCK”.

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