Monday, September 07, 2009

McCarthyism VS Republicanism

McCarthyism VS Republicanism:

I thought McCarthyism died with old Joe, but hey it’s alive and well in the form of “Repugnantism”. Panic in the streets, “socialism and communism” again. Worked once might work again. Don’t let your kids go to school or watch TV, they might see and listen to a President they can be proud of. The Republicans can’t have that my God he is black/white man. But you all—he is a MAN. One many of us can be proud of. He earned his the hard way.

As I watch and read the news with all the bull spit being strewn with lies and hoping people will believe them, some do. But the ones with common sense will not. Many times our children are smarter than we are and they will know the difference. If you do not teach them the truth, they will grow up knowing their parents lied to them. But when all is said and done I guess the best thing to do it ignore them. I heard someone say, “never interfere with anyone intent on destroying themselves”. After all Joe McCarthy destroyed himself and in the long run was hated for it, and our country was better when he was gone. We could be lucky again.

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