Monday, September 07, 2009

Tenth Amendment

Tenth Amendment?

Georgia and Texas, they are really on the ball. Sort of like seceding, but not quite. Hey why not go all the way? Have a problem with everyone not following in your footsteps? Find out the whole damn state are not Republicans? Maybe it’s because you really aren’t big enough to handle the job. Georgia is full of big old loud mouth racist fools with not much gray matter between the ears. They are just loud mouthed and many have been known to carry big sticks when they were kids, many haven’t outgrown it.

Texas is big enough, but this whole damn state is not Republicans either. I don’t believe Texas has the option of seceding. Now we do have the option of being divided into 5 states. Since the real majority of Texans do not want to secede or be divided. Maybe we can make a deal with The Supreme Court (they do make deals). The people who want to remain in Texas and as a part of the United States, get to choose the portion of the state that we are willing to let the people who do not want to be a part, have, (I know 2 areas, either one would have enough space-maybe the size of Rhode Island). I would love to write the Charter for it, which the “stayer’s” will get to do. Plus we have to get new names. Not Georgia No. 2, or Texas, Jr., think up something unique. Let’s have a state, naming contest.

For Georgia, take a small portion from the center of the state to the east coast. Leave the rest of Georgia circling them.
For Texas the same, in one area I have in mind and partially in the other with Mexico on one side.
No international travel or commerce. They must have passports to enter the United States on a limited time only. Give them the same privileges we give Cuba. This is only fair, as what they have now from the United States is not good enough for them. Since most of them bellyache about our helping people in third world countries, I am sure they will not want any help from the United States Government. Parts of Texas are nearly in a third world country condition. 49th in, education and 50th in healthcare. Parts of Georgia are just as bad.

If any one wants a map, let me know and I will send you one.

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