Monday, September 07, 2009



Members of Congress from North Texas, would have people believe that all people of that area are Republicans and do not want healthcare. They lie through their teeth. Have any of you read the percentages of uninsured people in North Texas House member’s districts? It is something for them to be proud of. The Texas district with the highest rate of uninsured is, represented by Rep. Michael Burgess, Republican of Lewisville. But it ranks only 239th of the nation’s 435 House districts. He is a physician? Not really paying attention to his constituents is he, or could it be that they are the very poor or democrats and he doesn’t see them?
See list below:
15.4 percent Michael Burgess
17.8 percent Kenny Marchant
21.6 percent Joe Barton
22.3 percent Chet Edwards
23.2 percent Kay Granger

Those politicians can twist their words to suit what they want to say, but they are dishonest. They do not want to give up their perks from the conglomerates this is the reason they are fighting so hard. You ask any decent human being with a voice of reason if they would like to have healthcare coverage and they will tell you yes, even a little will help when you have nothing. Rather like when you are hungry, you might like a steak, but a piece of bologna with two slices of bread and it doesn’t have to have mayonnaise or mustard on it. I know I have been there. Of course all our politicians have the best for themselves, with all the bells and whistles, at our expense. I cannot believe that they have the unmitigated gall to fight the healthcare bill to keep any type of coverage from people that cannot afford what we give them. May the Lord have mercy on their miserable soul of course I’m not the “Christian” they profess to be, so I hope he doesn’t have mercy on them. Many people can afford coverage if they have been lucky and still have a job or if they have saved for the raining day and misfortune does not fall upon them, as it has many people I have seen. Sort of reminds me of our Veterans who went to war and were promised medical benefits should they be injured, but when it happens they have to fight tooth and toenail, wait forever and even have to go to court at times, many die before they get the needed help. Too bad our politicians don’t have to fight as hard for healthcare. It might cause them to have a little compassion for their fellow man. Frankly I think most of them are of unsound mind or mean as hell.

They might not like our government run Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid for the majority of us. Our elderly relatives, parents and I do and thankful for it. It is a lot better than going to the “pore farm”. They live on a higher plain and have only the best, and resent anything that would be for the poor and middle class. I watch on all the bills and guess who always votes a big NO on all the things they consider entitlements? The Republicans. As a citizen of this country it is unfathomable to understand why a person would choose republican ideology over human dignity. It doesn’t matter that I watch, but God watches.

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