Monday, September 07, 2009

Tenth Amendment

Tenth Amendment?

Georgia and Texas, they are really on the ball. Sort of like seceding, but not quite. Hey why not go all the way? Have a problem with everyone not following in your footsteps? Find out the whole damn state are not Republicans? Maybe it’s because you really aren’t big enough to handle the job. Georgia is full of big old loud mouth racist fools with not much gray matter between the ears. They are just loud mouthed and many have been known to carry big sticks when they were kids, many haven’t outgrown it.

Texas is big enough, but this whole damn state is not Republicans either. I don’t believe Texas has the option of seceding. Now we do have the option of being divided into 5 states. Since the real majority of Texans do not want to secede or be divided. Maybe we can make a deal with The Supreme Court (they do make deals). The people who want to remain in Texas and as a part of the United States, get to choose the portion of the state that we are willing to let the people who do not want to be a part, have, (I know 2 areas, either one would have enough space-maybe the size of Rhode Island). I would love to write the Charter for it, which the “stayer’s” will get to do. Plus we have to get new names. Not Georgia No. 2, or Texas, Jr., think up something unique. Let’s have a state, naming contest.

For Georgia, take a small portion from the center of the state to the east coast. Leave the rest of Georgia circling them.
For Texas the same, in one area I have in mind and partially in the other with Mexico on one side.
No international travel or commerce. They must have passports to enter the United States on a limited time only. Give them the same privileges we give Cuba. This is only fair, as what they have now from the United States is not good enough for them. Since most of them bellyache about our helping people in third world countries, I am sure they will not want any help from the United States Government. Parts of Texas are nearly in a third world country condition. 49th in, education and 50th in healthcare. Parts of Georgia are just as bad.

If any one wants a map, let me know and I will send you one.

Use your common sense

Use your common sense

I am not the smartest person on the block, but I am not dumb enough to believe untruths spouted by people for the wrong reason. I know right from wrong and have not done every thing right and lots of things wrong, but it was my own fault, it wasn’t from listening to others. The majority of us have a little common sense. We need to find out the truth for our-selves instead of listening to a bunch of loud mouth politicians and their hirelings telling us what to believe. You can find out anything you want to know, that is good for you and your family. Make up our own mind. Are we to lazy or is it easier to let someone, tell us what to think or do? We all have the same capacity to think and use our mind. As a parent you do not tell your children to do the wrong thing, nor your friends, why would you listen to someone else tell you what to think? Always check if you do not know what to believe. Get the true facts, “just the facts”, not someone else’s untruths.

Ask yourself, why people are pressing so hard to not have healthcare? Dumb as I am I know. Most of you are smarter than I. If you do not lie to your children, don’t let someone else lie to you and get away with it.

McCarthyism VS Republicanism

McCarthyism VS Republicanism:

I thought McCarthyism died with old Joe, but hey it’s alive and well in the form of “Repugnantism”. Panic in the streets, “socialism and communism” again. Worked once might work again. Don’t let your kids go to school or watch TV, they might see and listen to a President they can be proud of. The Republicans can’t have that my God he is black/white man. But you all—he is a MAN. One many of us can be proud of. He earned his the hard way.

As I watch and read the news with all the bull spit being strewn with lies and hoping people will believe them, some do. But the ones with common sense will not. Many times our children are smarter than we are and they will know the difference. If you do not teach them the truth, they will grow up knowing their parents lied to them. But when all is said and done I guess the best thing to do it ignore them. I heard someone say, “never interfere with anyone intent on destroying themselves”. After all Joe McCarthy destroyed himself and in the long run was hated for it, and our country was better when he was gone. We could be lucky again.



Members of Congress from North Texas, would have people believe that all people of that area are Republicans and do not want healthcare. They lie through their teeth. Have any of you read the percentages of uninsured people in North Texas House member’s districts? It is something for them to be proud of. The Texas district with the highest rate of uninsured is, represented by Rep. Michael Burgess, Republican of Lewisville. But it ranks only 239th of the nation’s 435 House districts. He is a physician? Not really paying attention to his constituents is he, or could it be that they are the very poor or democrats and he doesn’t see them?
See list below:
15.4 percent Michael Burgess
17.8 percent Kenny Marchant
21.6 percent Joe Barton
22.3 percent Chet Edwards
23.2 percent Kay Granger

Those politicians can twist their words to suit what they want to say, but they are dishonest. They do not want to give up their perks from the conglomerates this is the reason they are fighting so hard. You ask any decent human being with a voice of reason if they would like to have healthcare coverage and they will tell you yes, even a little will help when you have nothing. Rather like when you are hungry, you might like a steak, but a piece of bologna with two slices of bread and it doesn’t have to have mayonnaise or mustard on it. I know I have been there. Of course all our politicians have the best for themselves, with all the bells and whistles, at our expense. I cannot believe that they have the unmitigated gall to fight the healthcare bill to keep any type of coverage from people that cannot afford what we give them. May the Lord have mercy on their miserable soul of course I’m not the “Christian” they profess to be, so I hope he doesn’t have mercy on them. Many people can afford coverage if they have been lucky and still have a job or if they have saved for the raining day and misfortune does not fall upon them, as it has many people I have seen. Sort of reminds me of our Veterans who went to war and were promised medical benefits should they be injured, but when it happens they have to fight tooth and toenail, wait forever and even have to go to court at times, many die before they get the needed help. Too bad our politicians don’t have to fight as hard for healthcare. It might cause them to have a little compassion for their fellow man. Frankly I think most of them are of unsound mind or mean as hell.

They might not like our government run Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid for the majority of us. Our elderly relatives, parents and I do and thankful for it. It is a lot better than going to the “pore farm”. They live on a higher plain and have only the best, and resent anything that would be for the poor and middle class. I watch on all the bills and guess who always votes a big NO on all the things they consider entitlements? The Republicans. As a citizen of this country it is unfathomable to understand why a person would choose republican ideology over human dignity. It doesn’t matter that I watch, but God watches.

Passing The Buck

Passing The Buck:

On this date, I was watching C-Span, America & the Courts, their date August 12, 2009. U.S. Court of Appeals-Ninth Circuit. Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, Senior Judge Preston Hug and Judge Stephen Reinhardt.

Brought before the court was a motion to see if the court can order the VA to change the law that deals with disability claims on post-traumatic stress disorder and brain injury. Seems these claims are delayed, delayed and then delayed time and time again, (sometimes for years). Gordon Erspamer, Attorney for Veterans of Common Sense vs. Shinseki. Due to backlog in veterans medical benefits claims. Charles Scarborough, Justice Dept. Attorney for VA Sec. Shineski.

The Judges didn’t seem to understand why, what or the reason for attorney’s to bring this before their court, nor did they have an answer or advice to the young men, (even I understood the reason). It is the mandatory duty for the VA to furnish healthcare, in a timely fashion to our veterans. Why should injured veterans have to sue the United States Veterans Administration for benefits, after fighting in these damnable wars? Stop fighting the wars and take care of our injured men.

As I listened to these elderly Judges, I thought to myself, they had never been in the service nor had they had any children in service who had been injured, if so, they would have known what this attorney was fighting for, “their rights”. Judge Kozinki even asked Gordon Erspamer what he wanted, “a medal”? Told him to come back with more information, etc., and he had plenty of information. They were as useless as “tits on a boar hog”. They have been on the bench to long and do not know what justice is, or have become harden and without compassion in regard to the plight of human kind. They are a waste of taxpayer time and money, as are many more in our Justice Department. I have said many times, “we need an overhaul”. It seems as these three old guys did not want to be bothered with such mundane trivia or could not admit they did not know what or how to help our VETERANS. Same as always, “PASSING THE BUCK”.

Unfinished Work

In the wee hours when I heard that Senator Edward Kennedy had died, I had the same sinking feeling I had in 1945, when we heard that President Franklin Roosevelt had died. His, work unfinished. We were in the throes of World War 11.

I was with a friend down near Galveston, who had just had a new baby both our husbands were in Europe. We both felt fear that our husbands would never get to come home. So many of us had depended President Roosevelt, that with him things would turn out all right.

We whom had lived through the depression, listening to him on the old battery radio, helping guide many of us through all the bad times, with promises of better times to come. Things were getting better then the war came. He guided us through most of that. He accomplished a lot in those years, but he didn’t get to finish all his dreams for we the people. He did get Social Security through, but not healthcare. Many other Democrats have tried to no avail. It is a shame that so many people fight against healthcare, especially the ones whom we furnish their coverage. All the Kennedy’s fought for healthcare. Clinton fought for healthcare, no deal from the other side of the aisle. Edward Kennedy has always fought for the poor and middle class in every aspect of our lives, as has all his family. They didn’t have too, but it was something imbedded deep inside of them to give to the less fortunate than themselves. He has fought tirelessly for healthcare, education, Civil rights for all people. Now he has had to leave with his work unfinished.

President Obama must carry on, as he has the same dreams for the citizens of this country. All of us must help him. We can do it without the people who really are not for we the people. I do not consider them citizens of this country. They are a group of people who live off the taxpayers and consumers. I for one feel that we must work to better our country for all of us, not just a few privileged ones. There really are more of us than there is of them; and if they will not help, then we must not allow them to hinder the fight for the common good of all men. If revolution is necessary, then so be it. Let’s get busy before my warranty expires and I can still walk and carry my weapon.