Friday, October 03, 2008

Space Program

September 22, 2007

Space Program:

These people grew up reading to many comic books, Flash Gordon and the like. So they have been flying around in space, landed on the moon. They have not accomplished one single thing for the good of humanity. A lot of people have been killed and nothing to show for it except some moon rocks. They have built a space station to spy on the rest of the world. This is to help keep up with their war efforts in trying to take over the rest of the world and rule it.

I’m no Pat Robertson and I don’t pretend to know what God thinks, as he doesn’t talk to me, as he supposedly does Rev. Pat. But this planet is where he put ALL of humanity and we can’t even take care of it. If God had of wanted us on the moon and other planets, he would have put us there. Why waste the money and our time and energy, when it would be better spent on all the things needed here, and I don’t mean fighting wars and telling other countries how they should live, when we can’t even take care of the people in the United States. The space program is another type of corruption affiliated with our government. The taxpayer’s money has been going down a rat hole and to the big corporations.

This country has millions of people living in poverty and no way out. Let’s vote to stop the space program until there are no more poor people and we have a balanced budget. The price of gasoline might go down, if we quit using so much in the space program and the airplanes flying all over the world.

Just another opinion from and old citizen.

Shotgun Granny

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