Friday, October 03, 2008

Something to think about

September 27, 2007

Something to think about:

Not to long ago I was listening to a group of television ministers talking about religion. Talking about the Holy Land. They were discussing working with all the different religions. I didn’t hear them mention the Muslim religion. If they did I missed it.

They began talking about the Anti-Christ and Armageddon. The place where the final battle between good and evil will be fought. The Anti-Christ is the one who will show up with the numbers 666 on his head and corrupt the world. I think he will be a little late, as it is already corrupt.

This one fellow started talking about the number 666. Said all of the Anti-Christ followers would have the number 666 on them also, and if anyone didn’t have this number on them, then they would not be able to buy or get anything. That means that the mild and meek who are supposed to inherit the earth are going to be up a creek, which they are now.

A few days later there was an article in the paper about how your credit score affects us, with a wheel showing the numbers 660-679 with the average US credit score as 678. I thought to myself, HEY maybe the battle has begun. As people have to have a certain credit score in order to buy a car, insurance, get a bank loan or mortgage loan to buy a home, plus many other things.

He sounded sincere and acted like it was the GOD’s truth. What do you think?

Shotgun Granny

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