Friday, October 03, 2008

Honest Men

May 13, 2003

Honest men do not play with a stacked deck. This is what the Democrats are having to play against in Austin and Washington. You have the corporate prostitutes lobbying, political prostitutes led by former “Bug Man” Tom Delay (who is not really a lily white compassionate Christian as he claims), plus you have all the political and government prostitutes in Washington putting pressure on all the weak men of low character who were elected (under another stacked deck) to the Republican Party, all bought and paid for by corporations.

Greed and corruption have become a way of life for the majority of politicians. For some it has always been that way. From the lowest office to the highest. I can remember during the depression in THE 1930’s, politicians coming out to visit the farmers and offering them $2.00 up to $5.00 to vote for them, my Father would tell them, “if I wanted to vote for you I would and I wouldn’t have to be paid.” Of course the price has really gone up.

People wake up! Read, read your history, listen and investigate. Every time we have had a Republican president in office, we have gone in the hole. It is not sour grapes, it is a fact.

You can tell by the number of people voting, that they are not all at the polls. A lot of people consider our election process a sham and feel it doesn’t do any good to vote. The deck is already stacked. The common people weren’t allowed to elect a President. So the supposedly honest Supreme Court assigned their choice. But the majority of the people know what happened. The deck was really stacked.

To change the subject. The US Government is to manage Iraq’s oil production! Talk about the Fox guarding the hen house. Reminds me of the US Government managing the American Indians assets. This has been one of the most shameful things the government has been guilty of. My husband once said that the worst enemy that any country had was its government and leaders. Enough for now.

Shotgun Granny

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