Friday, October 03, 2008

R. Gerald Turner

February 24, 2008

R. Gerald Turner, President
Southern Methodist University
P.O. Box 750100
Dallas, Texas 75205


I can not believe that a group of supposedly intelligent people, as the SMU trustees and others, (of course I understand Donald Evans, he is one of Bush’s cronies, even before he got in the white house) would allow a presidential library to be built on the grounds of Southern Methodist University for King George Bush (some of us old folks refer to him as the village idiot from Midland). I wondered why Evans left his soft job in the white house. Evidently he headed straight to Dallas to start the details for the library and back into the energy business.

I’m sure you are all good republicans, but if you are his type of republican, it does not say much for your character. Don’t tell me that you don’t know all about him, if you said no, I wouldn’t believe you. Not with all the access you have for information. If you are interested in the affairs of the world, you can easily find out, what the majority of the people in the world already know. He is without a doubt one of the worst men in this country, along with his friends. He started a war without reason, but of course he used the excuse of 9-11, but his plans were already in place to go after Iraq’s oil reserves and get rid of Saddam.

He has ruined our country, raped our constitution and politicalized our justice department. He is disliked around the world.

You consider it a great day for SMU, frankly you have sullied your reputation. It is strange what people will do, for what they consider an asset, prestige and money. I was hoping by now that Bush and Cheney would be impeached and deported to Maine and Wyoming, anyplace except Texas. Or on the other hand we convict mass murderers and put them in jail for life . Our young men have died and many have been maimed for life, the citizens of Iraq have died and many of them have been maimed for life, on a whim of a bunch of greedy corrupt men, who claim to be Christians.

My husband now deceased was a graduate of SMU Law School. He once said, “the worst enemy that any country had was its government and its leaders”. I have found that to be true, especially during the Bush 1 and Bush 11 years. Many of our journalist, who really searched for the truth, have written some great books. Ask an honest journalist that you know and they will give you a list. The ones who told the truth, not biased for or against, just the old unadulterated truth, which we don’t find much of in this world anymore.

To bad your heart is not on the right side of SMU.

Shotgun Granny

(P.S., he answered and said he did the right thing!)

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