Friday, October 03, 2008

I have voted

March 7, 2006

I have voted in every election for the last 57 years, for all the things I believed in. As one gets older, they do not like changes. I like the old fashioned paper ballots.

I decided years ago that I did not like machines ruling my life. I like my paper copies with my notes, dated and initialed on all items that I worked on. Then computers came along. After 35 years in the insurance industry, I decided that’s enough. They have not made life any easier, only companies get richer. After a couple of years they become outdated and can’t be repaired and you have to buy a new one, which is supposed to do bigger and better things.

If the voting machines will run you a copy of your vote, then this could be acceptable, otherwise I don’t trust them or the people running the elections. Since Weatherford has become a haven for republicans, there really isn’t anyone to vote for, if you aren’t a republican. The old expression of a cold day in hell, or a nicer one, icicles in August, which it would have to be, before I voted for a republican candidate. Over the many years, they have not done one single solitary thing to change my mind.

Shotgun Granny

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