Friday, October 03, 2008

I Have A Question

July 26, 2007

I have a question. Do you think the United States would allow another Country to come here and tell us that we need to have another type of government? Tell us that our various religions are bad and we need to change? Tell us that the way we live is wrong and that we need to change? I don’t think so….After all, these countries the United States are trying to change, are centuries older than we are, and have survived, without our help. Yes, they have fought among themselves, just as we do in the United States.

Take our individual states in the United States, do you think the Governor of any state would allow the Governor of another state to come into their territory and tell them how to run their state? I don’t think so…

The United States has allowed large corporations (with their help) to go into other countries and exploit them, with the help of their rulers. Telling them it would be good for them. That it would make rich, and it did, but not for the poor people of these countries. Greed is a terrible sin. This is what all this exploitation is about. The rich get richer and the poor of these countries suffer, and have no one to turn too. Envy is another sin, and this sin has been forced onto the poor people, which has been a lot of the cause of the in-fighting among their own people. I have never been able to understand how rulers of a country could live in such immense wealth and allow their people to be treated so badly.

Foreign countries aren’t the only ones that treat their people bad. The Government of The United States does the same thing. The Government of The United States takes our tax dollars and waste them and do not feel that they have to explain or account for it. They treat our poor people less than human beings.

Our Government of The United States allows the people of this country to be exploited by Pharmaceutical companies. The same drugs sold in the United States are sold in other countries for 50, 60 and 80 percent less than we can buy them here. They are all made by the same companies. Many bought here have to have a prescription, so you have to go back to the doctor (plus another charge) for another prescription. Many of these can be bought across the counter in other countries. I know this is true, because I have relatives that live in other countries and take the same medications I do.

Medical facilities exploit people, by padding their bills. I was in the hospital once and needed sanitary napkins. They charge me $26.00 for a box of 12 and they were the type we used back in the 1940’s. I called back later and asked if I could get the franchise to furnished sanitary napkins for the hospital? I could go to the drug store and buy cheaper and better ones for $3.95 a box. Their answer was no. I really didn’t intend to, just wanted them to know I knew they were a bunch of crooks. When I had my handicapped Son in the hospital, he had restraints (made free by the Gray Ladies), they charged me $12.50 for each one. So I took them home with me, as they don’t use them again. What a waste. I have used them at various times since 1988, so I got my $25.00 dollars worth after all.

Insurance companies exploit our citizens. Since I was in the business for 35 years, I know this is true. The have raised the rates so high that most people can’t afford to pay for it, then more or less force you to take high deductibles in order to lower the rate a little. When you have a claim they act like you intended to have it. I have told them if I knew when I was going to have a claim, I would have waited and bought the coverage a month before the claim. If your credit record doesn’t suit them, they can refuse to write you coverage. Everyone doesn’t have a good credit record. Automobile insurance should go by your motor vehicle record. If you have had tickets, then you should charge for the tickets for the past 36 months, or fire insurance according to construction of the home and rate for the area. When people drive and they haven’t been able to afford coverage or their policy expired and they get caught, then the state feels a big fine is in order and they impound your car. Another big fine is in order to get it out. If you can’t afford to buy coverage and you can’t afford to get your car out of the pound, then it is sold, for more money for the establishment. Back again to GREED.

Automobile companies exploit our gullible citizens. Automobiles aren’t made a well as they were 50 years ago. All plastic (which helps the oil companies) and if you get clobbered you have to replace half of the vehicle. Every vehicle sold should have a 10 year guarantee in writing. Everyone should keep their vehicles and not trade them in every year. Vehicles cost more nowadays than a 4 bedroom home cost in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Carburetors were invented that I know of in the 1960’s that got 50 miles a gallon. They were bought up from the inventor by the oil and gas companies, GREED again on part of both parties. Our government if they really were looking out for their citizens would see that this is changed. Frankly they have no interest in the citizens of this (except the rich ones) country.

Banking facilities have gone to hell in a hand basket. Bank presidents steal, misuse funds and lie to clients and then act like they did nothing wrong. Many are now incarcerated but many are not. You can no longer get your checks back, you can’t get past records if needed. They don’t keep them, or so they tell me. Even if you offer to pay for them and their time. You are no longer important. Everyone wants you to bank electronically as if you don’t have sense enough to take care of your own business. Everyone doesn’t have a computer. Lots of people don’t have telephones, lots of people don’t have cars and they depend on the mail, which isn’t very reliable at times. It used to be nice to have your own bank, now all the big hogs are buying up all the little banks. Sort of like Walmart coming into town and running all the small businesses out of business. I don’t shop at Walmart’s. I hear they have a banking facility in house. Don’t know this for sure. All of our little hardware stores have fallen by the wayside, run out of business by Lowe’s and Home Depot. GREED again.

Credit card companies exploit people to the point of disgrace. They are the scum of the earth. No, I don’t owe a credit card company anything. But they are guilty of offering people cards and they take them, then if they are late paying a couple of times, they charge an outrageous late fee, then they double, then triple the interest rate. Which is usury. The practice of lending money at an exorbitant interest rate. The Bible states in Exodus, Chapter 22 vs. 25, “If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.” This applies to the banks also. The government does nothing about high interest rates with the banks, credit card companies or mortgage companies. The government and politicians are bought off by the lobbyist. Exodus, Chapter 23 vs. 8 “And thou shalt take no gift; for the gift blindeth the wise and perverteth the words of the righteous.” This applies to all the crooked politicians.

None of the people in our government are truthful. Some do not say anything, which is just as bad. I read somewhere, where someone said, “The truth lies buried in the darkness of the soul.” My husband once said, “The worst enemy that the people of any country has is it’s government and it’s leaders.” I have found this to be true. Another quote, by Gerald R. Ford, “Our constitution works. Our great republic is a government of laws, not of men.” William Jennings Bryan said, “The humblest citizen of all the land, when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error.” And another from Robert F. Kennedy, “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”

I started out to ask questions and wound up making a lot of statements that I truly believe to be true. No one has proved me wrong yet. I will start on the Justice Department and the State of Texas another time.

Shotgun Granny

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