Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mental Reservation and The Laws of Man

A 700, year old doctrine; where clerics can avoid telling the truth, to protect the Catholic Church.
Not sanctioned under canon law, experts say, and infrequently invoked. (It has been misused to justify lying). The church has used it for years to protect priests that went outside their vows of chastity (forced on them by the church, so they wouldn’t marry and have a family to support, thereby taking more money from the church) as they were unable to marry. God didn’t make that law, man did. The church took from these men, what God gave them, the right to marry and have a family, thereby ruining their lives. They became servants to the church. Many became, frustrated as they had no outlet for personal emotions. In many it went to very mental extremes and they wound up ruining the lives of other people.

The church made laws for the nuns under the same circumstances. They also became servants to the church with no life of their own. They became housekeepers, cooks, gardeners and many other menial tasks. Many were taught to teach school, become nurses. Then they were used to make money for the church. Opened Catholic schools, where tuition was paid by families, built Catholic hospitals, where nuns manned the nursing staff and medical services were paid for all over the world, money from these things went to the church. The nuns got a roof over their heads, a place to sleep and food to eat, clothes to cover their backs, not much else. Rather like slaves, but volunteered. When they get to old or become ill, they are sent, like many of ordinary people to the ‘old folks’ home. Many had no family left. A Church who is supposed to teach the word of God, should not be able to take the life of a human being and use it for their own use in lieu of allowing them to live the life for the purpose he gave them, to marry and multiple and do good works. It has been a form of brainwashing to the priests and nuns. I read an article recently about the old and disabled nuns asking for help, as they had no assets. Many of their previous students were taking up collections for them. The Catholic Church, when they become too old to work does not seem to care about them. That is another thing they hide from the world.

The many institutions held by the church to supposedly protect and take care of orphans, but abused them to such a terrible extent, and hid all of this from sight, so as to protect the church. They ruined so many young lives and lied and hid it from the world, why? To protect a church that was not worth protecting. This was not the only religious organization that did the same thing. Our State run institutions did the same thing and hid it from the world. I wonder if the children would have been better off to let them run wild with the wild animals, they might have been better protected, than pinned up with no way to escape from their torturers. Running wild they could have climbed a tree or picked up a big stick or a rock to protect themselves. Many laws within themselves are evil things. As long as the names of the men in charge aren’t smeared they do not care.

Black’s Law Dictionary; copyrighted in 1891 and updated many times since. Used as a help measure for law students, lawyers, etc., much like our Webster’s Dictionary used at schools, colleges and in our homes has its legal description of Mental Reservation as: One party’s silent understanding or exception to the meaning of a contractual provision. Does that mean silent understanding or exception is the same a lying? I, actually think it is the same as where they can avoid telling the truth to protect something or to protect the posterior part of their anatomy.

Canon Law: A body of western ecclesiastical law that was first compiled from the 12th to the 14th centuries. It has grown steadily since that time, and is now codified in the Codex Juris Canonici of 1983,replacing that of 1918---Also termed corpus juris canonici; papal law, jus canonicum. A body of law developed within a particular religious tradition—Also termed church law; canonical law. Ecclesiastical Law.

Canon: A rule or principle, once accepted as fundamental. Canon of construction: A rule used in construing legal instruments, contracts and statutes. There are many rules under this. Canon of descent; honorary canon; (serve without pay or benefit), A fixed regular payment or tribute made as a contribution payable to the church (that’s how they afford all the riches). Canonical impediment, (annulment and all the rules to be removed from the church). Canonical purgation: purgation by oath-helpers in an ecclesiastical court; vulgar purgation, purgation by fire, hot irons, battle or cold water; purgation by means other than oath-helpers. Vulgar purgation was so called because it was not; sanctioned by the church after 1215 (not exactly true, the insurrection came after that). Must have been a really good idea, as various governments and military leaders started using some of the same tactics. Our United States radical regime of fascist warmongers during the last Republican Party in power used it a lot.

And still think it is a good idea. They used the old Mental Reservation law a lot. Actually they lied like hell, but whom were they trying to protect? They knew they what they were doing was wrong, even went so far as to construe legal instruments to make sure what they were doing was alright under our screwed up justice system.

Right is right and wrong is wrong, no matter what legal twist you put on it. When my husband was going to law school he would want me argue the other side of a case, and I would. He would always say, ‘no your wrong’, I always said, ‘but morally I am right”. He proceeded to tell me there is no moral in law. I have found this to be true, but still believe there should be. There has to be for things to turn out right for our world.

Our people of this world have to start telling the truth and stop telling lies to protect, churches, governments and our leaders and corporations. This type of thing has gone on forever, lying and covering up any, wrong doing. Our children have all begun saying, ‘everybody does it’, like it was okay for them. It is not for our children and it damn sure is not for all of us that know better, but it seems to be easier to lie and steal. Then cover it up.

The leaders and people keep talking about how great we are, but we are no different than people in other nations that we seem to hate so much. Have any of you ever asked yourself and really checked why they dislike our country so much? I have and our history with them did not foster good relations. I have known people in many of those countries. We have never been great saviors, just greedy robber barons and pretend we are doing it for their own good. Mental Reservation again; it is used every day in this country.

So many of the things we do in our country and other places in the world is wrong, because we do it for the wrong reasons. We do not go to help if, it is needed, we, go to control and conquer. Then the avarice ridden and warmongers, see the money they can make, by sending our military to eliminate the leaders, blow the country apart, kill their citizens and our own soldiers, then the country isn’t of any use, until they rebuild it and to do this, our leaders have their friends (wealthy contractors with contacts) turn in big contracts to our governments to do the job and we pay through the nose and they get very rich on the taxpayers money. To add insult to injury our leaders have friends who are a bunch of ex-military mercenaries (Blackwatch) they wanted to protect our citizens in Iraq, so they apply for a big money contract to our government and got the job, at taxpayer’s expense. They paid them a hell of a lot more, than they paid our military to do the job. Seems Blackwatch did a lot of other goodies for them (outside of any law). Brutal bunch of sorry men! The, type that would kill at the drop of a hat or a jaundice eye, and for money they would break any law and kill with great abandonment. We even let them live in the United States and call them citizens. And we have the gall to call other people terrorist. Mental Reservation again!

When will we the people stand up and use our Mental Reservation for what is right instead of what is wrong?

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