Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You want to vote Republican, Go Ahead

But remember when we the poor and middle class Americans,
seventy-five percent of us were the working people of this
country. We were the farmers, builders, manufacturing employees, truck drivers, clerks, service people for all the small businesses and the big businesses. The firemen, policemen, teachers, nurses, technicians for all the medical and dental offices and hospitals, nursing homes, caregivers, mechanics, office workers, whatever needed to be done, we did it.

THEN: Between the influx of the capitalist, republican politicians and technology, we started loosing ground, as all they were interested in was their bottom line, war, taking over other countries to gain access to all things of value, more for their bottom line. Poor things they had to pay more to American employees, because we had worked so hard to get unions for the workingman, so as to protect us in many ways. Big business really hated that and the fight began. The fight is still going on. To get around having to use union workers they figured out, lets just ship all our manufacturing plants into countries that do not have unions and the employees work for little or nothing (they had figured out that these people whom they had always considered dumb and ignorant were really very educable and could learn even though they were different) as they had nothing, would work for just enough to be able to eat, clothe and house themselves.

This was really, great for corporations. Low wages, no benefits, no taxes or very low taxes, then ship the finished product back to the United States, no trade deal, as they were American owned companies and then sell the product to the American people for the same damn price they had charged us when the American people were making the product. Profits they made could be put in offshore tax havens and not pay taxes to the US on all their loot! And Phil Gramm of UBS can handle their other monies in the elite private banks of UBS for the American Icons. Neat huh? Their bottom line has really grown and now they are ready to take over the United States, with the help of our republicans, who have by the way had their bottom line flourish, by lobbyist of the corporations and stock in all them.

When they reduce all of the working people of the poor and middle class to the same level, as the countries they have outsourced to, or the level of slave labor that the south had those many years ago, furnishing you or maybe paying you enough to buy food to be able to work, clothes to cover your backsides and a shack to live in. No benefits or education privileges, no Social Security, Medicare or unemployment insurance (people will have to work until they die) and no unions. Then they will build new manufacturing plants back in the United States for us to work in, of course they will keep the outsourced plants where they are.

If any of you remember your history. There was a time that they brought people from China, Japan, Mexico and many foreign countries to work in the United States and treated them the same way. I think to myself at times, maybe the Chinese remember their history and one of these days, it might be payback time.

We became a great county, but in doing so, we have gone into other countries, along with England, France, Spain and others and exploited, what is considered third world countries and become immensely wealthy, but left the people desolate. China might not be the only ones remembering their history and decide it is payback time. The bearded fellow from the Bin Laden family got fed up with the westerners.
One thing they have forgotten on their chase to the top of the ladder and keeping the majority of the people below the bottom rung. No one will be able to buy all their products they are manufacturing. I think we should start now. Do not buy anything made outside the United States. They will eventually fail and fall from the top.

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