Tuesday, August 24, 2010



Okay folks let’s start with: Insurgence: An act of rebellion; insurrection.

Insurgency: The state or condition of being insurgent. Rebellion against an existing government by a group not recognized as belligerent. Rebellion within a group, as by members against leaders. (I can name them)

Insurgent: A person who takes part in forcible opposition or armed resistance to an established government or authority; rebel. A member of a group, especially a political party, who revolts against the policies of the leadership.

Where shall we start, as I keep hearing; insurgents and insurgency in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. From the definition of these words from Webster’s Dictionary, we have a bunch of insurgents and an insurgency in the good old United States of America. Political party-- against another political party-- racial prejudice against another race. Many claim that this country was built on Christian principles. But many are a bunch of damn hypocrites.

Christian: Pertaining to, or derived from Jesus Christ or his teachings. Pertaining to, or adhering to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Jesus Christ, as in having a loving regard for others. Humane; decent; generous, a person who believes in Jesus Christ; an adherent of Christianity. A person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ.

From the countries that we think we are going to change to a democracy, for our benefit, they call us ‘Infidel’s’, a person who does not accept a particular religion, especially Christianity. Frankly this applies to many of the people in our ‘Christian’ nation that keep espousing their belief and support of Christianity, but do not practice what they preach. They practice more hate than anything else.

I have been around a long time and there are only 3 in the senate a little older than I, and 2 in the house. I have followed politics all my life and I know which ones aren’t worth a tinker’s damn, on both sides. I know the ones that are greedy and corrupt and do not work for we the people. They are bought and paid for by large corporations and work against we the people and the government. We have many that want peace and the others are warmongers. Our country is no different than other countries, why do we keep pretending that we are.
People in other countries know our faults, just as we know theirs. We have good and bad people in all countries none is any better than the other. Different languages, different religions, same damned downfall politics, and greed, each fighting to be superior to the other, the poor and downtrodden fighting to just survive from day to day. That’s what the poor in the United States are doing, living from day to day.

We do have freedom of speech, but some have resorted to weapons, as they found that speaking out did not help.

What is our next line of resistance against the people that have been elected to represent us and will not? And I am not talking about our President. He would do what we need to have done, but he has to have help, but the Insurgents ‘ain’t gonna’ do it.

Another Civil Rights March for equality, but not peaceful this time? The peaceful one on the part of the
marchers didn’t last long enough. Is it going to be an insurrection or revolutions? Something has got to change for the good of all humanity, not just a favored few.

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