Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Have you ever noticed the differences in people, places and
things? Isn’t it strange that one person or the political parties can read the Constitution and each get a different meaning or understanding of the same words?
Even the Supreme Court Justices, whom are supposed to know it all and are the last word on differences of opinions, can’t agree on what they read, word by word, but will side with big money all the time.

In Mexico we have the drug cartels that have decided they want to run Mexico to suit them. They take advantage of the people, by giving them drugs free; and when they get them hooked, then put them to work selling to other unsuspecting people, thereby making huge profits for their coffers, as the people from the United States don’t have anything worthwhile to do other than get high, really like to buy their drugs. Our Republicans and the Tea Party bunch work along the same lines, but with lies, slander, innuendoes and lots of money from the big corporations and lobbyists, because they want to run our country to suit them. They claim that the majority of the citizens of this country want what they want. They are evacuating their bowels through their mouth and spewing crap all over the country and we have a lot of people with nothing better to do than listen. All who believe them I hope you enjoy the stink that comes with what happens---the same thing that we have been trying to clean up for the last one and one-half year!

Our various religious organizations are getting in on the political stuff and those guys are on the tax-free deal, plus they have lobbyist in Washington, DC. When they do this they are no longer exempt from paying taxes. When do we jerk it out from under them? They, like the big corporations get rich not paying taxes! I don’t see them saving too many souls or really helping the poor, but they are building bigger and better churches!

It is really time to demand some accountability from our political prostitutes. If you are a concerned citizen I am sure you have noted that the big corporations, wealthy friends with lots of influence and lobbyist pay to well for our crooked politicians-- all parties, to ever work for ‘We the People of this Country’. Check out all the ones on the take and vote them out in November. Check out all the new ones running before you vote them in, all parties, their parents and relatives, especially the ones who have been in politics or involved with big corporations; clear back to the first grade!!!

You can find all this information on the Internet and if you are like me and don’t have Internet, get someone like I do to pull all this stuff up. You can go to the library and use it there. E-mail or call a good investigative journalist/reporter and ask if they will help you get this information, just the truth, not lies, slander or innuendoes, just the truth facts. Half of what you read or hear on some TV stations are not the real facts, they are just, as I stated before, ‘evacuating their bowels through their mouth’—onto newsprint and on the air. Get busy people, we do not have a lot of time left and 75% percent of us that vote do not have cash on hand nor, never have had to buy a politicians, besides that kind, as has been proven are NO DAMN GOOD.

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