Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nothing Changes in Politics

Nothing Changes in Politics

Remember 1980, when Reagan and Bush (GHW) were running for president. Reagan came in touting big tax cuts, stating it would be good for the country. Bush hits
back with, that’s ‘voodoo economics’. He wound up being the VP and they carried on with the voodoo economics. The deficit went up 189% under Reagan and he left with a $2.8 trillion debt. GWH Bush came in as president and with a ‘read my lips, no new taxes’.

I heard the republicans say the other day, when they get back in the White House they are going to extended the last big tax cuts that GW Bush gave the big energy guys, just what we need. GW left us with $11.5 trillion plus debt, but all we hear is, ‘hey don’t blame it on the republicans’.

I am going to quote from Bob Herbert, “I’m not holding my breath, but I would like to see the self proclaimed conservative, small government, anti-regulation, free-market zealots step up and take responsibility for wrecking the American economy and bringing about the worst financial crisis since the Depression. Even now, with the house on fire, the most extreme among them won’t pick up the fire hoses and try to put it out.”

“These were the reckless clowns who led us into the foolish multitrillion-dollar debacle in Iraq and who crafted tax policies that enormously benefited millionaires and billionaires while at the same time ran up staggering amounts of government debt. This is the crowd that contributed mightily to the greatest disparities in wealth in the U.S. since the gilded age. This was the crowd that cut the cords of corporate and financial regulations and in myriad other ways gleefully hack away at the best interest of the United States.”

“The main leader of the manic anti-regulatory charge that let to this sorry state of affairs, was none other than Phil Gramm, a former chairman of the Senate Banking committee. Guess where he is now! He is the vice chairman of UBS Securities, the investment banking arm of the Swiss bank UBS. A New York Times article last spring noted that the ‘elite private banks’ of UBS
‘built a lucrative business in recent years by discreetly tending the fortunes of American millionaires and billionaires.’ Toadying to the rich while sabotaging the interests of working people was always Mr. Gramm’s specialty.”

And some of the poor foolish people want the republicans and the big corporations to run our country?
Should it happen, I hope in the long run they lose their royal rear-ends, like all the poor and middle class of this country have under their reign of terror.

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