Friday, August 07, 2009


March 20, 1994, my husband said, “It is a sad, sad day when one out lives the truth in their lifetime”.
Many of us have already reached that point. Many do not recognize the truth. I found some other quotes and I do not know who they are from, they are: “ The truth is self evident to every rational thinker. The truth is polarizing. The truth often makes people angry, especially people whose lives and livelihood are set up in ways contrary to the truth.” Boy do we have a lot of those nowadays, all the people who do not live by the truth are really raising heck about all the changes that need to be made in our government and it interferes with their avarice. This one I know where it came from,
“We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth…For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it.” Patrick Henry.

Well citizens, we have known the truth about the sad state of affairs our country has been in for a long time, but we wouldn’t face it. In 2008 we found out the worst part. Things went down the sewer due to the avarice of many. They knew what they were doing and are still trying to do, but they do not care as long as they are getting their pockets full. I hope this President can change things, but people from every walk of life, who do not want things changed, as it will mess up their playhouse. The worst part—it is many of our politicians, very wealthy businessmen and corporations who do notNeed the money to live a good life. So they get the propaganda going and paranoia sets in. People are saying things, twisting words and meanings that have no resemblance to the truth. Telling people that what needs to be done is bad for them. Surely, people have common sense and a voice of reason. Don’t listen to the big mouths that are spouting all the untruths. Read, dig out the truth for yourself; use your God given intelligence and common sense. Ask yourselves why the rich and powerful are fighting so hard. Please understand one thing, many of the politicians are not working for you. They are working for themselves, their wealthy friends and the corporations. “THEY CAN TWIST PERCEPTION AS MUCH AS THEY WANT, BUT REALITY WILL NOT BUDGE”. If the needed changes cannot be made, you will find out the sad, sad truth in the long run. HELP MAKE THE CHANGES, DO SOFOR YOURSELF AND FAMILIES.

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