Friday, August 07, 2009


The one we have has gone absolutely nuts! Texas is part of the United States. All of the people in it are not republicans. Mr. Perry does not speak for all the people in Texas and he cannot run this state to suit himself and his friends. 75% of the people in this state are poor and middle class. The 25% that he has control over, or they have control over him, maybe they can do things to suit them, but not all of us. The majority of people in Texas want to be a part of the United States.

Texas can be divided into 5 different states, but it will be a hell of a job. But hey! Lets do it and put him and his friends in one fifth of Texas. He does not do one thing for 75% of the citizens in Texas anyway. His last go round to become governor, didn’t really garner him that big a majority and he hasn’t really done anything for Texas to get him elected again, unless the big shots have given him enough money for him to buy his way in again. People are in a bad way, he might be able to shovel them a few bucks and buy their votes.

Talk about getting to big for one’s britches! Suggesting that any Texas lawmaker inclined to vote for Obama’s healthcare plan should consider leaving the state. Those law-makers were voted in on their own merit (even though I wonder about some of their merits) and if the citizens that want to keep them will do so. I think a lot of us need to give a lot of thought to whom, we vote in next time. Ask ourselves what has this person done for us, other than play follow the leader.

Texas really needs help with healthcare, Perry and all the government employees do not, they have healthcare, mostly paid by tax- payer’s money. The do not have to worry about thing. They have jobs and benefits paid for by the citizens and for this, frankly they do not really do anything for the citizens, especially the ones who do not have government jobs and are already wealthy. I wonder which part of the medical profession, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies that they have their hands in the till. Texas is one of the lowest on the totem pole, when it comes to doing the best for its citizen. I’m sure they read and check on all their stocks and investments, they need to check on all the other figures in where we stand in the United States. Texas is not self-sufficient. We need the rest of the country to work together to better all things for our citizens.

Mr. Perry did not want to take the stimulus money, especially for unemployment benefits, as he would have to raise the rate, and that would upset the big corporations. It hasn’t been raised in God knows when, and Texas rate is lower than any other state. Now he wants to borrow $643 million from the federal government, what is the difference, oh yes, to take the stimulus he has to follow the rules and he doesn’t want to follow anyone’s rules except his own. Ask some of the people who collect only a $100 or maybe $200 a week to feed their family. And we pay around $10,000 a month for him a fancy home. Move him into a trailer in a trailer park and use that money for the unemployment he has dipped into for other purposes. He does a lot of fuzzy math with designated taxes. He criticizes Washington’s bailout mentality and the feds trying to dictate state policy. He talks a big game, but someone needs to look after the citizens of Texas, when things are bad. Perry doesn’t except for a special few. Another thing, who- paid for the trip he and the other people that went to Iraq with him, not once, but twice, this year? Bet you a buck it didn’t come out of his pocket. The taxpayer’s again???? What business does he have going over there, his, job is the State of Texas and he needs to get busy doing it. Hey! People give a lot of thought to whom, you vote for next time. He has been in so long that he thinks he owns the whole damn state. That happens when we are not paying a lot of attention.

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