Friday, August 07, 2009



Remember, “Oh what a tangle web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”, by Sir Walter Scott. The terrible lie’s you are spreading in regard to the healthcare plan, will back fire on you. All people aren’t gullible, just a few. When they sit down and have time to think, they will ask themselves why you are saying all these things. After all, you politicians and government employees have government healthcare. Be you republican or democrat. What’s the matter don’t you want the poor and middle class to have decent healthcare coverage too?

They can’t afford what the taxpayers furnish you. They can’t afford the prices the insurance companies are asking for. You know the companies that are paying you under the table, as campaign contributions, to shout other people down that are trying to discuss the healthcare program. We older people are on Medicare and glad to have it, it is a government run program and does really well except for the various health industries that defraud it. If all the fraud was eliminated which is about 50%, Medicare wouldn’t have a problem at all. That is not the government’s fault, only the healthcare industry. When you put your hand on that bible and take your oath of office, it is our understanding that you are to work for all the citizens of this state and country, no matter which party they belong to. So if you really have any integrity, use it and stop this stupid rabble rousing. Show us that you can be a person of character. If not we will all find out sooner than later.

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