Friday, August 07, 2009


To all, who send me e-mails knocking MY PRESIDENT (and this is the first time in my 61 years of voting, that I have referred to a president, as My President) I delete your twisted perceptions, obtained from propaganda and paranoia that is going around. We now have a black/white man for President. The South is not going to rise again. All of you who claim to the Christians and most of you do, and all plan on going to Heaven. What are you going to do, when you get there and find out that GOD might be black? Remember he made all people and made them good. Color made no difference to him. It was what was deep inside their heart and soul that counts.

The ones that did not retain the gift that he gave to all of us, to love one another and live peacefully on this beautiful planet he prepared for the human race, one and all, are the ones who have lost the most precious part of life he gave to us. Remember the free will that he also endowed us with. I feel badly for people who have used it in the wrong way. Their souls have turned dark and malevolent. Hatred, bigotry, avarice, greed and corruption have set in. You might enjoy your power and riches that you have derived from this type of behavior, but in the end you will reap what you have sown. You will leave this earth without being able to take it with you. You will be as naked as the day you were born. He will look into your soul for the good that he put there and not finding it, your Maker will not smile upon you. When you walk that last mile, there is nothing and no one between you and the real JUDGE who will be waiting.

I have family whom I love dearly, but they have these malevolent feelings brought on by listening to people in power that have the attitude that they are better than some one else that God gave the same gift of life, goodness of soul, but a different color of skin and the spoken word. People seem to forget that people born in another part of Gods planet other than what we claim as ours, it is not ours, it will be here when we are gone, if we haven’t blown it to smithereens. Why is it that people cannot accept and be grateful for what God gave us? People want to go to the moon, mars and other planets, (though I must admit there are some I would like to send there, with a one way ticket) if he had of wanted us there he would have put us there. The high and mighty with power once that have attained it, put down their stakes and flags on parts of this planet, but are not satisfied. They make laws that are contrary to Gods laws and contrary to the people that inhabit this land, so that they will have more power, (for, myself I will abide by a just law, not an unjust law) they invade other parts of the planet and try to take over, mistreating and killing other people. Again I say, “You will reap what you have sown”.

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