Friday, August 07, 2009

Blue Dog Democrat

“Blue Dog” Democrat? Are you half democrat and half republican? Then you are not a real democrat, you’re a fence straddler. Actually, we should change that to “Purple Dog”, that’s a mixture of blue and red. I am ashamed as a 61 year voting democrat. For the first time in all these years the democrats have a chance to do something good for their constituents. Evidently you do not appreciate the job you asked for and got, for which you promised to do good for the people that elected you. 75% of your states are poor and middle class and you are not working for them. You are like the republicans, working for you wealthy friends, corporations and yourselves. I read a list of people taking campaign contributions and the amount so far. Of course that’s just the ones they have checked on. All of you aren’t guilty. That is bribery, you can call it contributions, but it is still avarice and greed-- but if you do a good job for the people that elected you, you want need all the campaign money to get elected. But if they watch and keep up with all that is going on, as I do they might not. I watch all states, not just mine as I have relatives living in most states. I watch new people coming into government for the first time. Some I thought might be really good. But I have been greatly disappointed in some. Many have been there too many years and should be fired.

In my 82 years, we finally have a president who cares about all the people in this country, not just a favored few. Quit catering to the 25% of the moneyed bunch. This has been happening for the last 50 years and this is the reason the bottom fell out from under us. All those people, that keep buying favors from politicians to keep helping them make more money has ruined our country and our politicians. The ethics and integrity of the majority has been shot. Even our justice system went political and was shot to hell. Maybe we can get it back.

Being born in Alabama during the depression in 1927, I know the south like the back of my hand. I have relatives in the south I love them, but don’t like many of them. When we go to the family reunion my daughter feels like clamping a hand over my mouth. The majority are racial bigots—claim to be Christians—but they have never proved it to me. When I called to ask some of them to vote for Obama—I got the, I want vote for a black, that’s not the word they used—but I don’t use that word. I thank God that the made me different. I remember man’s inhumanity to man and it makes me ashamed. I can see this same feeling in some of our white politicians in the south. I think their souls are warped. The play nice and use proper political protocol but there is no way they can disguise it from me. I watched as a child, as a grown up, in the service during WW11, on the buses, water fountains, hospitals, stores, just walking on the sidewalks in towns, I wondered why the black children in the country didn’t go to school, they didn’t have a school, they worked on the farms all day with their parents. We did also after school and the summertime. I wouldn’t take for my upbringing. I saw a lot of things that made me sad and ashamed of the so-called “white Christian” race that I was born into and still am every day. When people were bold enough to make remarks about black people to my face, I always ask, what they were going to do when they got to heaven (as they all plan to go) and find out God is black? They always moved away from my desk, it only took one time. Of course they always eyed me peculiarly after that.

In the long run the healthcare reform will not cost as much money as it does now. 50% of our healthcare industry is strictly fraud. If we can get it reformed and regulated, just eliminating the fraud will pay for it. I have worked in both the medical and insurance industry and I know the fraud is there. And have been a victim of it. If you had been on the ball doing the job you are paid for, most of you would know it also. The information is there for all to find. Start working with this president, we need you to do the right thing for this country and all of us who are hard working people just trying to make a living, not trying to get rich or cheat anyone, just be able to survive with a little help and a boost up from the bottom.

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