Thursday, August 27, 2009

Work Unfinished

In the wee hours when I heard that Senator Edward Kennedy had died, I had the same sinking feeling I had in 1945, when we heard that President Franklin Roosevelt had died. His, work unfinished. We were in the throes of World War 11.
I was with a friend down near Galveston, who had just had a new baby both our husbands were in Europe. We both felt fear that our husbands would never get to come home. So many of us had depended President Roosevelt, that with him things would turn out all right.

We whom had lived through the depression, listening to him on the old battery radio, helping guide many of us through all the bad times, with promises of better times to come. Things were getting better then the war came. He guided us through most of that. He accomplished a lot in those years, but he didn’t get to finish all his dreams for we the people. He did get Social Security through, but not healthcare. Many other Democrats have tried to no avail. It is a shame that so many people fight against healthcare, especially the ones whom we furnish their coverage. All the Kennedy’s fought for healthcare. Clinton fought for healthcare, no deal from the other side of the aisle. Edward Kennedy has always fought for the poor and middle class in every aspect of our lives, as has all his family. They didn’t have too, but it was something imbedded deep inside of them to give to the less fortunate than themselves. He has fought tirelessly for healthcare, education, Civil rights for all people. Now he has had to leave with his work unfinished.
President Barack Obama, must carry on, as he has the same dreams for the citizens of this country. All of us must help him. We can do it without the people who really are not for we the people. I do not consider them citizens of this country. They are a group of people who live off the taxpayers and consumers. I for one feel that we must work to better our country for all of us, not just a few privileged ones. There really are more of us than there is of them; and if they will not help, then we must not allow them to hinder the fight for the common good of all men. If revolution is necessary, then so be it. Let’s get busy before my warranty expires and I can still walk and carry my weapon.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Answer to Low Pritchett

My Thoughts in green after the ****s।
Please read, even if you are an Obama fan। It is legitimate, written by respected, Lou Prichett, formerly of Proctor and Gamble। Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America 's true living legends- an acclaimed author, dynamic teacher and one of the world's highest rated speakers. Successful corporate executives everywhere recognize him as the foremost leader in change management. Lou changed the way America does business by creating an audacious concept that 20 came to be known as "partnering." Pritchett rose from soap salesman to Vice-President, Sales and Customer Development for Procter and Gamble and over the course of 36 years, made corporate history. ****I read! I have relatives named Pritchett. But never heard of this Jerk, even if he was with Proctor and Gamble. That just makes him another corporate prostitute, with a big mouth and an agenda of his own. He doesn't speak for 75% of the poor and middle class people in this country. I will answer between each of his statements,
AN OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMADear President Obama: You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the =2 0 others, you truly scare me..**Only five of the previous presidents haven't scared me.
You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.**Sorry, you don't keep up with things, all you have been interested in is fighting everything he is for, instead of really listening to what he wanted to do.
You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support। **Gee whiz, did you ever wonder how other people paid for their education? My husband and I had 4 children. His parents helped, my husband worked days and went to school at night. I worked nights and did the rest, house, kids, etc. He got 4 degrees: BA, BSC, MBA, LLB/DJ, all from Ivy league schools. President Obama had a Mother who worked, Grandparents who worked and helped, as they wanted the best for him. He also worked. Who said he had an upscale lifestyle? He didn't. You might not know, but people can live on a bowl of oatmeal and a couple of sandwiches a day and make it just fine. You can live in one room with an electric hot plate. Have use of a bathroom. You can wash your clothes every night and hang them up to dry while you study. As long as you are interested in getting an education you can do anything, and it doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg.
You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of you th growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.**In case you didn't know, Hawaii is in America. His Mother remarried and moved to a foreign country. He went to an American school, then his Mother sent him back to live with his grandparents, until she returned to the States. Wonder what all the families that traveled to other countries when they were in the service and their children went to school outside the United States, do they not consider their kids culturally American?? I have a niece that went to school in several countries and speaks several languages and still lives outside the United States in Spain, as she married there. She has dual citizenship and still considers herself an American, votes by absentee ballot in America. Now has 2 sons which she takes to other countries every summer and teaches them other languages and cultures of other countries, which I think if absolutely wonderful. It is wonderful to be a citizen of the world in lieu of being small and close minded like a lot of us are. Plus she thinks her National Healthcare in Spain is absolutely marvelous.
You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.**Neither did Jesus, nor the Pope, nor any of the rulers in Europe, neither did George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and many other Presidents. But they knew what it entailed to run a country.
You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don't understand it at its core। **Military experience only teaches you to kill and conquer. Being an 82 year old woman and having been a service wife, sister to 3 who was in the service and a long line of relatives who have been in all the wars in this country. 2 grandfathers and 5 great-uncles in the Civil war. 3 great uncles never returned. Where were they buried, who knows, we could never find out, it someone dug a hole for them, or they rotted where they lay and the buzzards ate them. And they others had to walk home from where they were when the war was over. We were in WW11, my cousin who my parents help raise, he was 5 years older than I. He was in the Bataan Death march and in a Japanese prison camp. They put them on the Japanese ship the Arisan Maru and was transferring them to Japan to work in the mines, the ship had a red cross on it, but guess what. She was sunk by the USS Snook on October 24, 1944, with 1800 American prisoners on board, while crossing the South China Sea, 200 miles south of the Formosa Strait. It is estimated that not more than 10 prisoners survived the sinking. His body lies at the bottom of the South China Sea. I have all his medals
etc।, with letters from MacArthur and the SOB's didn't even spell his name correct. Tried to get the government to correct it, but that was a lost effort. I could go on for days. So don't tell me about the lousy military and its CORE. What's to understand? They do not give a damn about the men after the war is over. The ones that stay in, hey it is the only life they have. Too bad. You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others**The guy that wrote this article, has no class and does not know what humility is। You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail। **You need to be scared if you really believe this radical propaganda. You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America ' crowd and deliver this message abroad। **Someone needs to blame America for all its past sins, instead of trying to pawn it off on a young man who has been in office only nearly 8 months। How stupid can you get। You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector। **Hey fellow, the private sector, sent us down the sewer last year, after robbing all the people that put faith in the private sector for years। You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one। **Golly Gee! Thank God for Social Security, Medicare and what help the VA gives our Veterans, which is not enough. 50% of our Medicare is fraud perpetuated by the medical industry. I would rather be under a government controlled healthcare, than an insurance industry controlled one.
You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves। **Bull Manure। – If we have such vast reserves, why are we getting our Oil from the middle east। You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of living in the world। **Another Bull Manure – The highest standards only for the CEOs। You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics against certain banks and corporations। **Another Bull Manure। You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals। **Only the ones, who are getting kick backs from the lobbyist for the insurance companies, drug companies and various parts of the medical professionals। You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider opposing points of view from intelligent people। **All I have to say is a quote from Alexis Carrel (1873-1944) "Intelligence is almost useless to the person whose only quality it is"। You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both omnipotent and omniscient। **You never know, don't you think it is about time that we had someone who might come pretty close. Someone who comes from both the black and white world, who knows what it is really like to live in a world of hateful bigoted people, who is against a man for trying to ascend to the highest office in the land and made it, because many of us believed in him. Even this older than dirt white woman who was raised in the deep south. I believed because I can tell when a man is honest and will treat all people the same। Like the Maker up there who might be a different color that you are। You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do। **Who are you trying to kid। No media gives him a free pass। You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaughs, Hannitys, O'Relllys and Becks who offer opposing, conservative points of view। **If these people are who you listen to, you should be scared. They are a bunch of Republican Propoganda fear mongers. They are not conservative, they are hate mongers। You scare me because you prefer controlling over गवर्निंग । **It is about time, someone tried to control our runaway corrupt politicians and corporations। Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years।**Actually, it is not a matter of being safe, you should be ashamed। You can tell how big a person is, by what it take to discourage him। I wish he could serve as long as FDR did, he might be able to halfway restart our country। Maybe a lot of the old bunch in the government and corporations would die off and we could get some fresh blood in this land। (Evelyn Connaway) Lou Pritchett

Friday, August 07, 2009



Remember, “Oh what a tangle web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”, by Sir Walter Scott. The terrible lie’s you are spreading in regard to the healthcare plan, will back fire on you. All people aren’t gullible, just a few. When they sit down and have time to think, they will ask themselves why you are saying all these things. After all, you politicians and government employees have government healthcare. Be you republican or democrat. What’s the matter don’t you want the poor and middle class to have decent healthcare coverage too?

They can’t afford what the taxpayers furnish you. They can’t afford the prices the insurance companies are asking for. You know the companies that are paying you under the table, as campaign contributions, to shout other people down that are trying to discuss the healthcare program. We older people are on Medicare and glad to have it, it is a government run program and does really well except for the various health industries that defraud it. If all the fraud was eliminated which is about 50%, Medicare wouldn’t have a problem at all. That is not the government’s fault, only the healthcare industry. When you put your hand on that bible and take your oath of office, it is our understanding that you are to work for all the citizens of this state and country, no matter which party they belong to. So if you really have any integrity, use it and stop this stupid rabble rousing. Show us that you can be a person of character. If not we will all find out sooner than later.


To all, who send me e-mails knocking MY PRESIDENT (and this is the first time in my 61 years of voting, that I have referred to a president, as My President) I delete your twisted perceptions, obtained from propaganda and paranoia that is going around. We now have a black/white man for President. The South is not going to rise again. All of you who claim to the Christians and most of you do, and all plan on going to Heaven. What are you going to do, when you get there and find out that GOD might be black? Remember he made all people and made them good. Color made no difference to him. It was what was deep inside their heart and soul that counts.

The ones that did not retain the gift that he gave to all of us, to love one another and live peacefully on this beautiful planet he prepared for the human race, one and all, are the ones who have lost the most precious part of life he gave to us. Remember the free will that he also endowed us with. I feel badly for people who have used it in the wrong way. Their souls have turned dark and malevolent. Hatred, bigotry, avarice, greed and corruption have set in. You might enjoy your power and riches that you have derived from this type of behavior, but in the end you will reap what you have sown. You will leave this earth without being able to take it with you. You will be as naked as the day you were born. He will look into your soul for the good that he put there and not finding it, your Maker will not smile upon you. When you walk that last mile, there is nothing and no one between you and the real JUDGE who will be waiting.

I have family whom I love dearly, but they have these malevolent feelings brought on by listening to people in power that have the attitude that they are better than some one else that God gave the same gift of life, goodness of soul, but a different color of skin and the spoken word. People seem to forget that people born in another part of Gods planet other than what we claim as ours, it is not ours, it will be here when we are gone, if we haven’t blown it to smithereens. Why is it that people cannot accept and be grateful for what God gave us? People want to go to the moon, mars and other planets, (though I must admit there are some I would like to send there, with a one way ticket) if he had of wanted us there he would have put us there. The high and mighty with power once that have attained it, put down their stakes and flags on parts of this planet, but are not satisfied. They make laws that are contrary to Gods laws and contrary to the people that inhabit this land, so that they will have more power, (for, myself I will abide by a just law, not an unjust law) they invade other parts of the planet and try to take over, mistreating and killing other people. Again I say, “You will reap what you have sown”.


March 20, 1994, my husband said, “It is a sad, sad day when one out lives the truth in their lifetime”.
Many of us have already reached that point. Many do not recognize the truth. I found some other quotes and I do not know who they are from, they are: “ The truth is self evident to every rational thinker. The truth is polarizing. The truth often makes people angry, especially people whose lives and livelihood are set up in ways contrary to the truth.” Boy do we have a lot of those nowadays, all the people who do not live by the truth are really raising heck about all the changes that need to be made in our government and it interferes with their avarice. This one I know where it came from,
“We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth…For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it.” Patrick Henry.

Well citizens, we have known the truth about the sad state of affairs our country has been in for a long time, but we wouldn’t face it. In 2008 we found out the worst part. Things went down the sewer due to the avarice of many. They knew what they were doing and are still trying to do, but they do not care as long as they are getting their pockets full. I hope this President can change things, but people from every walk of life, who do not want things changed, as it will mess up their playhouse. The worst part—it is many of our politicians, very wealthy businessmen and corporations who do notNeed the money to live a good life. So they get the propaganda going and paranoia sets in. People are saying things, twisting words and meanings that have no resemblance to the truth. Telling people that what needs to be done is bad for them. Surely, people have common sense and a voice of reason. Don’t listen to the big mouths that are spouting all the untruths. Read, dig out the truth for yourself; use your God given intelligence and common sense. Ask yourselves why the rich and powerful are fighting so hard. Please understand one thing, many of the politicians are not working for you. They are working for themselves, their wealthy friends and the corporations. “THEY CAN TWIST PERCEPTION AS MUCH AS THEY WANT, BUT REALITY WILL NOT BUDGE”. If the needed changes cannot be made, you will find out the sad, sad truth in the long run. HELP MAKE THE CHANGES, DO SOFOR YOURSELF AND FAMILIES.


Once upon a time becoming a physician was an honorable profession, in the days when they did so for their love of humanity. I know that people are tired of hearing, back in the old days! But back in the old days young men and women who decided to become doctors, did so due to having seen so much suffering, from family members and other people who had no help and they really cared about people.
Many of these came from the country or the ones I know about, as this is where I was. Raised on farms and they worked their way to make it through medical school, with the help of family and friends. When they made it, they came back to the country where people needed them. Lived in homes of the people, where they were close. They traveled by horse and buggy to people’s homes and when the buggy wasn’t able to travel down or up the paths, they unhooked the horse and rode it. Specialist’s, yes they could do everything. Pay, maybe, if people had any, they paid with money otherwise they paid with what they had. Butter, eggs, chickens, canned goods, dried foods, cured meat such as hams, dried beef and anything eatable, or they waited until the crops came in or the various hides and animals were sold. They were glad to get the food they could at least eat. They took it back to where they were staying, the lady of the house cooked it and they shared. The lady of the house also did their laundry and the family got free medical care for their rent and services. They didn’t have time to grow their own food and was glad to get it. No telephones—If you needed a doctor, you got on your horse and went after him, day or night he came back with you and he didn’t ask if it was an emergency. That was a DOCTOR. I could go on for days and I’m sure many other people could about the things these wonderful doctors did. Sure they lost some patients, some were impossible to save, but most didn’t die from infections caused by the doctor.

I note that we have physicians now in congress!! They left the honorable profession to go to one that is no longer honorable. I wonder why. They weren’t any good at it, didn’t want to go through the hard work or they didn’t make enough money? So they go to a profession that has become nothing but a bunch of crooks, driven by avarice and greed. They didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to continue doing the profession they had chosen. The jingle of Midas took over. They lost their love of humanity if they ever had it.

There are many wonderful doctors I have known. A relative of mine, born on the Sipsey river in Alabama. Worked on the farm and in sawmills, became a doctor and worked until he was very old, helped start a hospital. He was proud of his life. Others I have know, the one who brought me and my brothers and sisters into this world, he came whenever he was needed. He started in the horse and buggy days. Then, he and we got cars. He still came. In 1929, my younger brother got sick. Daddy got in the car (a T-model) and went after him he came in his car (a new one). When he got there and checked him out, he said he had diphtheria and we needed to take him in to the hospital, about 20 miles away. So off they go, Daddy drove his car, Mother and Dr. Hall sat in the back seat. Things got bad Dr. Hall said I am going to have to open him up. With very little light, with my Mother holding him, he took the fountain pen from his pocket, pulled the ink tube out, slung the ink out, cut his throat and put the ink tube in so that my brother could breathe. Drove on into the hospital checked everything out. They stayed at the hospital until the next morning, then, he drove everybody back to the farm. Never any infection! The only after affects and it still shows today 80 years later is an ink stain around the scar. Now that’s what I call a real DOCTOR. Everyone he ever treated and cared for loved him, even named their kids after him.

There are still some like him out there, but what happened to the rest? I had a great one in Dallas. He had been in the navy. Always, so kind and considerate, listened and discussed then treated you. You could always call him. You could call and say, I need to come by to see you on their way home from work even though I didn’t have an appointment, but it will be late, he always said, I will wait for you. If something came up on Saturday he would meet you at the office. In all the years I never once had him ask if I had insurance. Nowadays the first thing they ask is, when you call for an appointment is, do you have insurance and what kind? Some will not take cash. They want insurance, so they can pad the bill. I adopted a totally handicapped child and sometimes don’t think I could have made it through all the things without his advice and help. He practiced until dementia set in. When I moved away I drove 92 miles to go see him and I could call if I needed to ask him something or advice. Now you can hardly get someone to take a handicapped child as a new patient, though he is now 44 and we are on Medicare and Medicaid, no one else would insure him, unless you had a few million. Dentist, do not take Medicare or Medicaid, or at least I have never found one. Medicaid doesn’t cover dental if you are over 19, even though mentally your only 6 months old. Medicare doesn’t do dental at all. Some company insurance (which we had as long as we worked) would cover a handicapped child after 19, with a special letter from the doctor, which ours always wrote. When you can no longer work and be covered, you are up a creek without a paddle. As Medicare and Medicaid covers the bare minimum.

I guess the insurance companies consider my son with a pre-existing condition. No, that’s the way god sent him into this world and I accept him unconditionally. I have had all the corrective surgery that could be done on him. He is deaf, blind, mute and non-ambulatory and I take care of him like a baby and have for the 42 years that I have had him 24/7. Basically I have kept him well. I appreciate the wonderful doctors that I have had. Some I wouldn’t give 2 cents for.
Our politicians aren’t worth 2 cents. The politicians that will not work with this President to help him get better medical care for all of us who cannot afford the care we furnish them, their day will come. Plus they will have to meet their maker, as they really aren’t immortal, and he will ask, have you done the best by all my people that you could? Then he will weed the chaff from the wheat. Which way will he turn you up or down?

Blue Dog Democrat

“Blue Dog” Democrat? Are you half democrat and half republican? Then you are not a real democrat, you’re a fence straddler. Actually, we should change that to “Purple Dog”, that’s a mixture of blue and red. I am ashamed as a 61 year voting democrat. For the first time in all these years the democrats have a chance to do something good for their constituents. Evidently you do not appreciate the job you asked for and got, for which you promised to do good for the people that elected you. 75% of your states are poor and middle class and you are not working for them. You are like the republicans, working for you wealthy friends, corporations and yourselves. I read a list of people taking campaign contributions and the amount so far. Of course that’s just the ones they have checked on. All of you aren’t guilty. That is bribery, you can call it contributions, but it is still avarice and greed-- but if you do a good job for the people that elected you, you want need all the campaign money to get elected. But if they watch and keep up with all that is going on, as I do they might not. I watch all states, not just mine as I have relatives living in most states. I watch new people coming into government for the first time. Some I thought might be really good. But I have been greatly disappointed in some. Many have been there too many years and should be fired.

In my 82 years, we finally have a president who cares about all the people in this country, not just a favored few. Quit catering to the 25% of the moneyed bunch. This has been happening for the last 50 years and this is the reason the bottom fell out from under us. All those people, that keep buying favors from politicians to keep helping them make more money has ruined our country and our politicians. The ethics and integrity of the majority has been shot. Even our justice system went political and was shot to hell. Maybe we can get it back.

Being born in Alabama during the depression in 1927, I know the south like the back of my hand. I have relatives in the south I love them, but don’t like many of them. When we go to the family reunion my daughter feels like clamping a hand over my mouth. The majority are racial bigots—claim to be Christians—but they have never proved it to me. When I called to ask some of them to vote for Obama—I got the, I want vote for a black, that’s not the word they used—but I don’t use that word. I thank God that the made me different. I remember man’s inhumanity to man and it makes me ashamed. I can see this same feeling in some of our white politicians in the south. I think their souls are warped. The play nice and use proper political protocol but there is no way they can disguise it from me. I watched as a child, as a grown up, in the service during WW11, on the buses, water fountains, hospitals, stores, just walking on the sidewalks in towns, I wondered why the black children in the country didn’t go to school, they didn’t have a school, they worked on the farms all day with their parents. We did also after school and the summertime. I wouldn’t take for my upbringing. I saw a lot of things that made me sad and ashamed of the so-called “white Christian” race that I was born into and still am every day. When people were bold enough to make remarks about black people to my face, I always ask, what they were going to do when they got to heaven (as they all plan to go) and find out God is black? They always moved away from my desk, it only took one time. Of course they always eyed me peculiarly after that.

In the long run the healthcare reform will not cost as much money as it does now. 50% of our healthcare industry is strictly fraud. If we can get it reformed and regulated, just eliminating the fraud will pay for it. I have worked in both the medical and insurance industry and I know the fraud is there. And have been a victim of it. If you had been on the ball doing the job you are paid for, most of you would know it also. The information is there for all to find. Start working with this president, we need you to do the right thing for this country and all of us who are hard working people just trying to make a living, not trying to get rich or cheat anyone, just be able to survive with a little help and a boost up from the bottom.


The one we have has gone absolutely nuts! Texas is part of the United States. All of the people in it are not republicans. Mr. Perry does not speak for all the people in Texas and he cannot run this state to suit himself and his friends. 75% of the people in this state are poor and middle class. The 25% that he has control over, or they have control over him, maybe they can do things to suit them, but not all of us. The majority of people in Texas want to be a part of the United States.

Texas can be divided into 5 different states, but it will be a hell of a job. But hey! Lets do it and put him and his friends in one fifth of Texas. He does not do one thing for 75% of the citizens in Texas anyway. His last go round to become governor, didn’t really garner him that big a majority and he hasn’t really done anything for Texas to get him elected again, unless the big shots have given him enough money for him to buy his way in again. People are in a bad way, he might be able to shovel them a few bucks and buy their votes.

Talk about getting to big for one’s britches! Suggesting that any Texas lawmaker inclined to vote for Obama’s healthcare plan should consider leaving the state. Those law-makers were voted in on their own merit (even though I wonder about some of their merits) and if the citizens that want to keep them will do so. I think a lot of us need to give a lot of thought to whom, we vote in next time. Ask ourselves what has this person done for us, other than play follow the leader.

Texas really needs help with healthcare, Perry and all the government employees do not, they have healthcare, mostly paid by tax- payer’s money. The do not have to worry about thing. They have jobs and benefits paid for by the citizens and for this, frankly they do not really do anything for the citizens, especially the ones who do not have government jobs and are already wealthy. I wonder which part of the medical profession, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies that they have their hands in the till. Texas is one of the lowest on the totem pole, when it comes to doing the best for its citizen. I’m sure they read and check on all their stocks and investments, they need to check on all the other figures in where we stand in the United States. Texas is not self-sufficient. We need the rest of the country to work together to better all things for our citizens.

Mr. Perry did not want to take the stimulus money, especially for unemployment benefits, as he would have to raise the rate, and that would upset the big corporations. It hasn’t been raised in God knows when, and Texas rate is lower than any other state. Now he wants to borrow $643 million from the federal government, what is the difference, oh yes, to take the stimulus he has to follow the rules and he doesn’t want to follow anyone’s rules except his own. Ask some of the people who collect only a $100 or maybe $200 a week to feed their family. And we pay around $10,000 a month for him a fancy home. Move him into a trailer in a trailer park and use that money for the unemployment he has dipped into for other purposes. He does a lot of fuzzy math with designated taxes. He criticizes Washington’s bailout mentality and the feds trying to dictate state policy. He talks a big game, but someone needs to look after the citizens of Texas, when things are bad. Perry doesn’t except for a special few. Another thing, who- paid for the trip he and the other people that went to Iraq with him, not once, but twice, this year? Bet you a buck it didn’t come out of his pocket. The taxpayer’s again???? What business does he have going over there, his, job is the State of Texas and he needs to get busy doing it. Hey! People give a lot of thought to whom, you vote for next time. He has been in so long that he thinks he owns the whole damn state. That happens when we are not paying a lot of attention.