Saturday, July 28, 2012


I grew up in the country when guns were a part of your life, you hunted for squirrels, rabbits, ducks for food, plus you used traps to catch other animals. A rifle and shotgun stood in the corner of the hall, along with a rod and reel and cane fishing poles. They were removed for hunting and fishing, only. Fowls we shot that we didn’t eat were hawks. You had to protect your chickens. Now they have a law against shooting hawks – I have anyway. When I grew up I no longer shot animals or at them, other than rabbits in the garden, coyotes who were after a newborn calf, skunks out roaming around in the daytime, as they were usually rabid and snakes, any kind!

When I grew up and worked I carried a pistol in my purse, as I worked late and took money to the bank to drop in the night deposit. When I traveled I carried a gun. There have been times when I felt I might have to use it. A friend who worked for the Texas Highway Department told me to never stop for anyone, even a highway patrol car on the highway, to keep driving until I came to an open service station, pull in and wait for them. When you are alone on the road, you are your only protection and you better be prepared. I was taught as a child how to use a gun. When I had children of my own I taught them how to use a gun and shoot it and what it was for. Both girls and neither one would ever shoot an animal, except a snake or a rat. One was an instructor for NRA for 20 years, she taught women friends how to shot and use their weapons for protection, until the NRA became so political – she removed her life membership, both NRA and TSRA.

Guns are for hunting and self-protection. The only use for guns as a hobby is target practice and shooting clay pigeons and both are harmless. Hunters should never kill an animal that they want eat. Killing defenseless animals just to stuff their heads or show off their horns is senseless.

Protection for self and property, that’s another ballgame. All homeowners, especially if you live alone, should have a gun and know how to use it, plus you need a good watchdog or burglar alarm. I used my shotgun against a pipeline company who decided they could just come on my property without my permission and lay a pipeline. Of course they had the Railroad Commission to back them up, but I had my shotgun and I didn’t care if it had been the President of the United States, when I said don’t set foot on my property I meant it and they didn’t, but they went on the neighbors property and drilled under me. But, had they set foot on my property I would have shot them! There are lots of laws I believe in and many I don’t. One, even if you are the government of a state or a country, they should not allow corporations to take advantage of the citizens for any reason, especially for greed. That makes them the criminals.

These are the laws that I don’t like. People in power who want to take advantage of the citizens, have the laws changed to suit their needs, so the “Eminent Domain”. It is the same as the criminal element having guns, other than for protection and hunting – to take advantage of people for their greed. It is sad that we have a criminal element in our congress that allow the NRA to lobby for corporations who manufacture all kinds of guns/weapons, to sell to citizens under the guise of the 2nd Amendment.

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and BEAR ARMS, shall not be infringed.

Let’s take into consideration when this amendment was written in 1791. I don’t think at that time we had, a well-regulated Militia, so at times citizens were called upon to bring their weapons and help in the defense of their territory, town or state in cases of emergencies, in other words the right to BEAR ARMS. Just as appointed Marshall’s or a Sheriff could call upon the citizens to join a Posse, and use their own weapons to hunt down outlaws – it was legal. Like the old western saying, “Load your weapon, saddle your horse and protect your castle”, some of us still believe that.

Once the country was more settled and we did have a well-regulated Militia, there was no longer a need to call upon the citizens to COME AND BEAR ARMS – TO BEAR ARMS IS A MILITARY TERM. Citizens have always been able to own guns! But are no longer required to BEAR ARMS by their elected officials, but some people still believe – THAT THE RIGHT TO OWN GUNS IS THE SAME AS THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS – AND IT REALLY AND TRULY IS NOT! You never hear a hunter say, I’m going to bear arms and kill a deer!

Many people have a penchant for collecting guns – all kinds of guns, just to own them, but never use them - they are collectors, like people collect stamps, art, cars, jewelry and many other things. I have seen some strange collections by people that were of no use to the ordinary people. People collect comic books and baseball cards! Men, who collect guns and were in the military in WWII, brought back a German Mauser rifle and an Italian carbine and collected other types of weapons, such as a Thompson sub-machine gun. All type of military weapons should be outlawed and, never sold on the open market for any reason. And any organization that lobby’s congress for permission to do so, should be jailed along with the congressmen who gives their permission.

Most of the citizens of this country are reasonable people and should own weapons for reasonable purposes – hunting, self-protection and hobby only. If they want to BEAR ARMS, draft them into the military, but I don’t even believe in that, as it gives them permission to kill another human being. I hate war, which is caused by power and greed.



When I heard the GOP had blocked the vote on the Jobs bill, which would have been good for the American workers, I couldn’t believe the men who were elected to serve the citizens of this country would do such a dastardly thing. But I was wrong. The GOP senators didn’t allow the senate to vote on the NO. 1 item on the President’s congressional “to-do-list” they filibustered, so there wouldn’t even be a vote. So everyone making a comment that the democrats control the senate, your ignorance regarding our government is showing. But I see the same people copy and paste their “Don’t the democrats control the senate?” comment even after reading that the GOP filibustered so there wouldn’t be a vote, so they obviously know, but still want to post their LIE in hopes the uninformed will believe them.

I read and listen to everything going on in our world. I listen to what other people say and find that many say the same things I say and think. Lots of the things I am going to write are quotes from other people and it makes me feel good to know I am not the only one who feels the way I do. I can’t print their names, as I don’t know who they are, but I thank them for their statements.

In 2010 the Republicans DID run on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, didn’t they? As soon as they got in power, their true colors came out and it went from jobs, jobs, jobs, to END OBAMA AT ALL COSTS! Even if it meant sacrificing the American public, and most Americans were too blind to realize that. It’s almost like the republicans all agreed to not let OBAMA get anything done for 4 years so they could blame him when things only got moderately better….. It’s not about the American people, anymore, it’s about how they can get rid of OBAMA.

The really disgusting part is, knowing that they know full well what they are doing. That they chuckle to each other in private gatherings, that their plan is working, and that their plan is to play with our lives, the lives and future of our children and grandchildren, for nothing more than political gain. They are willing to destroy the economy permitting all the related consequences for POWER. I am convinced and have been for many years that the Republicans and some corporations are in cahoots to keep the economy in the dumps until after the elections. These congressmen and companies will be rewarded if Rommey becomes president. They are like hedge funds----betting against the Country. If the Country tanks, they win. This is TREASON at the very worst! Terrorist, wear business suits in congress and claim to be doing what is best for America. I guess, just like a terrorist would think, destroying it is best for America. Same thing, you don’t need a weapon to be a terrorist----See Republican congressmen for an example.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012


We as the citizens of the United States are the EMPLOYER of the all the following: The President of the United States of America,

100 senators, 435 congressman, nine Supreme Court justices, 50 governors and all other EMPLOYEES of the federal, state, county and cities of our entire COUNTRY, who as someone stated; ‘are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country’.

All these people requested their positions – and are voted for by the citizens, as they promised to do their jobs with integrity and in an ethical manner. They are paid by taxpayer’s money – collected for the purpose of running this country and taking care of its employees and citizens in whatever manner necessary.

For some strange and unknown reason over the many years things have gotten out of hand and all these politicians think we work for them instead of the other way around – things have been out of control for any years – we let it happen by continuing to let them keep their jobs, when they quit working for the citizens and started working for their selves and the big money crowd along with oddball organizations working to undermine the citizens. Many started out as seemly harmless groups. Everyone who started small businesses were invited to join the Chamber of Commerce – they paid dues and received a plaque to put on the wall in their office. They now have partial control of 75 percent of the politician’s along with a few other groups that we didn’t elect to work for us – they don’t – they work against us for control of the country and WE THE PEOPLE. Don’t take my word or anyone’s word for it – check it out and if you’re not computer savvy, have your kids or grandkids do it for you.

These groups are responsible for all the unreliable information and propaganda the politicians constantly hand out. The truth is absolute,

It will be the same today as it was yesterday and as it will be tomorrow. Therefore, putting a spin on the facts in an effort to affect the outcome will not bear scrutiny. Within our midst we have an element of human beings whose main goal is to have power and control over others, in every facet of their lives.

A couple of very true quotes, “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, continued and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.”


In April I got the Proxy Ballot’s to vote for Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase new board of Director’s and Stockholder’s Proposals, with all their financial information. Those salaries are obscene! On the ballots they show the name of the new directors they want you to vote for, which they suggest you vote FOR and the stockholder’s proposals they ask you to vote AGAINST. Of course it gives you a block that you can vote for or against. I guess they expect their dumb stockholders to just read the ballot without reading all 65 pages, with information on the new directors and what

The shareholders proposals are requesting.

As I read all about the new guys coming on board, I wasn’t surprised that they had

HEAD-HUNTER’S out pulling in all the people from big financial corporations all over the nation and worldwide, but the ones that hit my outrage button was previous employees of our “FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM’. The ones that had been privy to all the closed door meeting during the corrupt banking, SEC, AIG and other corporate bailouts. They left shortly after Obama came into office. They are smart and know all the IN’S AND OUT’S of our financial system – how to finagle the numbers. I don’t blame them for hiring the best, but they have a method to their madness and greed. Some are from the largest private conglomerates engaging in exploration and producing of oil and gas, petroleum refining and marketing; and petrochemical and retail business. Big banks, both national and worldwide, even Independent Director and Senior Advisor to Worldwide Operations for brewing companies, plus directors for Merrill Lynch, Delphi Corporation, MBNA, NSTAR, an energy utility company, Global Banking and Global Wealth Management and Global Corporate Investment.

This one hit my button too – Former Chairman of FDIC, Coordinator in the Office of Gulf Coast Rebuilding, Chairman and CEO of First National Bank of Amarillo (TX), Board of Regents of Texas A&M University System, Stone Energy Corporation; QR Energy, Merrill Lynch International (United Kingdom). Next we have a former member of the Office of the Chairman, Morgan Stanley, Chairman of Global Capital Markets, and Managing director of Lehman Brothers and Saloman Brothers.

Directorships: Kahlberg Kravier Roberts & Co., and GMAC LLC, MSCI, Inc.

This one is a goody, Senior Advisor to “THE CARLYLE GROUP” (check that group out for your self – BUSHES AND THE BIN LADEN FAMILY ARE MEMBERS – ALL THE MONEYED PEOPLE OF THE WORLD) and he was “COMMISSIONER OF THE IRS” and on down the line. If any of these guys have a legal background, especially from the IRS and the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, if they make a misstep and our country is watching, they might be brought up on ethics charges.

I read all the Shareholders Proposals and voted FOR. Since I had written an article on our great NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION – THE U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, number 8 intrigued me. “Prohibition on Political Spending”, one of the large Asset Management Corporations, on behalf of a client, introduced the resolution. It refers to the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court case – down in the fifth paragraph of the resolution it states: “Many trade associations that receive corporate contributions spend vast sums in electoral politics; these payments are not required to be disclosed. For example, the U.S. Chamber if Commerce pledged to spend between $50 and $75 million in the 2010 election season, and announced that it would work to unseat any member of Congress who voted FOR HEALTHCARE REFORM.

According to Public Citizen, 32% of groups broadcasting electioneering communications in the 2010 primary season revealed the identities of donors in their Federal Election Commission filings, down from nearly 100 percent in the 2004 and 2006 cycles”.

The Shareholders request that the Board of Director’s adopt a policy prohibiting the use of corporate funds for any political election or campaign. I naturally voted the opposite of what they wanted, not that it will make any difference, but I had a choice and I did it my way!


When people read articles that I write and send to them I sometimes get a short answer such as, “you must be a commie”, these are from friends and relatives alike.

I reply with, “I am a dyed in the wool LIBERAL, but I know you are a dyed in the wool republican, as anyone they don’t agree with they call them a communist or a socialist. Thomas Jefferson said, “I never consider a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as a cause for withdrawing from a friend”, I will add or a relative.

Down through the centuries we have had different ideologies, not all right and not all wrong. It is the body of doctrines or thoughts that guides and individual, social movement, institution or group. Such a body of doctrine or thought forming a political or social program, along with the devices for putting it into operation, theorizing of a visionary or impractical nature – the study of the nature and origin of ideas – a philosophical system that derives ideas exclusively from sensation.

When different forms of, ideological governments were set up by men or a man, such as Hitler, it wasn’t done for the good of all the citizens. At the time of Communism when their world was in such bad shape, it was the Marx-Engels theory of Communism (I did research for a college thesis) that seemed to be a workable idea. Everyone work together, share and help one another. This is what our Bible asks us to do. In fact all basic religions share this thought, as each human being is not an island unto itself, we are part humanity, no matter what nation we are born into. But as always within our midst of human beings that have a different idea and they become the zealous advocate to start changing the original system. It becomes, as it has today, how can I make a buck on this. Capitalism in its true form, money seems to be the true measure of a man. Not the good that he can do with the money, but what the money can do for him. Money is a tool to work with for the good of all, not just a few.

I guess one could call me an advocate for the liberal ideology and a zealous one at that. All opinions are interesting and the study of ideologies are also, I just hate the ones that turn bad and hurt people. Our historian’s have tried to keep the fallacy of “this nation was built on Christian principles” alive, but it is still a lie, there is still no

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

To The Congress of The United States of America

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

To All Members:

The original quote is from the Gospel of St. Mark: If a house is divided against itself that house cannot stand and Jesus knew their thoughts said to them, “Every kingdom divided or any kingdom divided against itself cannot stand”.

Abraham Lincoln borrowed that quote in 1858. He died trying to make this country a better place, killed by a person from the North who sympathized with the South, as he wanted the country divided and for all people not to be equal and become one country under God.

The Civil War: American against American. This country was not built on Christian principles as many claim and still do, but nothing has changed in all these years. Politics, religion, racial prejudice still exists in our un-Christian country, along with avarice. There have been some good Christian people in our country. But I have never been able to understand why “white” people hate the race of a different color. The same God made all races and cultures of people on this earth in HIS IMAGE, so it states in the Bible that people claim to believe and they often quote – only parts that suit what they want to say. But I can certainly understand why the race of color would hate the “white” race. I know our history and am ashamed of it. The Civil War cost me many of my ancestors that died on the battlefield. At that time we were a country of ignorant uneducated citizens, the few that were educated remained willfully ignorant, but power hungry, wanting to control and run the states to suit themselves, not be a part of the United States, with a duly elected President having any rule over them. Good old States Rights! It is the same today, still a divided nation. There should be no politics involved in our military, in our justice system, nor in our religious denominations. A person’s religious belief is between them and God there is no go between. Each person has to pay for his sins. You are rewarded only for the good you do. I love the quote by Horace Mann, “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” Only a few of you have won some victory for us. NOT ONE REPUBLICAN!

At 85 I have followed politics all my adult life. We have had men that requested to be elected for their job and we the citizens gave them the job, as they said they would work for all the citizens of this country. Many lied and still do every time they open their mouth. I have never known a republican to tell the truth – and only a few of the democrats.

The truth is absolute – it will be the same today as it was yesterday and as it will be tomorrow. Therefore putting a spin on the facts in an effort to affect the outcome will not bear scrutiny. Within our midst we have an element of human beings whose main goal in life is to have power and control over others. You can twist perception as much as you care, but reality will not budge. It is easy to get caught up in the type of wolf-pack mentality that attacks the weak and helpless. Republicans have the wolf-pack mentality!

We the citizens of the United States are the EMPLOYER of the President, all 535 congressman all governors and all other EMPLOYEES of the federal, state, county and cities of our entire country – as our taxes pay your salaries and upkeep. You are supposed to be working for all the citizens of this country, but you only work for yourself, not we the citizens. You are a bunch of corrupt human beings. It is time for you to leave as all of you have become useless and no longer work for we the citizens of the United States.

Our republican congress works more with and for the republican governors to try to keep states rights in effect. Even to go so far as to side with them – 26 states – to bring down the Affordable Health Care Act. Not whether we the citizens like it or not, just that you in congress and the governors don’t want the President to be able to keep Affordable Health Care that he got passed! You congressman and the governors, want the money that will be coming in from the insurance companies, drug companies and all the under the table money. You guys really made a killing taking money from all the companies that didn’t want the healthcare bill to pass and you even took money from the ones who did want it to pass – worked both sides – but you all voted NO. I have a list and 13 senators really hit it big time. You took enough bribes to feed a lot of hungry people or help pay down the debt you ran up under the village idiot George Bush – in case you forgot, Bush ate and ran and Barack Obama had to pick up the check.

Government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob (FDR). We now have a group of right-wing politicians, corporations and power hungry men who are all these things set up by the American Legislative Exchange Council and “our non-profit organization the United States Chamber of Commerce” with the help of some men in the United States Supreme Court. Talk about treason and/or seditious conspiracy – all of you are the lowest form of human life!

I’m going back to the assassination of a president – this time John F. Kennedy, a democrat, assassinated by a group of republicans for more or less the same reason – they didn’t want him to have a second term and race. Two of those republicans and one democrat who played both sides involved actually became presidents. The one democrat only did two good things in all his years in congress and as president he passed Medicare and the Civil Rights Act.

If the Republican Party and their cohorts keep going, this country will be in another civil war and our land will be soaked with blood and bodies of the citizens of this country again. My ancestors have fought and died in every war this country has been involved in along with many of my American Indian ancestors. This time the people who have always been considered second-class citizens who had to fight for their rights as a human beings, the Indians, the people of color (lots of mixed races) and WOMEN. All of us have fought to hard for our place in this world and we have no intention of returning to the beginning.

I am only one of millions of citizens who feel as I do and we don’t want to live in a world of the Republican Party making.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Why can’t States and Counties run their own affairs any longer? They have to hire out of state and foreign countries to do the work and Tax the people for it.

Why can’t Counties can’t run their own hospitals that the citizens paid for?

Why can’t Counties can’t run their own jails that the citizens paid for?

Why can’t Counties can’t take care of their own roads that the citizens paid for?

Why can’t Counties can’t run their own schools that the citizens paid for?

Why are athletics more important in schools than academics?

Why does the State and County officials allow large money making private entities like oil and gas companies to run roughshod over its citizens?

Why does the State allow large corporations to take inmates in state prisons and use them as money making private entities?

Why aren’t the citizens allowed to vote on any and all new rules and laws put forth by County officials and State legislature before they go into effect?

Does anyone have an answer?