Tuesday, May 08, 2012


In April I got the Proxy Ballot’s to vote for Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase new board of Director’s and Stockholder’s Proposals, with all their financial information. Those salaries are obscene! On the ballots they show the name of the new directors they want you to vote for, which they suggest you vote FOR and the stockholder’s proposals they ask you to vote AGAINST. Of course it gives you a block that you can vote for or against. I guess they expect their dumb stockholders to just read the ballot without reading all 65 pages, with information on the new directors and what

The shareholders proposals are requesting.

As I read all about the new guys coming on board, I wasn’t surprised that they had

HEAD-HUNTER’S out pulling in all the people from big financial corporations all over the nation and worldwide, but the ones that hit my outrage button was previous employees of our “FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM’. The ones that had been privy to all the closed door meeting during the corrupt banking, SEC, AIG and other corporate bailouts. They left shortly after Obama came into office. They are smart and know all the IN’S AND OUT’S of our financial system – how to finagle the numbers. I don’t blame them for hiring the best, but they have a method to their madness and greed. Some are from the largest private conglomerates engaging in exploration and producing of oil and gas, petroleum refining and marketing; and petrochemical and retail business. Big banks, both national and worldwide, even Independent Director and Senior Advisor to Worldwide Operations for brewing companies, plus directors for Merrill Lynch, Delphi Corporation, MBNA, NSTAR, an energy utility company, Global Banking and Global Wealth Management and Global Corporate Investment.

This one hit my button too – Former Chairman of FDIC, Coordinator in the Office of Gulf Coast Rebuilding, Chairman and CEO of First National Bank of Amarillo (TX), Board of Regents of Texas A&M University System, Stone Energy Corporation; QR Energy, Merrill Lynch International (United Kingdom). Next we have a former member of the Office of the Chairman, Morgan Stanley, Chairman of Global Capital Markets, and Managing director of Lehman Brothers and Saloman Brothers.

Directorships: Kahlberg Kravier Roberts & Co., and GMAC LLC, MSCI, Inc.

This one is a goody, Senior Advisor to “THE CARLYLE GROUP” (check that group out for your self – BUSHES AND THE BIN LADEN FAMILY ARE MEMBERS – ALL THE MONEYED PEOPLE OF THE WORLD) and he was “COMMISSIONER OF THE IRS” and on down the line. If any of these guys have a legal background, especially from the IRS and the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, if they make a misstep and our country is watching, they might be brought up on ethics charges.

I read all the Shareholders Proposals and voted FOR. Since I had written an article on our great NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION – THE U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, number 8 intrigued me. “Prohibition on Political Spending”, one of the large Asset Management Corporations, on behalf of a client, introduced the resolution. It refers to the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court case – down in the fifth paragraph of the resolution it states: “Many trade associations that receive corporate contributions spend vast sums in electoral politics; these payments are not required to be disclosed. For example, the U.S. Chamber if Commerce pledged to spend between $50 and $75 million in the 2010 election season, and announced that it would work to unseat any member of Congress who voted FOR HEALTHCARE REFORM.

According to Public Citizen, 32% of groups broadcasting electioneering communications in the 2010 primary season revealed the identities of donors in their Federal Election Commission filings, down from nearly 100 percent in the 2004 and 2006 cycles”.

The Shareholders request that the Board of Director’s adopt a policy prohibiting the use of corporate funds for any political election or campaign. I naturally voted the opposite of what they wanted, not that it will make any difference, but I had a choice and I did it my way!

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