Tuesday, May 08, 2012

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

To The Congress of The United States of America

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

To All Members:

The original quote is from the Gospel of St. Mark: If a house is divided against itself that house cannot stand and Jesus knew their thoughts said to them, “Every kingdom divided or any kingdom divided against itself cannot stand”.

Abraham Lincoln borrowed that quote in 1858. He died trying to make this country a better place, killed by a person from the North who sympathized with the South, as he wanted the country divided and for all people not to be equal and become one country under God.

The Civil War: American against American. This country was not built on Christian principles as many claim and still do, but nothing has changed in all these years. Politics, religion, racial prejudice still exists in our un-Christian country, along with avarice. There have been some good Christian people in our country. But I have never been able to understand why “white” people hate the race of a different color. The same God made all races and cultures of people on this earth in HIS IMAGE, so it states in the Bible that people claim to believe and they often quote – only parts that suit what they want to say. But I can certainly understand why the race of color would hate the “white” race. I know our history and am ashamed of it. The Civil War cost me many of my ancestors that died on the battlefield. At that time we were a country of ignorant uneducated citizens, the few that were educated remained willfully ignorant, but power hungry, wanting to control and run the states to suit themselves, not be a part of the United States, with a duly elected President having any rule over them. Good old States Rights! It is the same today, still a divided nation. There should be no politics involved in our military, in our justice system, nor in our religious denominations. A person’s religious belief is between them and God there is no go between. Each person has to pay for his sins. You are rewarded only for the good you do. I love the quote by Horace Mann, “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” Only a few of you have won some victory for us. NOT ONE REPUBLICAN!

At 85 I have followed politics all my adult life. We have had men that requested to be elected for their job and we the citizens gave them the job, as they said they would work for all the citizens of this country. Many lied and still do every time they open their mouth. I have never known a republican to tell the truth – and only a few of the democrats.

The truth is absolute – it will be the same today as it was yesterday and as it will be tomorrow. Therefore putting a spin on the facts in an effort to affect the outcome will not bear scrutiny. Within our midst we have an element of human beings whose main goal in life is to have power and control over others. You can twist perception as much as you care, but reality will not budge. It is easy to get caught up in the type of wolf-pack mentality that attacks the weak and helpless. Republicans have the wolf-pack mentality!

We the citizens of the United States are the EMPLOYER of the President, all 535 congressman all governors and all other EMPLOYEES of the federal, state, county and cities of our entire country – as our taxes pay your salaries and upkeep. You are supposed to be working for all the citizens of this country, but you only work for yourself, not we the citizens. You are a bunch of corrupt human beings. It is time for you to leave as all of you have become useless and no longer work for we the citizens of the United States.

Our republican congress works more with and for the republican governors to try to keep states rights in effect. Even to go so far as to side with them – 26 states – to bring down the Affordable Health Care Act. Not whether we the citizens like it or not, just that you in congress and the governors don’t want the President to be able to keep Affordable Health Care that he got passed! You congressman and the governors, want the money that will be coming in from the insurance companies, drug companies and all the under the table money. You guys really made a killing taking money from all the companies that didn’t want the healthcare bill to pass and you even took money from the ones who did want it to pass – worked both sides – but you all voted NO. I have a list and 13 senators really hit it big time. You took enough bribes to feed a lot of hungry people or help pay down the debt you ran up under the village idiot George Bush – in case you forgot, Bush ate and ran and Barack Obama had to pick up the check.

Government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob (FDR). We now have a group of right-wing politicians, corporations and power hungry men who are all these things set up by the American Legislative Exchange Council and “our non-profit organization the United States Chamber of Commerce” with the help of some men in the United States Supreme Court. Talk about treason and/or seditious conspiracy – all of you are the lowest form of human life!

I’m going back to the assassination of a president – this time John F. Kennedy, a democrat, assassinated by a group of republicans for more or less the same reason – they didn’t want him to have a second term and race. Two of those republicans and one democrat who played both sides involved actually became presidents. The one democrat only did two good things in all his years in congress and as president he passed Medicare and the Civil Rights Act.

If the Republican Party and their cohorts keep going, this country will be in another civil war and our land will be soaked with blood and bodies of the citizens of this country again. My ancestors have fought and died in every war this country has been involved in along with many of my American Indian ancestors. This time the people who have always been considered second-class citizens who had to fight for their rights as a human beings, the Indians, the people of color (lots of mixed races) and WOMEN. All of us have fought to hard for our place in this world and we have no intention of returning to the beginning.

I am only one of millions of citizens who feel as I do and we don’t want to live in a world of the Republican Party making.

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