Tuesday, May 08, 2012


When people read articles that I write and send to them I sometimes get a short answer such as, “you must be a commie”, these are from friends and relatives alike.

I reply with, “I am a dyed in the wool LIBERAL, but I know you are a dyed in the wool republican, as anyone they don’t agree with they call them a communist or a socialist. Thomas Jefferson said, “I never consider a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as a cause for withdrawing from a friend”, I will add or a relative.

Down through the centuries we have had different ideologies, not all right and not all wrong. It is the body of doctrines or thoughts that guides and individual, social movement, institution or group. Such a body of doctrine or thought forming a political or social program, along with the devices for putting it into operation, theorizing of a visionary or impractical nature – the study of the nature and origin of ideas – a philosophical system that derives ideas exclusively from sensation.

When different forms of, ideological governments were set up by men or a man, such as Hitler, it wasn’t done for the good of all the citizens. At the time of Communism when their world was in such bad shape, it was the Marx-Engels theory of Communism (I did research for a college thesis) that seemed to be a workable idea. Everyone work together, share and help one another. This is what our Bible asks us to do. In fact all basic religions share this thought, as each human being is not an island unto itself, we are part humanity, no matter what nation we are born into. But as always within our midst of human beings that have a different idea and they become the zealous advocate to start changing the original system. It becomes, as it has today, how can I make a buck on this. Capitalism in its true form, money seems to be the true measure of a man. Not the good that he can do with the money, but what the money can do for him. Money is a tool to work with for the good of all, not just a few.

I guess one could call me an advocate for the liberal ideology and a zealous one at that. All opinions are interesting and the study of ideologies are also, I just hate the ones that turn bad and hurt people. Our historian’s have tried to keep the fallacy of “this nation was built on Christian principles” alive, but it is still a lie, there is still no

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

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