Saturday, July 28, 2012



When I heard the GOP had blocked the vote on the Jobs bill, which would have been good for the American workers, I couldn’t believe the men who were elected to serve the citizens of this country would do such a dastardly thing. But I was wrong. The GOP senators didn’t allow the senate to vote on the NO. 1 item on the President’s congressional “to-do-list” they filibustered, so there wouldn’t even be a vote. So everyone making a comment that the democrats control the senate, your ignorance regarding our government is showing. But I see the same people copy and paste their “Don’t the democrats control the senate?” comment even after reading that the GOP filibustered so there wouldn’t be a vote, so they obviously know, but still want to post their LIE in hopes the uninformed will believe them.

I read and listen to everything going on in our world. I listen to what other people say and find that many say the same things I say and think. Lots of the things I am going to write are quotes from other people and it makes me feel good to know I am not the only one who feels the way I do. I can’t print their names, as I don’t know who they are, but I thank them for their statements.

In 2010 the Republicans DID run on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, didn’t they? As soon as they got in power, their true colors came out and it went from jobs, jobs, jobs, to END OBAMA AT ALL COSTS! Even if it meant sacrificing the American public, and most Americans were too blind to realize that. It’s almost like the republicans all agreed to not let OBAMA get anything done for 4 years so they could blame him when things only got moderately better….. It’s not about the American people, anymore, it’s about how they can get rid of OBAMA.

The really disgusting part is, knowing that they know full well what they are doing. That they chuckle to each other in private gatherings, that their plan is working, and that their plan is to play with our lives, the lives and future of our children and grandchildren, for nothing more than political gain. They are willing to destroy the economy permitting all the related consequences for POWER. I am convinced and have been for many years that the Republicans and some corporations are in cahoots to keep the economy in the dumps until after the elections. These congressmen and companies will be rewarded if Rommey becomes president. They are like hedge funds----betting against the Country. If the Country tanks, they win. This is TREASON at the very worst! Terrorist, wear business suits in congress and claim to be doing what is best for America. I guess, just like a terrorist would think, destroying it is best for America. Same thing, you don’t need a weapon to be a terrorist----See Republican congressmen for an example.

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