Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Our War Machine Builders:

Hey, some of you smart people, tell me how our big war machine builders make their money? Who pays them to make all of the war machines for the United States? Who gives them the big contracts to build them for us? Our government with our money! At who’s request? Our big warmongers in our government that want to help their wealthy corporate friends! Then what do we do with them? We send all this equipment overseas to be used to fight a war against people that never attacked us, like Iraq and Afghanistan. It is blown up along with our soldier’s and the citizen’s of those countries. They aren’t protecting us; they are filling the pockets of all the big conglomerates all over this country and overseas in every imaginable way. We have drained our Treasury and broke this country on the whims of a bunch of corrupt, greedy and power hungry American men. There was not an Iraqi or an Afghanistan in the bunch that ‘supposedly’ came here on 9/11. Every country has a militaristic criminal element.

They were all from Saudi Arabia. Osama Bin Laden is from Saudi Arabia. In fact all of his family is still there doing business with the United States through the Carlyle Group with Bushes and friends. He might have gotten on the wrong side of some one in Saudi Arabia and had to leave town for a while, but he still gets his money from there. Isn’t it strange that the countries that want do business with the US, like Saddam in Iraq and Afghanistan (some factions), get blown to smithereens, plus what we tried to do to Iran (Iran-contra) and the Kurds at one time. Go back and note the other little countries that didn’t want to be ruled by the US that got the shaft over these many years. Strange isn’t it that our big capitalist get along so well with the Saudi Arabia and their leaders are some of the sorriest people in the world. But we go right over and brown nose whenever they holler.

Now our big war machine builders are going to sell them $60 billion of war machines. We of course will send someone right over to teach them how to use all these goodies, or have them send their soldiers over here to be trained. We have done this with all other nations. Not only will the other nations in that part of the country not be safe as they do not like the Saudi’s nor do the Saudi’s like them. It was especially true of Saddam Hussein. None of the different nations like each other, about the only thing any of them have in common is their religion and many of them have a lot of different rules. Reminds me of our country and our politicians. Between our religions, politics and avarice we have ruined our once great country.

When Saudi starts to take over in that part of the world, we will be up a creek without a paddle. We will have been used up already by, the capitalist all over the world.

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